



SFxTK Gaining Replay Analysis, Gems

SFxTK Gaining Replay Analysis, Gems


Today’s Street Fighter X Tekken update contains more than just bug fixes. This time out, fighting game fans are looking at a tremendous bounty of new content in the form of an absurd number of new gems. The drop contains three Assist Gem packs and two Booster packs each for Street Fighter characters and Tekken characters, as well as a pair of “Wild Card” Boosters.

The more interesting part of the update, though, might be the enigmatic Replay Analyzer. This feature, described only as “a tool that will show you various data from a replay,” has tremendous potential as a learning tool for both newbies and pro-level fighters alike if, as I suspect, is provides input data for the fight. If it additionally has combo damage data, that’s sure to help, too, but my guess is that we’re looking at something that will enable players to not only see what a fight looks like, but what each fighter is contributing to it.

By Shelby Reiches

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