



Ratchet And Clank: Into The Nexus Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

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Ratchet And Clank: Into The Nexus Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Ratchet And Clank: Into The Nexus Trophies

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Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

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    The Pride of Fastoon (Platinum): Collect every trophy in Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus.
    A Walk in the Park (Bronze): Beat the game on Cadet difficulty.
    The Adventurer (Silver): Beat the game on Hero difficulty.
    The Legend (Gold): Beat the game on Legend difficulty.
    The Show Off (Gold): Beat the game in Challenge Mode.
    Thug Life (Bronze): Win the Destructapalooza Bronze Cup.
    Thug Rookie (Silver): Win the Destructapalooza Silver Cup.
    Thug Champion (Gold): Win the Destructapalooza Gold Cup.
    Vault Cracker (Gold): Unlock the vault on planet Thram.
    In Case of Zombies… (Gold): Purchase all weapons.
    Armored and Dangerous (Silver): Purchase all armor.
    Going Commando (Silver): Upgrade 1 weapon to level 6.
    Up Your Arsenal (Gold): Upgrade all weapons to level 6.
    Gold Rush (Gold): Collect all Gold Bolts.
    Greed (Silver): Collect 1,000,000 bolts over the course of the game.
    Your Worst Nightmare (Silver): Scare at least one of every type of enemy using the Nightmare Box.
    Precious Metal (Bronze): Collect 200 raritanium over the course of the game.
    Exterminator (Bronze): Beat Pest Control with just the Omniwrench.
    Into the Nether Region (Silver): Complete all Netherverse segments.

Additionally, there are four secret trophies:

    Leap for Your Life (Bronze): Grav-Leap to the Thug ship circling the Nebulox Seven.
    Sweet Justice (Bronze): Defeat Neftin Prog.
    Shaky Truce (Bronze): Form an alliance with Neftin Prog.
    Cross the Streams (Bronze): Defeat the Nether Leader and banish his kind.
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