



Soul Sacrifice Date And Pre-Order Bonus Revealed

Soul Sacrifice Date And Pre-Order Bonus Revealed

Soul Sacrifice, the first post-Capcom project from Keiji Inafune, now has a date in the Western world. Two dates, actually: the PlayStation Vita title will hit retail shops and the PlayStation Store on Tuesday, April 30 in North America, and on Wednesday, May 1 in Europe.

Both the North American and European versions of the game have something else in common, though. Pre-ordering either will net two unique costumes and three magic items: the Spirits’ Flamespike, which has a five hit combo and heat effects; the Spirits’ Blightstone, which is a poison-laced explosive; and the Spirits’ Fulgurwood, which follows enemies along the ground with a thunder attack.

Additionally, pre-order customers will receive the Japanese voice pack, which allows them to play the game with its native audio. Oddly, this is not included in the core release, and requires a separate purchase for those who buy the game at a later date. Seems like a strange thing to make into DLC, don’t you think?

Source: PlayStation Blog

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