



Super Mario Maker Patch Introduces Frustrating Glitch

Super Mario Maker Patch Introduces Frustrating Glitch

Super Mario Maker was a real game changer for Nintendo. It moved a lot of consoles, and sold really well. I got the game on release day and after playing for a while, there were really only two things that I wanted to see: more content, and checkpoints. Well we know that there will be additional content added in the future, and a very recent patch added checkpoints to the game. All is well, right?

Well, kind of. It turns out that a few course creators have noticed something peculiar about the way the checkpoint flags work. Apparently when you revert to a checkpoint, Mario initially spawns at the bottom of the flag. If you place your blocks accordingly, you can actually force Mario to glitch-spawn below the checkpoint, given he has somewhere to drop into. A few malevolent designers have used this glitch to create some seemingly unbeatable courses. To see an example, check out GameXplain’s video below. Hopefully Nintendo will patch this soon; in the meantime, the 100 Mario Challenge could get a lot more frustrating.

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