



Sunset Overdrive Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

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Sunset Overdrive Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

Sunset Overdrive

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ


Infinite money and Overcharge

Proceed through the main missions until you reach Act 1–9: “Max’s Parents”. This mission requires you to find Max’s parents in a panic room on top of a tower. When you reach the top of the tower, the panic room will explode and send you falling to the ground with a bunch of money and Overcharge. After collecting all of the money and Overcharge around that area, let the soldiers kill you to respawn back on top of the tower, along with the money and Overcharge on the ground. After collecting the money and Overcharge a second time, there will be no nearby enemies to kill you. Thus, you will have to cross the river to have enemies kill you in that area to make the money and Overcharge respawn again. After crossing the river, start shooting your weapon to get the enemies attention so they kill you more quickly. Repeat this process as many times as desired. Note: The money and Overcharge will only respawn if the enemies on the other side of the river kill you. If the enemies on the tower side kill you, the money and Overcharge will not respawn.

Easy weapon leveling

Play the “Getting The Band Back Together” mission, and progress to where you have to bounce on ten drums without touching the ground. Instead of completing the objective, keep bouncing and killing the endless waves of OD. Use the ammunition dropped by the dead OD to keep reloading. Area of effect damage weapons such as Acid Sprinklers, Flaming Compensator, and TNTeddy are most effective. Use this trick to easily reach a 999 kill streak and get a lot of badges for weapon upgrades.

Bonus weapons

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon:

    Flaming Compensator (Single-Shot): Successfully complete “Horror Night”. It is rated OD 4, Scabs 3, Robots 1, Bosses 3.
    High Fidelity (Auto): Successfully complete “Awesomepocalypse”. It is rated OD 4, Scabs 1, Robots 1, Bosses 1.
    Dirty Harry (Single-Shot): Successfully complete “Awesomepocalypse” to unlock it for purchase from Two Hat Jack. It is rated OD 2, Scab 4, Robots 2, Bosses 2.
    Acid Sprinkler (Deployable): Purchase it from Two Hat Jack for 6,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 4, Scabs 2, Robots 3, Bosses 3.
    Freeze Bomb (Single-Shot): Purchase it from Two Hat Jack for 3,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 3, Robots 3, Bosses 3.
    Captain Ahab (Single-Shot): Successfully complete “Amptastic!” to unlock it for purchase for 9,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 1, Robots 3, Bosses 4.
    TNTeddy (Single-Shot): Successfully complete “A New Friend”. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 3, Robots 2, Bosses 3.
    The Dude (Single-Shot): Successfully complete “Bora Bora Water Factory” to unlock it for purchase for 9,500 Overcharge. It is rated OD 4, Scabs 3, Robots 3, Bosses 4.
    The Roman Candle (Auto): Successfully complete “Big Trouble In Little Tokyo” to unlock it for purchase for 15,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 4, Scabs 4, Robots 2, Bosses 2.
    Turret Copter (Deployable): Successfully complete “Big Trouble In Little Tokyo” to unlock it for purchase for 25,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 3, Robots 3, Bosses 3.
    Murderang (Auto): Successfully complete “Hot Dog”. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 2, Robots 4, Bosses 2.
    Proximity Mines (Deployable): Successfully complete “Hot Dog” to unlock it for purchase for 20,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 4, Robots 2, Bosses 3.
    One-Handed Dragon (Single-Shot): Successfully complete “The Fall Of Emperor Norton” to unlock it for purchase for 10,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 4, Scabs 3, Robots 1, Bosses 3.
    FizzBot Rifle (Auto): Successfully complete “Hepcat’s Late-Night Special” during Act 2 to unlock it for purchase for 40,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 2, Robots 4, Bosses 3.
    Hair Spray Bomb (Single-Shot): Successfully complete “Hepcat’s Late-Night Special” during Act 2 to unlock it for purchase for 55,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 3, Robots 3, Bosses 3.
    Taunt Bot (Deployable): Successfully complete “The King’s Feast” to unlock it for purchase for 10,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 3, Robots 3, Bosses 3.
    The Shocker (Auto): Successfully complete “The King’s Feast” to unlock it for purchase for 70,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 2, Robots 4, Bosses 2.
    AK-FU (Auto): Successfully complete “The Siege Of WonderTown Land”. It is rated OD 2, Scabs 4, Robots 3, Bosses 2.
    Shorty Shotty (Single-Shot): Successfully complete “The Siege Of WonderTown Land” to unlock it for purchase for 20,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 2, Scabs 4, Robots 3, Bosses 2.
    Pulse Mine (Deployable): Successfully complete “Getting The Band Back Together”. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 2, Robots 4, Bosses 3.
    Charge Beam (Auto): Successfully complete “Getting The Band Back Together” to unlock it for purchase for 100,000 Overcharge. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 2, Robots 4, Bosses 3.
    Propain Launcher (Single-Shot): Obtained from Chaos Squad. It is rated OD 3, Scabs 2, Robots 2, Bosses 4.

Note: Each weapon has a rating number that determines its effectiveness against various enemy types:

    One star: Quarter damage
    Two stars: Half the damage
    Three stars: Full damage
    Four stars: Damage multiplier between 125% to 200% of base damage

Bonus AMPs

Your character has a total of five AMP slots (two for Hero, one for Dive-Bombs, one for Epic, and one for Melee AMPs). In order to activate AMPs, you must reach the following Style level:

    Style Level 1: Hero AMPs activation
    Style Level 2: Weapon AMPs, Melee AMPs, and Dive-Bomb AMPs activation
    Style Level 3: Epic AMPs activation

You can upgrade AMPs by purchasing upgrades from Floyd for at least 50 collectibles or randomly in Chaos Squad mode. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding AMP:


    Damage Tag: Purchase from Floyd for 20 toilet paper. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Dive bomb to create graffiti in the area where you land, which allows you and your allies to inflict 200 damage while standing in the circle. This effect is doubled with Max Style.

    Health Tag: Purchase from Floyd for 35 neon signs. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Dive bomb to create graffiti in the area where you land, which allows you and your to heal while standing in the circle. This effect is increased with Max Style.

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    Seismic Smash: Successfully complete “Midnight Brew”. It is upgraded from Purchased from Floyd for 55 shoes. Dive-bombing creates a shockwave that deals 120 damage to all nearby enemies. It has two second cooldown.

    Shrapnel Smash: Purchase from Floyd for 10 camera lenses. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Damage enemies up to 24 yards away for up to 75 damage while dive-bombing.


    Bounce-Splosion: Successfully complete “Amptastic!” during Act 1. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. While bouncing, you will deploy small bombs at the base of the objects used to bounce.

    Chance Of Lightning: Successfully complete “Hepcat’s Late-Night Emporium”. It is upgraded by Floyd for 60 neon signs. Create an aura around yourself that inflicts light damage to nearby enemies.

