Star Wars: Jedi Knight – Jedi Academy
Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press [Shift] + ~ and type ” devmapall ” to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
God mode | god |
All weapons and items | give all |
Extra ammunition | give ammo |
Extra armor | give armor |
Extra health | give health |
Maximum inventory | give inventory |
No clipping | noclip |
Dead mode on | undying |
Show shaders | shaderlist |
Set all Forces to indicated value | setforceall [1-4] |
Kill all NPCs | npc kill all |
Invisiblity | notarget |
Load map with cheats enabled | devmap [map name] |
Spawn indicated NPC | npc spawn [npc name] |
Spawn indicated NPC vehicle | npc spawn vehicle [name] |
Freeze all NPCs | d_npc freeze 1 |
Unfreeze all NPCs | d_npcfreeze 0 |
Set saber color | sabercolor [1-2] [color 1] [color 2] |
Set all lightsaber abilities | setsaberall [1-10] |
Set lightsaber throw level | setsaberthrow [1-3] |
Set lightsaber offense level | setsaberoffense [1-3] |
Set lightsaber defense level | setsaberdefense [1-3] |
Set Force Jump level | setforcejump [1-3] |
Set Force Heal level | setforceheal [1-3] |
Set Force Push level | setforcepush [1-3] |
Set Force Pull level | setforcepull [1-3] |
Set Force Speed level | setforcespeed [1-3] |
Set Force Grip level | setforcegrip [1-3] |
Set Force Lightning level | setforcelightning [1-3] |
Level skip | victory |
Use Force Heal | force_heal |
Bullet time | thereisnospoon |
Pit level | map pit |
Change speed; 1 is default, .5 is half speed | timescale [number] |
Record demo with indicated name | record [filename] |
Stop demo recording | stoprecord |
Enable dismemberment [Note 1] | g_saberrealisticcombat [1-20] |
Freeze game for indicated time | freeze [number of seconds] |
Spawn indicated item | give [item name] |
Play as indicated model | playermodel [model name] |
Perform taunt [Note 2] | taunt |
Display indicated message in console, or on main screen if bound | echo [text] |
Toggle any variable/command that uses a 1 or 0 (1=on, 0=off) | toggle [variable] |
Pick up dropped lightsabers | g_saberpickupabledroppedsabers [1-0] |
Single lightsaber with desired hilt | saber single_ [1-9] |
Dual lightsabers with desired hilt | saber single_ [1-9] single_ [1-9] |
Double lightsaber with desired hilt | saber dual_ [1-5] |
Sith sword | saber sith_sword |
Turn off HUD and save screenshot | levelshot |
Save screenshot | screenshot |
Centers the view on the screen | centerview |
Change difficulty level after quicksave/quickload or starting a new mission (if done out of the level) | g_spskill [number] |
Fly an X-Wing | fly_xwing |
Ride an ATST | drive_atst |
Commit suicide | kill |
Quit game | quit |
Unknown | where |
Unknown | levelshot |
Unknown | spawn |
Unknown | altbind |
Unknown | altbindlist |
Unknown | systeminfo |
Unknown | gfxinfo |
Unknown | playsong |
Unknown | widgetcom |
Unknown | inventory |
Unknown | vstr |
Unknown | heartbeat |
Unknown | kick |
Unknown | tiki |
Unknown | rcon |
Unknown | flushlips |
Unknown | meminfo |
Unknown | reset |
Unknown | demo |
Unknown | alisdump |
Unknown | skinlist |
Unknown | mand |
Unknown | setviewpos |
Note 1: Turn dismemberment on at the options menu after enabling this code.
Note 2: If using dual sabers, he/she will make an “X” with the sabers. If using a saber staff, he/she will make a half circle on the ground and a “come here” gesture. If only one saber (one blade) is on, they will do the standard spinning taunt.
Key binding
Open up the console by pressing [Shift] + ~ and type ” bind [key] [code or effect]”. For example, type ” bind Home setforceall 4 ” or ” bind T taunt “. Note: Do not bind over existing keys that you are using for regular game play movement or fighting. If you do, go back into your game options and reset them.
Fighting friendly characters
Enable the ” playerteam enemy ” code in the console, then spawn ” kyle ” or ” jedi_random ” to fight them.
Changing saber colors
When using the ” sabercolor [1-2] [color 1]
- green
- red
- blue
- yellow
- purple
- orange
” sabercolor 1 ” will make the right-hand saber (for dual sabers) [color 1]. ” sabercolor 2 ” will make the left hand saber (for dual sabers) [color 1]. ” sabercolor 1 [color 1] [color 2]” will make the top part of the saber staff [color 1] and the bottom part [color 2]. For example, to have a saber staff (two handed saber) green, use the ” sabercolor 1 green green ” code.
Dropped lightsabers
Enable the ” g_saberpickupabledroppedsabers 1 ” code to enable the pick up of dropped lightsabers. After a Jedi or Sith dies, you can walk up to his/her lightsaber on the floor. You will see a “Use” icon (hand with a finger on a button). Use it, and you will drop your current lightsaber and pick up his or hers. Note: If you have a saberstaff, you will drop your staff and pick up the saber, giving you a total of one saber. If you have one saber, you will pick up his saber which gives you a total of two sabers. If you have two sabers, you will drop the one in your left hand and replace it with his. If you have no saber (none in your weapons/inventory), you will pick up and end up with only one saber (until you pick up another one). If you have any type of saber (one, dual or staff), and you pick up a saber staff, you will drop any/all your sabers and pick up his.
Difficulty settings
Use one of the following values with the ” g_spskill [number]” code:
- 0: Padawan
- 1: Jedi
- 2: Jedi Knight
- 3: Jedi Master
- Values higher than 3 will progressively increase the difficulty setting.
Lightsaber variations
Use the following combinations of these core saber commands with the ” saber ” command for different effects:
- dual_ [1-5]
- empty
- single_ [1-9]
- sith_sword
- tavion
- kyle_boss (best working lightsaber)
- desann
- reborn
- yoda
- none
- luke
- kyle
- rebornmaster
- training
- droid
- jedi (color is random)
Vehicle names
Use one of the following values with the ” npc spawn vehicle [name]” code:
- swoop
- atst_vehicle
- lambdashuttle
- rancor_vehicle
- swoop
- swoop_cin
- swoop_mp
- swoop_mp2
- swoop_red
- tauntaun
- template
- tie-bomber
- tie-bomber2
- wampa_vehicle
- wildtauntaun
- x-wing
- yt-1300
- z-95
NPC names
Use one of the following values with the ” npc spawn [npc name]” code:
- chewie
- cultist (gun)
- cultist_destroyer
- cultist_drain
- cultist_grip
- cultist_lightning (untextured model)
- cultist_saber
- cultist_saber_all
- cultist_saber_med
- cultist_saber_strong
- cultist_saber_strong_throw
- cultist_saber_strong_throw2
- cultist_saber_throw
- cultistcommando
- gran
- gran2
- granboxer
- granshooter
- human_merc
- jawa
- jedi_random (various helpers from the Academy)
- kyle
- kyle_boss
- luke (untextured and no saber)
- protocol (C3PO)
- r2d2
- r5d2
- r5d2_imp
- reborn_dual
- reborn_new
- reborn_new2
- reborn_staff
- rodian
- rodian2
- trandoshan (different colors possible)
- weequay
- weequay2
- weequay3
- weequay4 (different colors possible)
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.