With a cheerful title like Malicious Fallen , we’re obviously dealing with a game about kittens, delicious French pastries, and the power of friendship, right? Actually, it’s a mixture of Devil May Cry and Mega Man , and you’ll be able to play it on PlayStation 4 this February.
The original Malicious released on PlayStation 3 way back in 2012 in North America (and this was two years after its Japanese release, making it something of a relic even by PS3 standards). In it, you take the role of a Spirit Vessel who, using a powerful weapon called the Mantle of Cinders, must vanquish a series of deadly foes. The game is laid out in “boss rush” format, making it suitable for quick play. Defeating a boss allows you to absorb its powers, and you can tackle stages in any order, though every foe becomes more dangerous the later you fight them.
The new PS4 version of the game, Malicious Fallen, includes new stages and enemies in addition to refined visuals that run at 60 FPS. It releases on February 21, and we’ve got a new trailer for you to check out below:
Source: PlayStation Blog