Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue forever changed the gaming landscape and became the most popular franchises ever. Its merchandise sales exceed Harry Potter, Lego, and Star Wars. Little did we know that Pokémon would be the juggernaut it was back on Feb. 27, 1996. Developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo, these seminal titles marked the inception of a cultural phenomenon that continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Then Game Freak released Pokémon Gold & Silver. Fans were blown away by the increase in Pokémon and a brand new country to explore. But what were the main differences and similarities of the two generations?
The original series introduced players to the enchanting realm of Kanto, where the dream of becoming a Pokémon Master began. Young children and adults were given the choice between three starter Pokémon: Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. With each version offering exclusive creatures and subtle variations, the Red vs. Blue debate sparked a timeless rivalry among fans.
Furthermore, Pokémon Gold & Silver followed a similar vein. The generation introduced Johto, a brand new land to explore with its own Pokémon, items, gym leaders, and dangers. Instead of the usual three Pokémon, players chose from Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile.
Pokémon Gold & Silver vs. Blue, Red, Green Pokémon List

Pokémon Red and Blue List
The first differences were the available Pokémon. Here is the complete list of Pokémon Red, Blue and Green.
Pokémon Red | Pokémon Red | Pokémon Green |
Abra | Abra | Abra |
Aerodactyl | Aerodactyl | Aerodactyl |
Alakazam | Alakazam | Alakazam |
Arbok | Articuno | Articuno |
Arcanine | Beedrill | Beedrill |
Articuno | Bellsprout | Bellsprout |
Beedrill | Blastoise | Blastoise |
Blastoise | Bulbasaur | Bulbasaur |
Bulbasaur | Butterfree | Butterfree |
Butterfree | Caterpie | Caterpie |
Caterpie | Chansey | Chansey |
Chansey | Charizard | Charizard |
Charizard | Charmander | Charmander |
Charmander | Charmeleon | Charmeleon |
Charmeleon | Clefable | Clefable |
Clefable | Clefairy | Clefairy |
Clefairy | Cloyster | Cloyster |
Cloyster | Cubone | Cubone |
Cubone | Dewgong | Dewgong |
Dewgong | Diglett | Diglett |
Diglett | Ditto | Ditto |
Ditto | Dodrio | Dodrio |
Dodrio | Doduo | Doduo |
Doduo | Dragonair | Dragonair |
Dragonair | Dragonite | Dragonite |
Dragonite | Dratini | Dratini |
Dratini | Drowzee | Drowzee |
Drowzee | Dugtrio | Dugtrio |
Dugtrio | Eevee | Eevee |
Eevee | Electrode | Electrode |
Ekans | Exeggcute | Exeggcute |
Electabuzz | Exegutor | Exegutor |
Electrode | Farfetch’d | Farfetch’d |
Exeggcute | Fearow | Fearow |
Exeggutor | Flareon | Flareon |
Farfetch’d | Gastly | Gastly |
Fearow | Gengar | Gengar |
Flareon | Geodude | Geodude |
Gastly | Golbat | Golbat |
Gengar | Goldeen | Goldeen |
Geodude | Golduck | Golduck |
Gloom | Golem | Golem |
Golbat | Graveler | Graveler |
Goldeen | Grimer | Grimer |
Golduck | Gyarados | Gyarados |
