



Star Wars: The Clone Wars Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for GameCube (GCN)

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for GameCube (GCN)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars


Enter ” 1WITHFORCE ” as a passcode.

Campaign level select

Enter ” GASMASK ” as a passcode.

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Multi-player level select

Enter ” FRAGFIESTA ” as a passcode.

Infinite secondary weapon ammunition and special ability

Enter ” CHOSEN1 ” as a passcode.

All FMV sequences

Enter ” CINEMA ” as a passcode.

Battle Droid unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level

Enter ” ROGERROGER ” as a passcode.

Padme Amidala unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level

Enter ” CORDE ” as a passcode.

Super Battle Droid unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level

Enter ” WAT TAMBOR ” as a passcode.

Wookie unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level

Enter ” FUZZBALL ” as a passcode.

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Three bonus objectives for prior mission marked complete

Enter ” YUB YUB ” as a passcode.

Programming team photographs

Enter ” SAYCHEESE ” as a passcode. Note: The Sketchbook option must first be unlocked to view them.

Ewok song

At the options screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.

Invincibility in AT-XT

Enable the “Infinite secondary weapon ammunition and special ability” code and play in an AT-XT. Hold Y though the mission and you will be invincible.

Jedi Academy multi-player map

Earn twenty bonus points to unlock the Jedi Academy multi-player map.

Raxus Duel multi-player map

Earn five bonus points to unlock the Raxus Duel multi-player map.

Rhen Var Conquest multi-player map

Earn fifteen bonus points to unlock the Rhen Var Conquest multi-player map.

Thule Moon Control Zone multi-player map

Earn ten bonus points to unlock the Thule Moon Control Zone multi-player map.

Unit viewer

Earn twenty five bonus points to unlock the unit viewer.

“Making Of” video

Earn thirty bonus points to unlock the ”Making Of” video.

CD player

Earn thirty five bonus points to unlock the CD player.


Earn forty bonus points to unlock the sketchbook.

Play as Yoda in multi-player mode

Earn forty five bonus points to unlock Yoda in Academy: Geonosis level.

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