    FI-YAH!: Purchase from Floyd for 15 shoes after “Amptastic!” during Act 1. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Grinding with style will create flames which damage all nearby enemies.

    Grind The Lightning: Successfully complete “Concertpocalypse” during Act 4. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Grinding will generate electricity on the either side, which inflicts damage to nearby enemies.

    It Burns: Successfully complete “Ferry To Nowhere” during Act 3. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Transforms the ground at your feet into lava which damages all enemies that are near, The damage is increased at Max Style Level 2.


    $Magnet$: Purchase from Floyd for 20 neon signs. Your pick-up radius is increased.

    Air Power: Successfully complete “Ferry To Nowhere” during Act 3. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Inflict increased damage to all enemies while in the air.

    Damage Dodge Roll: Successfully complete “Awesomepocalypse”. It is upgraded by Floyd for 50 camera lenses. While rolling, you will create an aura taht does up to 60 damage to all enemies hit.

    Personal Space: Successfully complete “Midnight Brew”. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Enemies hitting you with melee weapons will receive 60 damage and get knocked back. It has a three second cooldown.

    Sadomasochist: Purchase from Floyd for 10 toilet paper. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Increased damage when you are low on HP. The damage is further increased if you get Max Style.

    Screw The Fourth Wall: Purchase from Floyd for 25 shoes. A personal announcer comments on your feats.

    Spread The Love: Purchase from Floyd for 10 Fizzie balloons. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. While running, a trail will appear behind you which heals all following allies. The healing increases if you get Max Style.


    Fired!: Successfully complete “Amptastic!” during Act 1. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Launch a fireball by swinging your melee weapon to deal up to 40 damage.

    Roid Rage: Purchase from Floyd for 10 Shoes. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Enemies killed with melee weapon will explode, damaging all nearby enemies.

    Twister Spin: Successfully complete “Hepcat’s Late-Night Special” during Act 2. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Attacking with melee weapons will create a tornado that does light damage to all nearby enemies.

    Un-Defibrillator: Successfully complete “Concertpocalypse” during Act 4. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Melee attacks have up to a 50% chance of creating a shockwave that does 50 damage to all enemies.


    Bear Force One: Successfully complete “Amptastic!” during Act 1. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. After an enemy is killed, it transforms into a TNTEDDY which explodes to deal damage to all nearby enemies.

    Bloom: Purchased from Floyd for 20 Fizzie balloons. Flowers will appear at the point of impact.

    Burn Baby!: Successfully complete “Midnight Brew”. It is upgraded from Floyd for 55 toilet paper. Kill an enemy to give it a 15% chance of exploding and inflict area-of-effect damage to all nearby enemies.

    Fear The Reaper: Successfully complete “Concertpocalypse” during Act 4. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Any enemy killed has a chance of spawning a reaper which inflicts damage to all nearby enemies.

    Grind To Win: Purchase from Floyd for 20 camera lenses. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Receive up to 75% additional damage while grinding. It is further increased at Level 2.

    Hater: Successfully complete “Ferry To Nowhere” during Act 3. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Hit an enemy and it will fight for you by attacking other hostiles.

    Make It Rain: Purchase from Floyd for 25 neon signs. Hit enemies to get dollar bills from them.

    Mine All Mine: Purchase from Floyd for 25 toilet paper. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Killing enemies makes them drop Overcharge.

    Moving Menace: Purchase from Floyd for 10 neon signs. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. While grinding or bouncing, you will deal up to 30% additional damage to all enemies. It reaches the 30% maximum at Max Style.

    Party All The Time: Purchase from Floyd for 25 camera lenses. Killed enemies explode into graffiti.

    RECYCLER: Purchase from Floyd for 15 shoes. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. 15% chance that your weapon will recover expended ammo and reload itself.

    Rocket Man: Purchase from Floyd for 10 toilet paper. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Spawn explosive rockets which work similarly to a Hair Spray Bomb.

    Second Amendment: Purchase from Floyd for 35 camera lenses. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Killing lets you replenish the ammo for the same weapon from fallen enemies.

    Shock Therapy: Purchased from Floyd for 20 Fizzie balloons. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Enemies killed have a 15% chance of exploding into an electrical field which shocks and stuns nearby enemies.

    Stun Rounds: Successfully complete “Amp It Up” during Act 1. It is upgraded from Floyd for 50 Fizzie balloons. Gain up to a 16% base chance of stunning an enemy with electric shock.

    Stylin’: Purchase from Floyd for 30 shoes. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Killing lets you attain additional Style.

    Suck: Purchased from Floyd for 25 toilet paper. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Enemies killed have higher chance of dropping health.

    Twist Of Fate: Purchase from Floyd for 35 Fizzie balloons. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. Kill an enemy to get a chance to inflict heavy damage to all nearby enemies.

    Winter Is Coming: Successfully complete “Hepcat’s Late-Night Special” during Act 2. It is upgraded from Chaos Squad. When attacked, you can freeze enemies in place similarly to a Freeze Bomb.

Bonus traps

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trap:

    Grind Cooker Trap: Successfully complete “Grind Cooker Trap” during Act 3.
    JYA Gun Turret Trap: Successfully complete the “Big Brother Sam” optional mission during Act 2.
    Pandora’s Box: Successfully complete “The Siege Of WonderTown Land”.
    Pop Rocket Trap: Successfully complete “The Firework Show” during Act 3.
    Pyro Geyser Trap: Successfully complete “Up In The Air” during Act 1.
    Señor Freeze Trap: Successfully complete “Find 4Kim” during Act 2.
    Siegfried The Great Trap: Successfully complete “The Most Epic Quest For EXP” optional mission during Act 4.
    Tesla Trap: Successfully complete “Tastes Like Chicken” during Act 3.

Bonus items and upgrades

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item or upgrade:

    Excalamune: Successfully complete “Awesomesmithing” during Act 4.
    Harbor Vat Capacity Upgrade: Successfully complete the “Boat Upgrade” optional quest during Act 3.
    Hepcat’s Vats Capacity Increases: Successfully complete the “Hepcat’s Upgrade” optional mission during Act 2.
    Old Factory District Vat Capacity Upgrade: Successfully complete the “Brewery Upgrade” optional mission during Act 1.
    Samurai Helmet: Successfully complete the “Fall Of Emperor Norton” during Act 2.
    Vat Capacity Upgrade: Successfully complete the “Theater Upgrade” optional mission during Act 4.