Golem | Haunter | Haunter |
Graveler | Hitmonlee | Hitmonlee |
Grimer | Hitonchan | Hitonchan |
Growlithe | Horsea | Horsea |
Gyarados | Hypno | Hypno |
Haunter | Ivysaur | Ivysaur |
Hitmonchan | Jigglypuff | Jigglypuff |
Hitmonlee | Jolteon | Jolteon |
Horsea | Jynx | Jynx |
Hypno | Kabuto | Kabuto |
Ivysaur | Kabutops | Kabutops |
Jigglypuff | Kadabra | Kadabra |
Jolteon | Kakuna | Kakuna |
Jynx | Kangaskhan | Kangaskhan |
Kabuto | Kingler | Kingler |
Kabutops | Koffing | Koffing |
Kadabra | Krabby | Krabby |
Kakuna | Lapras | Lapras |
Kangaskhan | Lickitung | Lickitung |
Kingler | Machamp | Machamp |
Koffing | Machoke | Machoke |
Krabby | Machop | Machop |
Lapras | Magikarp | Magikarp |
Lickitung | Magmar | Magmar |
Machamp | Magnemite | Magnemite |
Machoke | Magneton | Magneton |
Machop | Marowak | Marowak |
Magikarp | Meowth | Meowth |
Magnemite | Metapod | Metapod |
Magneton | Mew | Mew |
Mankey | Mewtwo | Mewtwo |
Marowak | Moltres | Moltres |
Metapod | Mr. Mime | Mr. Mime |
Mew | Muk | Muk |
Mewtwo | Nidoking | Nidoking |
Moltres | Nidoqueen | Nidoqueen |
Mr. Mime | Nidoran (Female) | Nidoran (Female) |
Muk | Nidoran (Male) | Nidoran (Male) |
Nidoking | Nidorina | Nidorina |
Nidoqueen | Nidorino | Nidorino |
Nidoran♂ | Ninetales | Ninetales |
Nidoran♀ | Omanyte | Omanyte |
Nidorina | Omastar | Omastar |
Nidorino | Onix | Onix |
Oddish | Paras | Paras |
Omanyte | Parasect | Parasect |
Omastar | Persian | Persian |
Onix | Pidgeot | Pidgeot |
Paras | Pidgeotto | Pidgeotto |
Parasect | Pidgey | Pidgey |
Pidgeot | Pikachu | Pikachu |
Pidgeotto | Pinsir | Pinsir |
Pidgey | Poliwag | Poliwag |
Pikachu | Poliwhirl | Poliwhirl |
Poliwag | Poliwrath | Poliwrath |
Poliwhirl | Ponyta | Ponyta |
Poliwrath | Porygon | Porygon |
Ponyta | Psyduck | Psyduck |
Porygon | Raichu | Raichu |
Primeape | Rapidash | Rapidash |
Psyduck | Raticate | Raticate |
Raichu | Rattata | Rattata |
Rapidash | Rhydon | Rhydon |
Raticate | Rhyhorn | Rhyhorn |
Rattata | Sandshrew | Sandshrew |
Rhydon | Sandslash | Sandslash |
Rhyhorn | Seadra | Seadra |
Scyther | Seaking | Seaking |
Seadra | Seel | Seel |
Seaking | Shellder | Shellder |
Seel | Slowbro | Slowbro |
Shellder | Slowpoke | Slowpoke |
Slowbro | Snorlax | Snorlax |
Slowpoke | Spearow | Spearow |
Snorlax | Squirtle | Squirtle |
Spearow | Starmie | Starmie |
Squirtle | Staryu | Staryu |
Starmie | Tangela | Tangela |
Staryu | Tauros | Tauros |
Tangela | Tentacool | Tentacool |
Tauros | Tentacruel | Tentacruel |
Tentacool | Vaporeon | Vaporeon |
Tentacruel | Venomoth | Venomoth |
Vaporeon | Venonat | Venonat |
Venomoth | Venusaur | Venusaur |
Venonat | Victreebel | Victreebel |
Venusaur | Voltorb | Voltorb |
Vileplume | Vulpix | Vulpix |
Voltorb | Wartortle | Wartortle |
Wartortle | Weedle | Weedle |
Weedle | Weepinbell | Weepinbell |
Weezing | Weezing | Weezing |
Wigglytuff | Wigglytuff | Wigglytuff |
Zapdos | Zapdos | Zapdos |
Zubat | Zubat | Zubat |
Pokémon Gold & Silver List
Here is the complete list for Pokémon Gold & Silver.
