Get at least 1,500,000 points in a single shot in PAINdemonium to unlock Aftermath, which is a remixed version of PAINdemonium.
Block Party
Launch at Granny and drag her down into the subway with you onto the tracks to unlock Block Party, which is an alternate version of Downtown with the launcher at the other end of town.
Play Block Party. Get the explosive crate to the left of the construction worker sitting on the rotating donut. Fly into the wall in front of you, then super-ooch over the train tracks towards the police car. You will see a policeman and a bikini-wearing girl. Bomb the girl with the crate, then press R1 followed by Select to start the level again. Repeat this a total of five times to unlock Demolition.
Bonus characters
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:
- Dick in Suit: Use Andy Dick to get two pedestrians in the sewers in Block Party.
- Ed The Cow: Use a Grab-Bomb Box to destroy the cow on the Downtown level twelve times.
- Ice Tea: Get shot in the “junk” fifty times.
- Space Takei: Go 3,000 feet while grabbing a vehicle with George Takei.
- The Dude: Play the “Bowling” multi-player game twelve times.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding award:
- 1.5 Mil Pain: Have a Pain Score of at least 1,500,000 points.
- 2 Mil Points: Score at least 2,000,000 points.
- 20X Combo: Get a combo bar of 20.
- 3 Mil Points: Score at least 3,000,000 points.
- 500k Pain: Have a Pain Score of at least 500,000 points.
- 500k Points: Score at least 500,000 points.
- Blue Hair: Grab the old woman.
- Bowling Ball!: Grab the bowling ball.
- Cross Town: Travel 2,000 feet in a single launch.
- Frequent Flyer: Travel over 200 miles.
- Grab Master: Make 1,000 Grabs.
- King of the Jungle: Grab a Swinging Girder.
- Moon Landing: Reach an altitude of 300,000 feet.
- Sick and Twisted: Make 500 Grabs.
- Take A Ride: Grab the Train.
Freestyle mode in Fun With Explosives
Get a “Gold” rank in Fun With Explosives on the Painful difficulty to unlock the Freestyle difficulty.
Hard mode in Fun With Explosives
Get a “Gold” rank in Fun With Explosives on the Normal difficulty to unlock the Hard difficulty.
Painful mode in Fun With Explosives
Get a “Gold” rank in Fun With Explosives on the Hard difficulty to unlock the Painful difficulty.
Hard mode in Mime Toss
Get a “Gold” rank in Mime Toss on the Normal difficulty to unlock the Hard difficulty.
Painful mode in Mime Toss
Get a “Gold” rank in Mime Toss on the Hard difficulty to unlock the Painful difficulty.
Hard mode in Spank The Monkey
Get a “Gold” rank in Spank The Monkey on the Normal difficulty to unlock the Hard difficulty.
Painful mode in Spank The Monkey
Get a “Gold” rank in Spank The Monkey on the Hard difficulty to unlock the Painful difficulty.
Easier Spank The Monkey in Hard mode
On the harder difficulties, it sometimes becomes difficult to locate the monkeys. After a successful launch, press Triangle to start Replay mode. Use the free camera view with L2 to navigate the map and find the next monkey you need to hit at no time cost.
When you are in the slingshot, press [Replay]. Then, go to any window in front of you to see a UFO.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Dude Abides (Bronze): Use Dude Abides.
- D-Town Destruction (Bronze): Get 2,000,000 score in Paindemonium and Aftermath.
- Pain in the Park (Bronze): Get 2,000,000 score in Abusement and After Hours.
- Combo Mambo (Bronze): Get 15x Combo in Paindemonium, Aftermath, Block Party, Demolition.
- Horsin’ a Clown (Bronze): Take the Clown for a ride on the Roller Coaster.
- Glutton (Bronze): Make 30.
- Constipated (Bronze): Get 100 Strikes in Bowling.
- Pain and Mane (Bronze): Play 100 Games of Trauma or Horse.
- Attention Spam (Bronze): Get every type of PAIN (Groin, Head, Arm, Hand, Leg, Foot and Body) combo in Paindemonium, Aftermath, Block Party, Demolition.
- Grenade-a-Maid (Bronze): Get Exploded 200 times with any female launchable add-on character.
- 2 Mill Club (Silver): Get 2 million.
- Harder Dick’s Balls (Silver): Get all of Dicks Balls in the Block Party Dumpster without reset.
- Ninja pwn (Silver): Hit the Target Stuffed Ninja in every Amusement Park Mode.
- Rodeo Clown (Silver): Use Ed to Explode 500 barrels in Clown Toss.
- Trill (Silver): Get Painful Bullseye Trophy with Scurv Dogg or Hung Lo add-on characters.
- Affliction Addiction (Gold): Get One 100 Million Points in Downtown.
- King of Pain (Gold): Get All Downtown Trophies.
The following trophies require the “Museum” bonus downloadable content:
- Bone Smoker (Bronze): Throw-bomb any large dinosaur skeleton 30 times.
- Butter Mousetrap (Bronze): Mousetrap into the toaster in the stifstonian without hitting the ground.
- MILF All Knight Long (Bronze): Complete mummy i’d like to fling without resetting.
- Monkey-On-Monkey (Silver): Earn gold in museum spank normal, hard and painful with Ivan Tojakov.
- Potty Time (Silver): Dive into 3 urinals, experience some FArt, and blow up the stinker status in one run in the stiffstonian.
- Zoom Raider (Gold): Travel through all the secret passages in one run in stiffstonian, knight at the museum and fun with explosives single player (any difficulty).
The following trophies require the “Smack Pack” bonus downloadable content:
- Sore Setting (Gold): Find and hit the alien artifact in both PAIN Reunion and Sports Day and the sports trophy in both PROBE and Afterglow.
- Secret Santa (Silver): Open all the unlocked lockers in PAIN Reunion using Santa.
- Handy-Capped (Silver): Complete Mad Science! PAINful without grabbing.
- Lo Touch (Bronze): Grab teleporting Hung Lo in PAIN Reunion.
- Everyone’s a Winner (Bronze): Get a negative distance on the Anvil Toss in PAINalympics.
- It’s Full of Cars (Bronze): Send the black sedan through the portal in PROBE.
The following trophies require the “Sore Spot” bonus downloadable content:
- Everyone’s a Winner (Bronze): Get a negative distance on the Anvil Toss in PAINalympics.
- Handy-capped (Silver): Complete Mad Science! PAINFUL without grabbing.
- It’s Full of Cars (Bronze): Send the black sedan through the portal in PROBE.
- Lo Touch (Bronze): Grab teleporting Hung Lo in PAIN Reunion.
- Secret Santa (Silver): Open all the unlocked lockers in PAIN Reunion using Santa.
- Sore Spotting (Gold): Find and hit the alien artifact in both PAIN Reunion and Sports Day and the Sports trophy in both PROBE and Afterglow.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.