Bonus clothing

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding article of clothing:

    Blazer Open: Successfully complete “A New Friend” during Act 1.
    Bucky Gloves and Bucky Shirt: Successfully complete “Buck National vs. The Apocalypse” with a score of 250,000 points.
    Cat Mask: Successfully complete “To Build A Better Cat Trap” during Act 2.
    Day Of The Dead Facial Body Art: Successfully complete “Las Catrinas” during Act 4.
    Dress Shirt: Successfully complete “Fizzco: The International Conspiracy” optional mission during Act 3.
    Elf Ears: Successfully complete “To Fargarthia” during Act 3.
    Endgame Top and Endgame Medals: Successfully complete “This Ends Here” during Act 4.
    Fedora: Successfully complete “Fizzco: The Dirty Secret” during Act 2.
    Fizzco Baton: Successfully complete the “Take Back The Streets: Downtown” optional mission during Act 4.
    Foam Sword: Successfully complete the “Hardcore!” optional mission during Act 4.
    Goggles and Scuba Shoes: Successfully complete “The Warlock’s Red Gaze” optional mission during Act 3.
    Herker Mask: Successfully complete “Herker Mask” during Act 2.
    Mopbeard: Successfully complete “Floating Garbage” during Act 3.
    Oxford Backpack: Successfully complete Oxford’s “Lost And Found” optional mission during Act 1.
    Pilot Helmet and Hobo Jacket: Successfully complete the “Help a Hobo” optional mission during Act 1.
    Pirate Hat, Pirate Jacket, and Eyepatch: Successfully complete the “One Man Is An Island” optional mission during Act 4.
    Scuba Shirt and Scuba Suit Pants: Successfully complete the “Wicked Watchers In The South” optional mission during Act 3.
    Scuba Tank: Successfully complete the “Crimson Eyes In The North” optional mission during Act 3.
    Street Hoodie: Successfully complete the “Re-Quests” optional mission during Act 4.
    Superhero Mask and Superhero Shrunken Heads: Successfully complete “Collect Even More Comics” during Act 2.
    Superhero MMA Gloves and Superhero Spandex Shirt: Successfully complete “Collect Some Comics” during Act 2.
    Superhero Pants and Superhero Shoes: Successfully complete “Collect More Comics” during Act 2.
    Trenchcoat: Successfully complete the “Fizzco: The Secret Ingredient” optional mission during Act 4.
    Troop Member Vest: Successfully complete “Big Trouble In Little Tokyo” during Act 2.

Challenge unlockables

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus:

    Angry Mob Shirt: Score at least 2,500 points in “Bomb Delivery #8”.
    Army Jacket: Score 150,000 points in “TNTeddy”.
    Balaclava: Successfully complete “Bomb Delivery #7” and earn a Gold Reward.
    Basketball Shoes: Score 5 at least 1,500 points in “Smash Crates”.
    Bottom Body Art (Crown): Score at least 1,200 points in “Traversal Challenge #12”.
    Bottom Body Art (Desperate Friends): Score at least 2,050 points in “Traversal Challenge #9”.
    Bottom Body Art (Roses): Score at least 2,400 points in “Traversal Challenge #4”.
    Bottom Body Art (Tribal): Score at least 1,200 points in “Traversal Challenge #10”.
    Bottom Body Art (Underworld): Score at least 1,600 points in “Traversal Challenge #14”.
    Bottom Body Art: Score at least 1,700 points in “Traversal Challenge #1”.
    Breast Plate: Score at least 150,000 points in “Excalamune Weapon”.
    Bucky Bandana: Score at least 250,000 points in Episode 4 of “Buck Stops Here”.
    Bucky Jacket: Score at least 250,000 points in Episode 3 of “Buck’s Revenge”.
    Bucky Pants: Score at least 250,000 points in Episode 1 of “Buck National vs. The Apocalypse”.
    Bucky Shoes: Score at least 250,000 points in Episode 2 of “Buck National vs. The Apocalypse”.
    Cowboy Hat: Score at least 2,500 points in “Glider Challenge #4”.
    Dog Tag Earrings: Score at least 75,000 points in “The Shocker Weapon”.
    Floyd Shoes: Score at least 1,100 points in “Glider Challenge #2”.
    Football Facepaint: Score at least 1,100 points in “Smash Plants”.
    Football Pads: Score at least 1,350 points in “Smash Fizzco Stuff #1”.
    Gas Mask: Successfully complete “Bomb Delivery #2”.
    Gladiator Shirt: Score at least 150,000 points in “Murderang Weapon”.
    Gladiator Skirt: Score at least 150,000 points in “One-Handed Dragon Weapon”.
    Hockey Mask: Score 2,000 points in “Smash TVs”.
    Leather Fingerless Gloves: Successfully complete “Bomb Delivery #6”.
    Lennon Glasses: Score at least 646 points in “Points Challenge #6”.
    Medlevel Helmet: Score at least 150,000 points in “Charge Beam Weapon”.
    MMA Gloves B: Score at least 150,000 points in “The Dude Weapon”.
    Ripped Jeans: Score at least 1,500 points in “Bomb Delivery #5”.
    Safari Bandolier: Score at least 315 points in “Points Challenge #3”.
    Safari Crocs: Score at least 515 points in “Points Challenge #1”.
    Safari Hat: Score at least 540 points in “Points Challenge #4”.
    Safari Shirt: Score at least 642 points in “Points Challenge #5”
    Safari Shorts: Score at least 611 points in “Points Challenge #2”.
    Scab Hockey Stick: Score at least 300,000 points in “Downtown Night Defense”.
    Scab Pipe: Score at least 250,000 points in “Little Tokyo”.
    Scab Sledgehammer: Score at least 250,000 points in “Harbor Night Defense”.
    Scab Spiked Bat: Score at least 150,000 points in “Old Factory Night Defense”.
    Skateboard Shoes and No Laces: Score at least 1,400 points in “Bomb Delivery #3”.
    Sleeveless Hoodie: Score at least 4,000 points in “Bomb Delivery #4”.
    Sports Jersey: Score at least 2,200 points in “Smash Fizzco Stuff #2”.
    Street Rings: Successfully complete “Bomb Delivery #1”.
    Tattoo: Score at least 250,000 points in “Pigeon Roasting Weapon”.
    Tops Body Art (Bitten Hard): Score at least 1,600 points in “Traversal Challenge #5”.
    Tops Body Art (Chaos Song): Score at least 1,400 points in “Traversal Challenge #2”.
    Tops Body Art (Grave Digger): Score at least 1,400 points in “Traversal Challenge #7”.
    Tops Body Art (Love Birds): Score at least 1,600 points in “Traversal Challenge #8”.
    Tops Body Art (Pigfighter): Score at least 1,600 points in “Traversal Challenge #13”.
    Tops Body Art (Rage): Score at least 1,750 points in “Traversal Challenge #11”.
    Tops Body Art (Seven Fingers): Score at least 1,400 points in “Traversal Challenge #3”.
    Tops Body Art (Street Royalty): Score at least 1,350 points in “Traversal Challenge #6”.
    T-Shirt Gauntlet: Score at least 8,500 points in “Glider Challenge #3”.
    Walter Jacket: Score at least 8,500 points in “Glider Challenge #1”.