Pokémon Gold | Pokémon Silver |
Chikorita | Chikorita |
Bayleef | Bayleef |
Meganium | Meganium |
Cyndaquil | Cyndaquil |
Quilava | Quilava |
Typhlosion | Typhlosion |
Totodile | Totodile |
Croconaw | Croconaw |
Feraligatr | Feraligatr |
Sentret | Sentret |
Furret | Furret |
Hoothoot | Hoothoot |
Noctowl | Noctowl |
Ledyba | Ledyba |
Ledian | Ledian |
Spinarak | Spinarak |
Ariados | Ariados |
Crobat | Crobat |
Chinchou | Chinchou |
Lanturn | Lanturn |
Pichu | Pichu |
Cleffa | Cleffa |
Igglybuff | Igglybuff |
Togepi | Togepi |
Togetic | Togetic |
Natu | Natu |
Xatu | Xatu |
Mareep | Mareep |
Flaaffy | Flaaffy |
Ampharos | Ampharos |
Bellossom | Bellossom |
Marill | Marill |
Azumarill | Azumarill |
Sudowoodo | Sudowoodo |
Politoed | Politoed |
Hoppip | Hoppip |
Skiploom | Skiploom |
Jumpluff | Jumpluff |
Aipom | Aipom |
Sunkern | Sunkern |
Sunflora | Sunflora |
Yanma | Yanma |
Wooper | Wooper |
Quagsire | Quagsire |
Espeon | Espeon |
Umbreon | Umbreon |
Murkrow | Murkrow |
Slowking | Slowking |
Misdreavous | Misdreavous |
Unown | Unown |
Wobbuffet | Wobbuffet |
Girafarig | Girafarig |
Pineco | Pineco |
Forretress | Forretress |
Dunsparce | Dunsparce |
Gligar | Gligar |
Steelix | Steelix |
Snubbull | Snubbull |
Granbull | Granbull |
Qwilfish | Qwilfish |
Scizor | Scizor |
Shuckle | Shuckle |
Heracross | Heracross |
Sneasel | Sneasel |
Teddiursa | Teddiursa |
Ursaring | Ursaring |
Slugma | Slugma |
Magcargo | Magcargo |
Swinub | Swinub |
Piloswine | Piloswine |
Corsola | Corsola |
Remoraid | Remoraid |
Octillery | Octillery |
Delibird | Delibird |
Mantine | Mantine |
Skarmory | Skarmory |
Houndour | Houndour |
Houndoom | Houndoom |
Kingdra | Kingdra |
Phanpy | Phanpy |
Donphan | Donphan |
Porygon2 | Porygon2 |
Stantler | Stantler |
Smeargle | Smeargle |
Tyrogue | Tyrogue |
Hitmontop | Hitmontop |
Smoochum | Smoochum |
Elekid | Elekid |
Magby | Magby |
Miltank | Miltank |
Blissey | Blissey |
Raikou | Raikou |
Entei | Entei |
Suicune | Suicune |
Larvitar | Larvitar |
Pupitar | Pupitar |
Tyranitar | Tyranitar |
Lugia | Lugia |
Ho-Oh | Ho-Oh |
Celebi | Celebi |
Besides the difference in Pokémon, Gold and Silver added new challenges.
Blue, Red, Green vs. Gold and Silver Gym Leaders
Pokémon Gold & Silver Gym Leaders
- Falkner (Violet City Gym):
- Pokémon: Pidgey, Pidgeotto
- Bugsy (Azalea Town Gym):
- Pokémon: Metapod, Kakuna, Scyther
- Whitney (Goldenrod City Gym):
- Pokémon: Clefairy, Miltank
- Morty (Ecruteak City Gym):
- Pokémon: Gastly, Haunter, Haunter, Gengar
- Chuck (Cianwood City Gym):
- Pokémon: Primeape, Poliwrath
- Jasmine (Olivine City Gym):
- Pokémon: Magnemite, Magnemite, Steelix
- Pryce (Mahogany Town Gym):
- Pokémon: Seel, Dewgong, Piloswine
- Clair (Blackthorn City Gym):
- Pokémon: Dragonair, Dragonair, Dragonair, Kingdra
Pokémon Blue, Red and Green Gym Leaders
Kanto Gym Leaders:
- Brock (Pewter City Gym):
- Pokémon: Geodude, Onix
- Misty (Cerulean City Gym):
- Pokémon: Goldeen, Quagsire, Lapras
- Lt. Surge (Vermilion City Gym):
- Pokémon: Voltorb, Pikachu, Raichu
- Erika (Celadon City Gym):
- Pokémon: Victreebel, Tangela, Vileplume
