Samurai Warriors: State Of War
Ultimate Warrior story
Successfully complete the Ieyasu’s Volition, East United, West United, and Nobunaga’s Ambition stories to unlock the Ultimate Warrior story. This story features Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors characters. It will appear as the fourth campaign for all characters.
Maximum stats
Successfully complete all Story mode levels for all characters to gain the ability to increase any stat to the maximum.
Bonus characters
Successfully complete the indicated character’s campaign to unlock the corresponding bonus character:
- Goemon Ishikawa: Successfully complete Magoichi’s first campaign.
- Hanzo Hattori: Successfully complete Yukimura’s second campaign.
- Hideyoshi Hashiba: Successfully complete Nobunaga’s first campaign.
- Ina: Successfully complete Yukimura’s second campaign.
- Keiji Maeda: Successfully complete Magoichi’s first campaign.
- Kunoichi: Successfully complete Yukimura’s first campaign.
- Masumune Date: Successfully complete Tadakatsu’s first campaign.
- Mitsuhide Akechi: Successfully complete Nobunaga’s second campaign.
- Noh: Successfully complete Nobunaga’s first campaign.
- Ranmaru Mori: Successfully complete Nobunaga’s second campaign.
- Shingen Takeda: Successfully complete Yukimura’s first campaign.
- Tadakatsu Honda: Successfully complete Yukimura’s second campaign.
- Yoshimoto Imagawa: Successfully complete Tadakatsu’s first campaign.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.