



RUMOR: Army Of Four Being Developed By EA?

RUMOR: Army Of Four Being Developed By EA?


I don’t know what it is about voice actors, but they all seem to think it’s perfectly acceptable to talk about their work on games that haven’t been officially announced. We game journalists think it’s great, but I can’t imagine that the developers feel the same way.

The latest unofficial announcement came from Joe Flanigan, whom you may have seen in Stargate: Atlantis or Dawson’s Creek . A couple of days ago, Flanigan tweeted that he’s been hired to do a little voice work on the sequel to 2010’s Army of Two: The 40th Day.

“Just signed on to do the new AO4 video game for Electronic Arts,” reads the tweet. “Some splinter from Battlefield. Finally, my kids think I am cool again.”

A few minutes later, Flanigan admitted that he may have been confused; Army of Four wasn’t a splinter from the Battlefield franchise. He added, “Thank God my kids don’t read Twitter.”

Well, we’ve got bad news for you, Mr. Flanigan: No one’s kids think they’re cool.

By Josh Engen

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