



Nintendo States Revolution Games Will Be Cheap

Nintendo States Revolution Games Will Be Cheap


Nintendo has been making its mark by not following the crowd into the next generation. Satoru Iwata, the President of Nintendo, has mentioned another way Nintendo is straying from the mainstream. He has stated to CNN/Money that he “cannot imagine any first part [next-gen] title could be priced for more than $50.” This means that you can get a boatload of Mario and Zelda for a little cash. Microsoft currently has first-price games priced at $49.99.

“In the US, we’re going to see the next-generation cost an awful lot,” Iwata commented. “I really don’t think that there’s going to be a lot of acceptance by current customers of the $60 price tag. They may allow that for a limited number of premium titles, but not all.”

Nintendo has already mentioned that the Revolution will be priced lower than other next-gen consoles.

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