Good and Evil
All of you wondering about Spider-Man: Web of Shadows have followed the ups and downs of recent games concerning the wall-crawler. Most of those games have been based on the film franchise in recent years. That can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on who you ask. One thing is for certain though, there has always been a natural progression to the games and Web of Shadows is no exception.
Taking place outside of the movie storyline, Treyarch and Shaba Games were able to refocus Spider-Man on what was most important, his comic book roots. The storyline delves into an aspect that has been handled in the comics before – a symbiote invasion. It all begins with a seemingly harmless encounter with Venom, except while fighting this time, part of the symbiote attaches itself to Spider-Man. As the story progresses, you discover this reintroduction is only the beginning of the larger invasion. It also adds some really cool features, increasing the gameplay. In the progress of unraveling the tale, you will encounter several supporting cast members including, Wolverine, Luke Cage, Black Cat, and Moon Knight. The inclusion of Moon Knight puzzled me, especially considering the relationship Spidey has with the other characters in the game, but hey, I was glad to see Moon Knight in a game with a speaking role.
In addition to the characters you encounter, there are also classic locations that are either mentioned or that you’ll swing past, ensuring comic aficionados are able to fully experience New York the way Spidey would. My personal favorite has to be Stark Tower because not only is it massive, but also is depicted the way it is currently in the Mighty Avengers. Other noteworthy locations you will spot are The Daily Bugle, Hell’s Kitchen, and Wilson Fisk’s, better known as The Kingpin building. These comic book landmarks are extremely easy to point out due to the amount of detail in the game.
This is one of the areas Web of Shadows excels at. While not relying on the realistic approach of Spider-Man 3 or playing heavily on the comic book-centric Ultimate Spider-Man, Web of Shadows finds a comfortable blend between the two. Considering amount of time spent swinging through the city, it’s good to have a landscape that is pleasing to the eyes. Spider-Man himself looks fantastic. Instead of relying on the movie costume that hindered the smoothness of the look, the costume appears sleek and detailed. One of the great things about the costume was you could see the crease around the back of Spidey’s head. Unfortunately, some of the other characters did not receive that level of attention in their design. While most consistently look sharp and slick, there are a few instances where you can see the inconsistency. This doesn’t really detract from the game, but when fighting alongside Black Cat, you don’t want infrequent character modeling to be what distracts you; you want it to be something else.
As I stated earlier, the inclusion of the Symbiote suit adds drastic improvements to the gameplay. You can choose between the classic costume (Red Suit) or the Symbiote (the equally iconic Black Suit) on the fly. By doing so, this allows you to unleash truly amazing combos onto enemies. Each suit has its own sense of combat as well. The Red Suit offers more of an agile approach with a lot of aerial combat, while the Black Suit offers more power and strength to your attacks. Granted, you can solely rely on one suit or the other, but experimenting with changing at a whim really opens up the combat system like never before.
Probably my favorite new addition to the combat is the “Web-Strike.” These are done by launching yourself in to the air and web-zipping to your enemy and performing various web-based attacks. Several times, I found myself in awe at the cinematic approach to the combat. It made it much easier to believe in Spider-Man’s reflexes as opposed to the previous entries, which felt stale and somewhat contrived. I personally can’t wait to see how they grow this system in future installments. It is one of the biggest reasons you will continue playing the game.
One of the other reasons you will keep coming back to Web of Shadows are the choices you can make. It is the main focus of the game to be able to make decisions that will ultimately affect the way the game progresses. One example is the upgrade menu, where you can upgrade the Red Suit or the Black Suit, thus allowing you control over when and what advancements you acquire. Choosing the light or dark side at certain points, in addition to the way the story plays out, will affect how the populace reacts to Spidey when he’s around them. If you have behaved in a non-superhero fashion, they may scream and run away, or they might praise you for the good you have done. Though almost always, if they see you in the Black Suit, they will scream and fear you. It is comical when they do this because once you switch back to the Red Suit, they immediately forget you were just wearing the Symbiote, good times if you do it repeatedly.
Along with those random screams and praise are the voice actors delivering the storyline. Most of the voice actors do a really great job with what they are given, however, when you initially hear Spidey, it may annoy you. Sometimes the voice actor sounds like Tobey Macquire and other times he sounds very squeaky. The internal monologue always sounded top-notch though, and over time, you grow accustomed to the “new” voice of Spider-Man. One thing is for certain, the joke delivery is much better and easier to swallow compared to the previous movie-focused titles. Now it doesn’t mean that there are no flaws in the voice acting, but most are so trivial that you won’t even care. The score for the game is comparable with the feature films, although I have to point out that occasionally you will think you are listening to the score from Batman Forever or Batman and Robin.
In general, everything with Spider-Man: Web of Shadows progresses the franchise into new and greater territory. Unfortunately, there are a few problems, most notably the camera. Too often the camera will adjust itself in a manner that makes it difficult to follow what is going on. Sometimes, it also prevents you from knowing where you are. Occasionally, the camera issues are excusable and you move on after you have adjusted to them. One other concern is the lag in the gameplay and sometimes in the menus. When trying to quickly square off against some foes, the lag would slowly roll in, and you have to sit back and just wait for it to pick back up. In the menus though, the problem is more severe when switching from one item to the next.
Are there annoyances you will encounter? Sure. However, the one thing that you have to take into account while playing this title is the natural progression of the franchise. Opening it up to more comic book-focused storylines, allowing players to decide the outcome in various interesting ways, increasing the combat to make it enjoyable and easily accessible to anyone, and, of course, giving fans the Black Suit to play around with all do this admirably. Spider-Man: Web of Shadows may not be perfect, but it definitely gives you the closest chance you are going to get to being Spider-Man without being bitten by a radioactive spider.
Solid blend between the realistic and comic book-styled approach of previous entries. Accurate representations of the geography of Spidey’s universe also add to the appeal of the graphics. 3.8 Control
While the combat itself can become repetitive, the controls respond nicely and make enacting the combos a joy and not a cumbersome experience. 3.7 Music / Sound FX / Voice Acting
I would have liked a better voice for Spider-Man, but the rest of the cast sounded convincing. The score itself is great to listen to as you swing through the city. 4.0 Play Value
A great story, intense gameplay, choosing your own path, and the tranquility of swinging through the city will keep you playing and wanting more after you are done. 4.0 Overall Rating – Great
Not an average. See Rating legend above for a final score breakdown.
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