



RUMOR: Jak and Daxter Getting Remade In HD?

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RUMOR: Jak and Daxter Getting Remade In HD?


HD remakes are pretty common these days, and while some people complain about how it’s little more than a cheap way to resell a game that we’ve already played, seeing what the games you loved in generations past look like in HD is a lot of fun. We’ve already been able to do this with Sly Cooper, God of War, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, and Splinter Cell, and we’ll be seeing Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders, and Final Fantasy X get similar treatment. Now there is a rumor going around that Jak and Daxter will be added to the mix as well.

According to Digital Spy, a PS3 game called Jak and Daxter HD Collection is scheduled for release in January 2012. Supposedly, a South African online business called BT Games had the collection listed on its site, but as of now the listing has been taken down. Unfortunately Digital Spy does not have a screen-cap proving the listing was there in the first place, and we couldn’t use the Wayback Machine to find it either. So take this announcement with a grain of salt.

Still, there have been six Jak and Daxter games released so far, and getting them all on one Blu-Ray disk would just be awesome. However, we’d be more likely to see a smaller collection than that.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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