



Sign Up for the Fallout 4 Mod Closed Beta on Xbox One

Sign Up for the Fallout 4 Mod Closed Beta on Xbox One

Bethesda needs guinea pigs! Don’t take that in a bad way, though. Really, this is an opportunity. Mods are coming to the Xbox One this May, but Bethesda wants to test them out before letting people go wild. This means betas. Which means Xbox One owners can now sign up to try and be part of the closed beta.

First, you need a Bethesda account. It’s easy and free to create one. You’ll be set in about two minutes. Then, you go to the official Xbox One closed beta page to register to test mods. Give your platform, gamertag, and details about your Sole Survivors. Then, all you have to do and wait to see if you’re one of the lucky few who gets first access to mods on your console.

If you do get picked, it might be smart to back up your save files. Whenever you mess around with mods in any game, you always want to be safe. Who knows how well they’ll work or if they’ll gum up the works! No sense losing hours of progress for moments of silliness.

Source: Bethesda

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