Supercross Infinite turbo
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NDFSPD ” as a code.
Infinite power clutch
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” UNLIMITEDPC ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
All joke riders
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” JOKERIDERS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Invisible bikes
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NOBIKES ” as a code.
Invisible riders
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NORIDERS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Display riders weakness
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” I AM WEAK ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Lowers track barriers
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” LOFENCES ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Exploding text in freestyle mode
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” EXPLODE ” as a code.
Parts Unlimited Championship Series
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NUTSANDBOLTS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Wrenchead Championship Series
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” SUPPLIESONLINE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
FMF Championship Series
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NEEDNEWEXHAUST ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Scott Championship Series
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” THROWMEGOGGLES ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Etnies Freestyle Games
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” SHOESANDTRICKS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Washougal track
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” WMXPLIBWWA ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Riverbed track
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” OTRATTWTGHWG ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Launching Pad track
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” OSSFMOGLFM ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Agent Albert
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” PEANUTBUTTER ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Astro Nut
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” ONESMALLSTEP ” as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game with any rider to unlock Astro Nut in freestyle mode. -From: [email protected]
Play as Billy Ray MudMullet
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” POSSUMPANCAKES ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Bob Page
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” FORTYFOUR ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Bones
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MARROWMAN ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Brave Scotsman
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” PLAIDROCKS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Dave Davis
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MACK DADDY ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as David Bailey
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” IRONMAN ” as a code.
Play as Doctor Invisso
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” LOOKMANOBODY ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as EA Gal
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” LETSGOEAGAL ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as EA Guy
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” EASPORTSRIDE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Ecko Rider
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” WWWECKOCOM ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as El Luchador
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MASKEDMAN ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Freedom Fighter
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” AMERICAN ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Happy Smiley
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” HAVEANICEDAY ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Harry Bigfoot
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MMMSQUIRREL ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Hot Tub Harvey
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” HARVEYSAYSRELAX ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Johnny O’Marra
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” 4XUSMXDNCHAMP ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Moto Samurai
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” HONORFIRST ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as MR-34 Robot
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” METALDUDE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Roger DeCoster
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” 9XBELGIANCHAMP ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Sarcophagus Jones
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” PYRAMIDSCHEME ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Smitty Sugarlegs
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” ENDZONEDANCE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Some Guy
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” WHOSTHAT ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Spece Overlord
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” BUNGAVEE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Spitt Polish
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” THREEPIECESUIT ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Supercross Avenger
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” TRIPLELEAPER ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as The King
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” SIDEBURNS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as The Zombie
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” LOVESBRAINS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as TieDye Guy
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MELLOWOUT ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
Play as Tricky The Clown
Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” POLKADOT ” as a code. -From: [email protected]
- 360: Press Down, Right, Up.
- Airwalk: Press Right, Up.
- Back Fender Grab: Press Down, Down .
- Backflip: Press Left, Down, Right.
- Bar Hop: Press Right, Left.
- Blender: Press Up, Right, Left.
- Candy Bar: Press Up, Left.
- Cliffhanger: Press Down, Up, Down, Up.
- Clown Flip: Press Up, Left, Up(2).
- Cordova: Press Right, Down.
- Front Fender Grab: Press Up, Up.
- Gorilla Thumper: Press Right, Left, Down.
- Hart Attack: Press Right, Down, Up.
- Heel Clicker: Press Left, Right.
- Indian Air Superman Seatgrab: Press Right, Down, Left.
- Lazy Boy: Press Up, Down, Up, Down.
- McMetz: Press Left, Right, Left, Right.
- Mulisha Air: Press Left, Down, Up.
- No Footed Can Can: Press Down, Right.
- No Footed Nac Nac: Press Left, Down.
- No Footer: Press Down.
- No Hander: Press Up.
- Nose Wheelie: Press Triangle + Up.
- Nothing: Press Up, Down.
- One Handed Superman Seatgrab: Press Right, Up, Left.
- Pendulum: Press Right, Left, Right, Left.
- Rodeo: Press Left, Up, Right.
- Rollover: Press Left, Down, Left.
- Saran Wrap: Press Up, Right.
- Superman: Press Down, Up
-Some codes from: [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]
Unlock All Tracks | 800C2FDA FFFF 800C2FDC FFFF 800C2FDE FFFF |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.