Challenge rewards

Successfully complete the indicated challenge with the listed medal to get the corresponding reward:

Challenge Points Money Overcharge Reward
Bomb Delivery #1
Bronze 40 200
Silver 2,500 800
Gold 3,500 2,000 1,000 Street Rings
Bomb Delivery #2
Bronze 40 300
Silver 2,000 1,000
Gold 3,000 3,000 1,000 Gas Mask
Bomb Delivery #3
Bronze 40 4,000
Silver 800 1,500
Gold 1,400 4,000 2,000 Skateboard Shoes, No Laces
Bomb Delivery #4
Bronze 40 300
Silver 3,500 1,000
Gold 4,000 3,000 2,000 Sleeveless Hoodie
Bomb Delivery #5
Bronze 40 500
Silver 1,000 2,000
Gold 1,500 5,000 3,000 Ripped Jeans
Bomb Delivery #6
Bronze 40 500
Silver 1,400 1,400
Gold 1,600 5,000 3,000 Leather Fingerless Gloves
Bomb Delivery #7
Bronze 50 550
Silver 1,500 2,000
Gold 2,000 55,055 4,000 Balaclava
Bomb Delivery #8
Bronze 40 550
Silver 2,000 2,000
Gold 2,500 5,500 4,000 Angry Mob Shirt
Smash Crates
Bronze 1,500 200
Silver 4,500 800
Gold 5,500 2,000 1,000 Basketball Shoes
Smash Fizzco Stuff #1
Bronze 500 200
Silver 700 800
Gold 1,350 2,000 1,000 Football Pads
Smash Fizzco Stuff #2
Bronze 800 650
Silver 1,500 2,500
Gold 2,200 6,500 3,000 Sports Jersey
Smash Plants
Bronze 500 400
Silver 750 1,500
Gold 1,100 4,000 3,000 Football Facepaint
Smash Scab Stuff
Bronze 250 550
Silver 450 2,000
Gold 600 5,500 4,000
Smash TVs
Bronze 500 300
Silver 1,000 1,000
Gold 2,000 3,000 2,000 Hockey Mask
Buck National vs. The Apocalypse Episode #1
Bronze 50,000 300
Silver 150,000 1,000
Gold 250,000 3,000 1,000 Bucky Pants
Buck National vs. The Apocalypse Episode #2
Bronze 50,000 400
Silver 150,000 1,500
Gold 250,000 4,000 2,000 Bucky Shoes
Buck National vs. The Apocalypse Episode #3
Bronze 50,000 500
Silver 150,000 2,000
Gold 250,000 5,000 3000 Buckey Jacket
Buck National vs. The Apocalypse Episode #4
Bronze 50,000 1,000
Silver 150,000 4,000
Gold 250,000 10,000 4,000 Buckey Bandana
Glider Challenge #1
Bronze 6,000 200
Silver 8,000 800
Gold 8,500 2,000 1,000 Walter Jacket
Glider Challenge #2
Bronze 300
Silver 800 1,000
Gold 1,100 3,000 2,000 Floyd Shoes
Glider Challenge #3
Bronze 6,000 400
Silver 7,000 1,500
Gold 8,500 4,000 3,000 T-Shirt Gauntlet
Glider Challenge #4
Bronze 500
Silver 1,500 2,000
Gold 2,500 5,000 4,000 Cowboy Hat
Night Defense: Old Factory
Bronze 50,000 250
Silver 100,000 1,000
Gold 1,500,000 2,500 1,000 Scab Spiked Bat
Night Defense: Little Tokyo
Bronze 100,000 400
Silver 175,000 1,500
Gold 250,000 4,000 2,000 Scab Pipe
Night Defense: Harbor Night
Bronze 1,000,000 650
Silver 175,000 25,000
Gold 250,000 65,000 3,000 Scab Sledgehammer
Night Defense: Downtown
Bronze 150,000 1,000
Silver 200,000 4,000
Gold 300,000 10,000 4,000 Scab Hockey Stick
Points Challenge #1
Bronze 300 250
Silver 400 1,000
Gold 515 2,500 1,000 Safari Crocs
Points Challenge #2
Bronze 350 250
Silver 450 1,000
Gold 611 2,500 1,000 Safari Shorts
Points Challenge #3
Bronze 200 400
Silver 280 1,500
Gold 315 4,000 2,000 Safari Bandolier
Points Challenge #4
Bronze 300 400
Silver 500 1,500
Gold 540 4,000 3,000 Safari Hat
Points Challenge #5
Bronze 400 1,000
Silver 550 4,000
Gold 642 10,000 4,000 Safari Shirt
Points Challenge #6
Bronze 350 5,00
Silver 475 2,000
Gold 646 5,000 4,000 Lennon Glasses
Traversal Challenge #1
Bronze 200
Silver 1,300 800
Gold 1,700 2,000 1,000 Bottom Body Art (Eighteen Ninety One)
Traversal Challenge #2
Bronze 200
Silver 800 800
Gold 1,400 2,000 1,000 Top Body Art (Chaos Song)
Traversal Challenge #3
Bronze 200
Silver 1,000 800
Gold 1,400 2,000 1,000 Top Body Art (Seven Fingers)
Traversal Challenge #4
Bronze 300
Silver 1,900 1,000
Gold 2,400 3,000 1,000 Bottom Body Art (Roses)
Traversal Challenge #5
Bronze 250
Silver 1,100 1,000
Gold 1,600 25,000 1,000 Top Body Art (Bitten Hard)
Traversal Challenge #6
Bronze 300
Silver 850 1,000
Gold 1,300 3,000 2,000 Top Body Art (Street Royalty)
Traversal Challenge #7
Bronze 900
Silver 700 3,500
Gold 1,400 9,000 2,000 Top Body Art (Grave Digger)
Traversal Challenge #8
Bronze 400
Silver 1,100 1,500
Gold 1,600 4,000 2,000 Top Body Art (Love Birds)
Traversal Challenge #9
Bronze 400
Silver 1,450 1,500
Gold 2,050 4,000 2,000 Bottom Body Art (Desperate Friends)
Traversal Challenge #10
Bronze 500
Silver 700 2,000
Gold 1,200 4,500 3,000 Bottom Body Art (Tribal)
Traversal Challenge #11
Bronze 650
Silver 1,250 2,500
Gold 1,750 6,500 3,000 Top Body Art (Rage)
Traversal Challenge #12
Bronze 500
Silver 800 2,000
Gold 1,200 5,000 3,000 Bottom Body Art (Crown)
Traversal Challenge #13
Bronze 1,000
Silver 1,100 4,000
Gold 1,600 10,000 4,000 Top Body Art (Pigfighter)
Traversal Challenge #14
Bronze 700
Silver 1,100 3,000
Gold 1,600 7,000 4,000 Bottom Body Art (Underworld)
Bronze 25,000 2,500
Silver 75,000 1,000
Gold 150,000 2,500 1,000 Army Jacket
The Shocker
Bronze 25,000 500
Silver 50,000 2,000
Gold 75,000 5,000 1,000 Dog Tag Earring
The Dude
Bronze 25,000 300
Silver 75,000 1,000
Gold 150,000 3,000 1,000 MMA Gloves B
Bronze 50,000 400
Silver 75,000 1,500
Gold 150,000 4,000 3,000 Gladiator Shirt
Off-Handed Dragon
Bronze 25,000 300
Silver 75,000 1,000
Gold 150,000 3,000 2,000 Gladiator Skirt
Pigeon Roasting
Bronze 50,000 300
Silver 150,000 1,000
Gold 25,000 3,000 2,000 Tattoo
Bronze 25,000 500
Silver 75,000 2,000
Gold 150,000 5,000 4,000 Breast Plate
Charge Beam
Bronze 25,000 700
Silver 75,000 3,000
Gold 150,000 7,000 4,000 Medieval Helmet


