



Supercross Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Supercross Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Supercross Infinite turbo

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NDFSPD ” as a code.

Infinite power clutch

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” UNLIMITEDPC ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

All joke riders

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” JOKERIDERS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Invisible bikes

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NOBIKES ” as a code.

Invisible riders

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NORIDERS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Display riders weakness

[lasso rel="amzn-razer-blackshark-v2-and-usb-sound-card-multi-platform-headset-for-esports-pc-mac-playstation-4-switch-xbox-1-smartphone-50mm-drivers" id="177836"]

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” I AM WEAK ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Lowers track barriers

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” LOFENCES ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Exploding text in freestyle mode

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” EXPLODE ” as a code.

Parts Unlimited Championship Series

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NUTSANDBOLTS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Wrenchead Championship Series

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” SUPPLIESONLINE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

FMF Championship Series

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” NEEDNEWEXHAUST ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Scott Championship Series

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” THROWMEGOGGLES ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Etnies Freestyle Games

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” SHOESANDTRICKS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Washougal track

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” WMXPLIBWWA ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Riverbed track

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” OTRATTWTGHWG ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Launching Pad track

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” OSSFMOGLFM ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Agent Albert

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” PEANUTBUTTER ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Astro Nut

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” ONESMALLSTEP ” as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game with any rider to unlock Astro Nut in freestyle mode. -From: [email protected]

Play as Billy Ray MudMullet

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” POSSUMPANCAKES ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Bob Page

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” FORTYFOUR ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Bones

[lasso rel="amzn-razer-blackshark-v2-and-usb-sound-card-multi-platform-headset-for-esports-pc-mac-playstation-4-switch-xbox-1-smartphone-50mm-drivers" id="177836"]

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MARROWMAN ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Brave Scotsman

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” PLAIDROCKS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Dave Davis

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MACK DADDY ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as David Bailey

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” IRONMAN ” as a code.

Play as Doctor Invisso

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” LOOKMANOBODY ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as EA Gal

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” LETSGOEAGAL ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as EA Guy

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” EASPORTSRIDE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Ecko Rider

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” WWWECKOCOM ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as El Luchador

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MASKEDMAN ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Freedom Fighter

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” AMERICAN ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Happy Smiley

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” HAVEANICEDAY ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Harry Bigfoot

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MMMSQUIRREL ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Hot Tub Harvey

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” HARVEYSAYSRELAX ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Johnny O’Marra

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” 4XUSMXDNCHAMP ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Moto Samurai

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” HONORFIRST ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as MR-34 Robot

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” METALDUDE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Roger DeCoster

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” 9XBELGIANCHAMP ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Sarcophagus Jones

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” PYRAMIDSCHEME ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Smitty Sugarlegs

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” ENDZONEDANCE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Some Guy

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” WHOSTHAT ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Spece Overlord

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” BUNGAVEE ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Spitt Polish

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” THREEPIECESUIT ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Supercross Avenger

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” TRIPLELEAPER ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as The King

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” SIDEBURNS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as The Zombie

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” LOVESBRAINS ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as TieDye Guy

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” MELLOWOUT ” as a code. -From: [email protected]

Play as Tricky The Clown

Enter the options screen and choose the “Enter Codes” selection. Then, enter ” POLKADOT ” as a code. -From: [email protected]


    360: Press Down, Right, Up.
    Airwalk: Press Right, Up.
    Back Fender Grab: Press Down, Down .
    Backflip: Press Left, Down, Right.
    Bar Hop: Press Right, Left.
    Blender: Press Up, Right, Left.
    Candy Bar: Press Up, Left.
    Cliffhanger: Press Down, Up, Down, Up.
    Clown Flip: Press Up, Left, Up(2).
    Cordova: Press Right, Down.
    Front Fender Grab: Press Up, Up.
    Gorilla Thumper: Press Right, Left, Down.
    Hart Attack: Press Right, Down, Up.
    Heel Clicker: Press Left, Right.
    Indian Air Superman Seatgrab: Press Right, Down, Left.
    Lazy Boy: Press Up, Down, Up, Down.
    McMetz: Press Left, Right, Left, Right.
    Mulisha Air: Press Left, Down, Up.
    No Footed Can Can: Press Down, Right.
    No Footed Nac Nac: Press Left, Down.
    No Footer: Press Down.
    No Hander: Press Up.
    Nose Wheelie: Press Triangle + Up.
    Nothing: Press Up, Down.
    One Handed Superman Seatgrab: Press Right, Up, Left.
    Pendulum: Press Right, Left, Right, Left.
    Rodeo: Press Left, Up, Right.
    Rollover: Press Left, Down, Left.
    Saran Wrap: Press Up, Right.
    Superman: Press Down, Up

-Some codes from: [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]

Game Shark Codes

Unlock All Tracks 800C2FDA FFFF

[lasso rel="amzn-razer-blackshark-v2-and-usb-sound-card-multi-platform-headset-for-esports-pc-mac-playstation-4-switch-xbox-1-smartphone-50mm-drivers" id="177836"]
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