- Janine (Fuchsia City Gym):
- Pokémon: Crobat, Weezing, Ariados, Venomoth
- Sabrina (Saffron City Gym):
- Pokémon: Kadabra, Mr. Mime, Alakazam
- Blaine (Cinnabar Island Gym):
- Pokémon: Ninetales, Rapidash, Arcanine, Magmar
- Blue (Viridian City Gym):
- Pokémon: Pidgeot, Alakazam, Rhydon, Exeggutor, Arcanine, Blastoise
Blue, Red, Green vs. Gold and Silver Items
Pokémon Gold and Silver Items
- Potion
- Super Potion
- Hyper Potion
- Max Potion
- Full Restore
- Revive
- Max Revive
- Antidote
- Parlyz Heal
- Awakening
- Burn Heal
- Ice Heal
- Full Heal
- Escape Rope
- Repel
- Max Repel
- Poké Ball
- Great Ball
- Ultra Ball
- Master Ball
- TM01 – Dynamic Punch
- TM02 – Headbutt
- TM03 – Curse
- TM04 – Rollout
- TM05 – Roar
- TM06 – Toxic
- TM07 – Zap Cannon
- TM08 – Rock Smash
- TM09 – Psych Up
- TM10 – Hidden Power
- HM01 – Cut
- HM02 – Fly
- HM03 – Surf
- HM04 – Strength
- HM05 – Flash
- HM06 – Whirlpool
- HM07 – Waterfall
- TM11 – Sunny Day
- TM12 – Sweet Scent
- TM13 – Snore
- TM14 – Blizzard
- TM15 – Hyper Beam
- TM16 – Icy Wind
- TM17 – Protect
- TM18 – Rain Dance
- TM19 – Giga Drain
- TM20 – Endure
- TM21 – Frustration
- TM22 – Solar Beam
- TM23 – Iron Tail
- TM24 – Dragonbreath
- TM25 – Thunder
- TM26 – Earthquake
- TM27 – Return
- TM28 – Dig
- TM29 – Psychic
- TM30 – Shadow Ball
- TM31 – Mud-Slap
- TM32 – Double Team
- TM33 – Ice Punch
- TM34 – Swagger
- TM35 – Sleep Talk
- TM36 – Sludge Bomb
- TM37 – Sandstorm
- TM38 – Fire Blast
- TM39 – Swift
- TM40 – Defense Curl
- TM41 – ThunderPunch
- TM42 – Dream Eater
- TM43 – Detect
- TM44 – Rest
- TM45 – Attract
- TM46 – Thief
- TM47 – Steel Wing
- TM48 – Fire Punch
- TM49 – Fury Cutter
- TM50 – Nightmare
Pokémon Blue Red and Green Item List
- Potion
- Super Potion
- Hyper Potion
- Max Potion
- Full Restore
- Revive
- Max Revive
- Antidote
- Parlyz Heal
- Awakening
- Burn Heal
- Ice Heal
- Full Heal
- Escape Rope
- Repel
- Super Repel
- Max Repel
- Poké Ball
- Great Ball
- Ultra Ball
- Master Ball
- TM01 – Mega Punch
- TM02 – Razor Wind
- TM03 – Swords Dance
- TM04 – Whirlwind
- TM05 – Mega Kick
- TM06 – Toxic
- TM07 – Horn Drill
- TM08 – Body Slam
- TM09 – Take Down
- TM10 – Double-Edge
- TM11 – BubbleBeam
- TM12 – Water Gun
- TM13 – Ice Beam
- TM14 – Blizzard
- TM15 – Hyper Beam
- TM16 – Pay Day
- TM17 – Submission
- TM18 – Counter
- TM19 – Seismic Toss
- TM20 – Rage
- TM21 – Mega Drain
- TM22 – Solar Beam
- TM23 – Dragon Rage
- TM24 – Thunderbolt
- TM25 – Thunder
- TM26 – Earthquake
- TM27 – Fissure
- TM28 – Dig
- TM29 – Psychic
- TM30 – Teleport
- TM31 – Mimic
- TM32 – Double Team
- TM33 – Reflect
- TM34 – Bide
- TM35 – Metronome
- TM36 – Self-Destruct
- TM37 – Egg Bomb
- TM38 – Fire Blast
- TM39 – Swift
- TM40 – Skull Bash
- TM41 – Soft-Boiled
- TM42 – Dream Eater
- TM43 – Sky Attack
- TM44 – Rest
- TM45 – Thunder Wave
- TM46 – Psywave
- TM47 – Explosion
- TM48 – Rock Slide
- TM49 – Tri Attack
- TM50 – Substitute
- HM01 – Cut
- HM02 – Fly
- HM03 – Surf
- HM04 – Strength
- HM05 – Flash
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Cover art of Pokemon Gold.