Perform the following traversals (maneuver that brings your character from a background element to another one without stopping) to create a move that will build your combo meter:

    Air Dash: Press RB once per jump; unlocked during game progression.
    Bounce: Fall or jump onto a bounce-able object (cars, tarps, skylights, air vents, boats, etc.)
    Grind and Undergrind: When approaching parallel, press X to grindable surface (power lines, pipes, rails, ledges, etc.).
    Handspring from Dodge Roll: While on the ground, press the Left Analog-stick in any direction + X, then press A while rolling.
    Pole Swing: When approaching perpendicular to a horizontal bar or pole, press X.
    Slam Bounce: After landing from a dive bomb attack, press A; unlocked during game progression.
    Super Bounce: While hitting a bounce-able object, press A; unlocked during game progression.
    Vault: While falling near a hold-able edge, tap or hold A.
    Wall Corner: When approaching a corner during a wall run, press X.
    Wall Jump: During a wall run, press A.
    Wall Jump: When jumping into wall, press Away from a wall + A.
    Wall Run: While approaching at a sharp angle to a straight and lengthy wall, press X.
    Water Dash: Immediately before landing on water, press X; unlocked during game progression.

Optional missions

Successfully complete the pre-requisite task to unlock the corresponding optional mission:

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]

Act 1

Breaking Booze

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Amptastic”.
    Reward: $1,500 and 2,000 Overcharge
    Obtained from: Jess near Brewery Home Base

Brewery Upgrade

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Amptastic”.
    Reward: $1,500, 2,000 Overcharge, Old Factory District Vat Capcity Upgrade
    Obtained from: Floyd at Brewery Ground

Oxford’s Lost And Found

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “A New Friend”.
    Reward: $1,500, 2,000 Overcharge, and Oxford Backpack
    Obtained from: n/a

Help A Hobo

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Bora Bora Water”.
    Reward: 2,000 Overcharge, Pilot Helmet, and Hobo Jacket
    Obtained from: Reginald at Bora Bora Water Facility

Act 2

Big Brother Sam

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Up In The Air”.
    Reward: $2,000, 4,000 Overcharge, and JYA Gun Turret Trap
    Obtained from: Sam

To Build A Better Cat Trap

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Big Trouble In Little Tokyo”.
    Reward: $1,500, 3,000 Overcharge, and Cat Mask
    Obtained from: A member of Troop Bushido

Collect Some Comics

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Big Trouble In Little Tokyo”.
    Reward: 3,000 Overcharge, Superhero MMA Gloves, and Superhero Spandex Shirt
    Obtained from: Stanley at Golden Age Comics

Collect More Comics

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Collect Some Comics”.
    Reward: 3,000 Overcharge, Superhero Pants, and Superhero Shoes
    Obtained from: Stanley at Golden Age Comics

Collect Even More Comics

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Collect More Comics”.
    Reward: 8,000 Overcharge, Superhero Mask, and Superhero Shrunken Heads
    Obtained from: Stanley at Golden Age Comics

Fizzie: The Inside Story

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “It’s Me! Fizzie!”.
    Reward: $2,500 and 5,000 Overcharge
    Obtained from: Sam

Garage Chaos

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “It’s Me! Fizzie!”.
    Reward: $1,500 and 3,000 Overcharge
    Obtained from: Sasquatch and Friends from Dirk

To Cure A Case Of Scabs

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “It’s Me! Fizzie!”.
    Reward: $1,500, 3,000 Overcharge, Herker Mask
    Obtained from: A member of Troop Bushido

Fizzco: The Dirty Secret

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Find 4Kim”.
    Reward: $1,500, 3,000 Overcharge, and Fedora
    Obtained from: A Phone-booth at Hepcat’s Diner

Hepcat’s Upgrade

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Find 4Kim”.
    Reward: $1,500, 3,000 Overcharge, and increase Hepcat’s Vats Capacity
    Obtained from: Floyd at Hepcat’s Diner

Act 3

The Firework Show

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “The Fall Of Emperor Norton”.
    Reward: $4,500, 8,000 Overcharge, and Pop Rocket trap
    Obtained from: 4Kim

The Warlock’s Red Gaze

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “To Fargarthia!”.
    Reward: 4,000 Overcharge, Goggles, and Scuba Shoes
    Obtained from: Red-cloaked Fargarthian

Wicked Watchers In The South

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “The Warlock’s Red Gaze”.
    Reward: 4,000 Overcharge, Scuba Shirt, and Scuba Suit Pants
    Obtained from: The Fargarthian

Crimson Eyes in the North

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Wicked Watchers In The South”.
    Reward: $5,000, 10,000 Overcharge, and Scuba Tank
    Obtained from: The Fargarthian

Fizzco: The International Conspiracy

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Fizzco: The Dirty Secret” and “The King’s Feast”.
    Reward: $2,000, 4,000 Overcharge, and Dress Shirt Suspenders
    Obtained from: A phone booth in south-east pier from Fizzco Mole

Boat Upgrade

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Bad Medicine”.
    Reward: $2,000, 4,000 Overcharge, and increased Harbor Vat Capacity
    Obtained from: Floyd at Hepcat’s Diner

Act 4


    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “A Hero’s Duty”.
    Reward: $2,000, 4,000 Overcharge, and Foam Sword
    Obtained from: Hardcore at Castle Fargarthia

The Most Epic Quest for EXP

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “A Hero’s Duty”.
    Reward: $4,500, 8,000 Overcharge, and Siefried The Great trap
    Obtained from: Ignatius

One Man is an Island

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “A Hero’s Duty”.
    Reward: Pirate Hat, Pirate Jacket, Eyepatch
    Obtained from: A pirate in the southern islands in The Harbor

La Venganza

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Las Catrinas”.
    Reward: $2,500 and 5,000 Overcharge
    Obtained from: One of the Las Catrinas

It’s Personal

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Las Catrinas”.
    Reward: $5,000 and 10,000 Overcharge
    Obtained from: One of the Las Catrinas

Fizzco: The Secret Ingredient

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Awesomesmithing” and “Fizzco: The International Conspiracy”.
    Reward: $40,000, 20,000 Overcharge, and Trenchcoat
    Obtained from: The Mole in a phone booth in Downtown

Theater Upgrade

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Getting The Band Back Together”.
    Reward: $2,500, 5,000 Overcharge, and increased Vat Capacity
    Obtained from: Floyd at Hepcat’s Diner

Take Back The Streets – All Territories

    Pre-requisite: Successfully complete “Concertpocalypse”, “Downtown”, “Old Factory District”, and “The Harbor”.
    Reward: $47,500, 35,000 Overcharge, and Fizzco Baton
    Obtained from: Floyd at Hepcat’s Diner

Chaos Squad missions

The following missions are available in Chaos Squad mode:

Old Factory

Clean the Sewage Plant

    Objective: Clear out the OD.
    Challenge #1: Kill the most enemies in a single location.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission in less than 3 minutes.

Hack Fizzco

    Objective: Hack Fizzco Transmitters.
    Challenge #1: Hack a transmitter on the first try.
    Challenge #2: Upload all viruses in under 3 minutes.

Supply Drop!

    Objective: Deliver supplies to the boat.
    Challenge #1: Deliver 2 supply drops.
    Challenge #2: Deliver the most supply drops.

Scab Destruction

    Objective: Destroy the main Scab bunker.
    Challenge #1: Destroy 2 turrets.
    Challenge #2: Destroy the bunker in less than 3 minutes.

Signal Jammers

    Objective: Defend the signal jammer.
    Challenge #1: Deliver 1 range extender.
    Challenge #2: Prevent the signal jammer from taking more than 50% damage.

Destroy The Blimp

    Objective: Target and destroy the Fizzco Blimp.
    Challenge #1: Detonate 2 bombs.
    Challenge #2: Kill 4 Fizzco Rifle Bots.

Cooking With Nukes

    Objective: Defend the Cooker.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete the mission with no team deaths.
    Challenge #2: Kill 3 Blowers.

Scavenger Scramble I

    Objective: Collect the points.
    Challenge #1: Get 100 points in a single round.
    Challenge #2: Get 200 points in a single round.

Trolly Ride

    Objective: Clear the barricades from the train track.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete the mission with no team deaths.
    Challenge #2: Kill 6 Scabs.

Urban Jungle Gym I

    Objective: Successfully complete the challenges. The mission ends when one player finishes all available challenges.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete 2 challenges.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete 3 challenges.

Little Tokyo

Garage Defense

    Objective: Defend the Troop Members.
    Challenge #1: Complete a wave with no Troop members being downed.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission with fewer than 3 deaths.

Attack Of The Scabs

    Objective: Defend the Troop Members’ supplies.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete the mission with no destroyed supplies.
    Challenge #2: Kill 10 Scabs.

Rout The Scabs

    Objective: Destroy the Scab Forts.
    Challenge #1: Destroy 1 fort.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission without dying.

Apartment Spawners

    Objective: Kill all the Spawners.
    Challenge #1: Kill 2 Spawners.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission in under 2 minutes.

Scavenger Scramble II

    Objective: Collect the points.
    Challenge #1: Collect 100 points in a single round.
    Challenge #2: Collect 200 points in a single round.

Escort Troop Members

    Objective: Escort the troop members back to their base.
    Challenge #1: Kill 1 Herker.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission with no injured Troop members.

Regenerating Herker

    Objective: Defeat the Herker.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete the mission in under 90 seconds.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission without dying.

Urban Jungle Gym II

    Objective: Successfully complete the challenges. The mission ends when one player finishes all available challenges.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete 2 challenges.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete 3 challenges.

Clear All Three

    Objective: Clear all three zones of enemies.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete the mission in less than 3 minutes.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission with no team deaths.

Harbor District

Fargarthian Beach Party

    Objective: Prevent the OD from destroying the Fargarthian’s barbecue grills.
    Challenge #1: Kill 1 Herker.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission with all grills intact.

The Amusement Park

    Objective: Destroy the turrets, bunkers, and coaster cars.
    Challenge #1: Destroy 4 turrets.
    Challenge #2: Destroy one of the roller coaster cars.

Fargarthian Patrol

    Objective: Secure all three locations from the enemies that hold them.
    Challenge #1: Kill the Spawner before it spawns 20 other OD.
    Challenge #2: Kill a Spawner, a Winger, and a Tank Bot.

Hunt Fizzco

    Objective: Eliminate all Fizzco Bots.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete the mission in less than 3 minutes.
    Challenge #2: Kill a Fizzco Tank Bot.

Free The Leech Pond

    Objective: Free the prisoners from the Scabs’ cells.
    Challenge #1: Destroy 2 Scab bunkers.
    Challenge #2: Destroy 3 Scab bunkers.

Fizzie Attacks

    Objective: Destroy Fizzie.
    Challenge #1: Defeat Fizzie in less than 3 minutes.
    Challenge #2: Kill a Fizzco Tank Bot.

Scavenger Scramble III

    Objective: Collect the points.
    Challenge #1: Collect 100 points in a single round.
    Challenge #2: Collect 200 points in a single round.

Hold The Bridge

    Objective: Stop the bots from crossing the bridge.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete the mission without letting any Fizzco escape.
    Challenge #2: Kill a Fizzco Tank Bot.

Urban Jungle Gym III

    Objective: Successfully complete the challenges. The mission ends when one player finishes all available challenges.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete 2 challenges.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete 3 challenges.


Fizzco Ambush

    Objective: Intercept the Fizzco convoy.
    Challenge #1: Kill 10 Fizzco Rifle Bots.
    Challenge #2: Kill 4 Fizzco Bomb Bots.

Fizzco HQ

    Objective: Destroy boxes for points.
    Challenge #1: Kill 10 Fizzco Blade Bots.
    Challenge #2: Kill a Fizzco Tank Bot.

The Floor Is Lava

    Objective: Collect Fizzies.
    Challenge #1: Collect 1 Fizzie plushy.
    Challenge #2: Collect 2 Fizzie plushies.

Day Of The OD

    Objective: Kill OD within the rings to score points.
    Challenge #1: Finish a round using only the 3-point ring.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete a round using only the 5-point ring.

Traffic Jam

    Objective: Clear the blockades with bombs.
    Challenge #1: Plant 1 bomb without killing a single enemy.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission in less than 90 seconds.

Wrecking Balls

    Objective: Use your wrecking ball to kill OD.
    Challenge #1: Kill 20 OD.
    Challenge #2: Kill 40 OD.

Urban Jungle Gym IV

    Objective: Successfully complete the challenges. The mission ends when one player finishes all available challenges.
    Challenge #1: Successfully complete 2 challenges.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete 3 challenges.

Defend The Hospital

    Objective: Prevent Scabs from stealing supplies.
    Challenge #1: Kill 5 escaping thieves.
    Challenge #2: Kill 15 approaching thieves.

Vending Vandalism

    Objective: Destroy the vending machines.
    Challenge #1: Destroy at least 1 Overcharge vending machine.
    Challenge #2: Successfully complete the mission in under 2 minutes.

Scavenger Scramble IV

    Objective: Collect the points.
    Challenge #1: Collect 100 points in a single round.
    Challenge #2: Collect 200 points in a single round.

Easy “D’awwwwww” achievement (“Title Update 2” DLC)

Search the indicated locations to find all 12 of Ainsley’s drawings scribbled on city walls and get the “D’awwwwww” achievement.

Easy “Flung To Safety” achievement

Play Night Defense missions (available only while crafting certain amps, doing Night Defense challenges, or playing online). Before a Night Defense mission, there will be a pre-phase where you are given time to place traps. Place a trap like the Hack ‘N Slay or Pyro Geyser in good choke points of the map. Then, place a Fling Board nearby, and aim it towards the other traps. If done correctly, there will be a white dotted line that connects the Fling Board to the other trap, meaning that enemies will be flung towards these deadly traps when they step on the Fling Board. The “Flung To Safety” achievement is cumulative, and will take anywhere from 2-5+ Night Defense missions to get it using this method.

Easy “I Should Get Paid For This” achievement

This is one of the hardest achievements to get in the game, but is much easier using the following steps and tips. You first must complete a good portion of the game, up to the point that you have purchased many weapons/amps/overdrives, before attempting to get this achievement. You should have the following weapons (Level 5 with amps):

    1. Acid Sprinkler
    2. Dirty Harry (Stun Rounds)
    3. Proximity Mine or Pulse Mine
    4. TNTeddy (Nuke Explosions)
    5. Turret Copter

You should also have the following overdrives (Level 4):

    1. Ammo Capacity – Single-shot
    2. OD Killer
    3. OD Rival
    4. Plus/Minus (You need to pick up health with this equipped)
    5. Weapon Damage – Deployables
    6. Weapon Damage – Single-shot

Once you have those weapons and overdrives, go to “Episode #3: Buck’s Revenge” located not far from the Fargothian base. You can also fast travel directly to the event using the challenges leaderboard. Before starting the event, refill your ammunition (if you fail during your attempt, quit and refill ammo before retrying again). Once the event begins, the order of the objectives are as follows:

    1. Melee Kills (5/10/15)
    2. Grind Kills (10/15/20)
    3. OD Spawner Kills (1/2/3)
    4. Bounce Kills (5/10/15)
    5. Undergrind Kills (5/10/15)
    6. OD Mugger Kills (2/4/6)
    7. Pyro Geyser Kills (10/15/20)

The melee round is pretty straight forward. It is recommended to use a ground smash in the later rounds to kill as many enemies as quickly as possible after the sequence repeats. Do not jump after your ground smash, as this will only waste time. Wait for the animation to end, and then jump afterwards to immediately ground smash again.

Grind kills are pretty straight forward. Grind the garden railing, and use the TNTeddy or deployables like the Acid Sprinkler or Turret Copter.

The OD Spawner can be taken out with the Dirty Harry in 2-3 hits; remember the four possible spawns, use your mini-map, and get in range as quickly as possible.

For bounce kills, use deployables like the Acid Sprinkler and Turret Copter, and bounce on one of the cars in the middle of the road, near the wire that hangs over the street.

After bounce kills, transition directly into your undergrind as soon as they are done. Your weapons will do the work for you for this round if you set up the right deployables during the bounce phase. If not, use the TNTeddy.

For OD Mugger kills, get on the high rail from the street, and equip the Dirty Harry (or TNTeddy if close range). Rush the Mugger spawns to kill them before they start jumping. The spawns are the same every time, but they may move in slightly different patterns. This is the most frustrating round, and the round where you will lose the most time if you are not quick.

As soon as you kill the last Mugger, quickly go to the closest Pyro Geyser at the end of the street near the bridge. Just keep bouncing on it until the kills rack up. If you have too many deployables up, they may kill enemies before they reach your geyser.

Once you get all the Pyro kills, transition to the top of the list using a ground smash, and repeat as many times possible. When you get to the “OD Mugger Kills: 6” round, it is recommended to use the TNTeddy, and focus your attention to the enemies on the street. This round takes a long time to complete, and you are likely to run out of time. You will get a better score by ignoring it and going for kill streaks on the hordes below. If you follow all of these steps and tips, you should be able to get the “I Should Get Paid For This” achievement.

Easy “Perfection” achievement

It is recommended that you make some progress in the story before attempting to get the “Perfection” achievement so you can first unlock better weapons, amps, and overdrives. Once you have made progress, return to the first area (Brewery), and play the Old District Night Defense Challenge. In the pre-night defense phase, set up traps such as the Pyro Geyser, Fling Board, and Death By Decibel around the choke points near the wooden barriers. Do your best to grind above the enemies, interact with traps, and use good explosive weapons like the TNTeddy along with deployables like the Acid Sprinklet and Turret Copter to keep enemies away from the gate. Once they begin to break in, follow them in, and use the Freeze Bomb to slow them down from getting into the final area with the vat. If you complete the Night Defense challenge without losing any Overcharge (indicated on the left side of the screen), you will get the achievement. Note: If you are having trouble getting this achievement, try upgrading your weapons and overdrives further, and then try again.

Easy “The Floor Is Lava” achievement

You can get this achievement very early in the game by finding two “bounce” objects next to each other in the open world. For example, find two cars parked next to each other. Then, simply bounce back and forth between these two objects to get “The Floor Is Lava” achievement. Note: The combo counter will appear in the top right corner, and must reach 100 or more to get the achievement.

Breaking Bad reference

The “Breaking Booze” optional mission has you saving a young man named Jess from the Scabs. He has barrels of ethanol needed for his “special recipe” that you can throw at them. During the fight he also shouts, “Yeah, science bitch!” These are all references to Jesse from Breaking Bad .


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Orange Soda (15 points): 5,000 OD’d Massacred.
    Perfection (10 points): Complete an optional Night Defense without losing any of your Overcharge.
    The Floor is Lava (10 points): Chain together 100 traversal moves without stopping or touching the ground.
    Stylish Kills (5 points): Kill 500 enemies while at Style Level 3.
    Let Me Count the Ways (5 points): Burn, Shock, Freeze, or Enrage 1000 enemies.
    Favorite (10 points): Upgrade one of your guns to Level 5.
    Many Favorites (30 points): Upgrade 10 guns to Level 5.
    I Like Them All (30 points): Upgrade 20 guns to Level 5.
    Amped Up (10 points): Equip five AMPs on your character at the same time.
    Over-Amped (5 points): Earn an Amp upgrade in Chaos Squad.
    Badge (20 points): Earn a badge.
    Who is Sending These? (10 points): Loot 25 emergency supply drops.
    Can’t Commit (5 points): Equip one piece of clothing from each Faction at the same time.
    The 0.1% (10 points): Spend at least 25,000 Overcharge.
    Overachiever (10 points): You earned an achievement.
    Appreciation (5 points): Watch the credits all the way through.
    Not So Secret Ingredient (25 points): Get to the bottom of Fizzco’s corporate secrets.
    Roleplay While Roleplaying (10 points): Reach Level 99 in Ignatius’ epic RPG campaign.
    Vat Pack Rat (20 points): Upgrade the Overcharge vats at every Fort.
    Ultimate Collection (20 points): Liberate all the comic books for the comic book collector.
    Defender of the Realm (20 points): Clear Fargarthia of a hidden evil.
    Revolutionary (20 points): Take back Sunset City for the misfit survivors.
    Equal Opportunity (15 points): Complete a quest from every faction.
    A Challenger Appears (10 points): Complete 10 challenges with at least a bronze rating.
    Second Place (10 points): Complete 30 challenges with at least a silver rating.
    The Champion (10 points): Complete 50 challenges with a gold rating.
    Chaos in the Old Factory (25 points): Survive Chaos Squad in the Old Factory District with at least 150 Chaos.
    Chaos in Little Tokyo (25 points): Survive Chaos Squad in Little Tokyo District with at least 325 Chaos.
    Chaos in the Harbor District (25 points): Survive Chaos Squad in the Harbor District with at least 750 Chaos.
    Chaos in Downtown (25 points): Survive Chaos Squad in Downtown District with at least 1625 Chaos.
    Orange Soda II (15 points): 15,000 OD’d massacred.
    Grind Kills (5 points): Kill 100 enemies while grinding.
    Bounce Kills (5 points): Kill 100 enemies while bouncing or while in the air.
    Trap Kills (5 points): Kill 500 enemies with traps.
    Flung to Safety (5 points): Kill 100 enemies by flinging them into danger using the Springboard Trap.
    Grind Melee (5 points): Melee 50 enemies while grinding.
    Out of Stock (10 points): Destroy 250 Overcharge XT vending machines.
    Crash Landing (10 points): Destroy 25 Fizzco Blimps just because you can.
    Overdrive (20 points): Unlock an Overdrive.
    More Overdrive (30 points): Unlock at least one Rank 4 Overdrive.
    Intel (10 points): Collect all 40 Smartphones.
    Explorer (10 points): Find all 20 secret sightseeing locations in Sunset City.
    Big Brother (10 points): Destroy all 150 Fizzco security cameras.
    Wire Tapping (10 points): Eavesdrop on nine conversations by hacking into satellites.
    It’s Art, Ok? (10 points): Deface 40 billboards with graffiti.
    Shoe Closet (10 points): Collect all 150 shoes hanging from wires.
    Going to Need a Bigger Closet (10 points): Collect 250 fashion items.
    I Should Get Paid for This (25 points): Beat Insomniac QA’s high score of 534,080 on the Challenge “Buck’s Revenge.”
    Replay (5 points): Replay any Mission and complete it under par.
    Not the Boss of Me (5 points): Replay the final mission and defeat the boss under par.
    What’s Your Sign? (10 points): Collect all 150 Overcharge hologram signs.
    Hot Air (10 points): Collect all 150 Fizzie balloons.
    Litter (10 points): Collect all 150 scraps of toilet paper.
    Mixology 101 (10 points): Collect 20 Amps from Floyd.

Additionally, there are ten secret achievements:

    Oh the Horror! (30 points): Survive Horror Night.
    Dusk Til Dawn (30 points): Survive one night at your Fort.
    Buck National (20 points): Become a reality TV star.
    Plan B (35 points): Survive the glider crash and look for another way out of Sunset City.
    That Balloon (20 points): You killed a balloon.
    Scout’s Honor (35 points): Become an honorary Troop Member by finding Bryllcream and defeating Norton.
    Ultra Mega Kill (20 points): That was a lot of pigeons.
    Save Everyone (35 points): Save Sunset City from Fizzco’s second-most powerful robot.
    Excalibro (20 points): You forged the mythical Excalamune.
    This is My City Now (50 points): You beat the final Fizzco corporate machine.

The following achievements require the “Dawn Of The Rise Of The Fallen Machines” bonus downloadable content:

    Chaos in the Robot Factory (25 points): Survive Chaos Squad in the Robot Factory with at least 2300 Chaos.
    Cosplay (30 points): Put on a robot costume and collect the kill codes.
    Ballin’ (30 points): Reroute the power inside the factory in the weirdest way possible.
    Language Lessons (25 points): Work with Buck and Sam to create a new weapon.
    Saved (30 points): Find Fiona and Lou, then help them escape by fixing Snackwrap.
    Special Delivery (30 points): Ride a cargo container into the factory.
    The Most Punchable Face (30 points): Defeat Brandon. Like, for real.
    The Pitch (25 points): Weapons design is a tough business.

The following achievements require “The Mystery Of The Mooil Rig” bonus downloadable content:

    Chaos in the Mooil Rig (25 points): Survive Chaos Squad in the Mooil Rig with at least 2000 Chaos.
    Beat the Dev (25 points): Beat any player’s score in Chaos Squad who has the ‘Beat the Dev’ achievement.

Additionally, there are eight secret achievements with “The Mystery Of The Mooil Rig” bonus downloadable content:

    Lost and Found (20 points): Find Bryllcream… again.
    Crude Oil (30 points): Arrive at the Mooil Rig.
    Big Tobacco (20 points): Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, and instant death.
    It’s Full of Stars (20 points): Light fires big enough to see from space.
    Seas the Day (20 points): Protect the boat from bombs, mortars, and OD’d.
    Calamari (50 points): Defeat the DL-sea monster.
    Big Break (20 points): Anybody can be a movie producer, because nobody knows what they do.
    A Boy’s Best Friend is his Mother (20 points): Build the “Feel the Burn” weapon for a guy who is stir-crazy… or just crazy.

The following achievements require the “Title Update 1” bonus downloadable content:

    Hardcore!: Buck National vs The Apocalypse (25 points): Beat the score of 400,000 on the Challenge “Buck National vs The Apocalypse.”
    Hardcore!: Buck Strikes Back (25 points): Beat the score of 500,000 on the Challenge “Buck Strikes Back.”
    Hardcore!: Buck Stops Here (25 points): Beat the score of 600,000 on the Challenge “Buck Stops Here.”

The following achievement requires the “Title Update 2” bonus downloadable content:

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]
    D’awwwwww (175 points): Find all 12 of Ainsley’s drawings scribbled on city walls.

The following achievements require the “Title Update 3” bonus downloadable content:

    A Boy’s Best Friend is his Mother (20 points): Build the “Feel the Burn” weapon for a guy who is stir-crazy… or just crazy.
    Fizzie says April Fools! (199 points): Ha, ha! I can’t believe you feel for that!
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