



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger Of The Ooze Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger Of The Ooze Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger Of The Ooze Achievements

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Today’s Lesson (15 points): Return to the Lair and undergo training.
    Operation Break In (15 points): Find a way inside the TCRI Building.
    Kick some Shell! (15 points): Take Casey’s advice to upgrade a Shell Kicker.
    Leader in Blue (15 points): Fully upgrade Leo’s Shell Kickers.
    Way with Machines (15 points): Fully upgrade Donnie’s Shell Kickers.
    Most Attitude (15 points): Fully upgrade Raph’s Shell Kickers.
    One of a Kind (15 points): Fully upgrade Mikey’s Shell Kickers.
    A Ninja’s Best Friend (15 points): Find a Shuriken upgrade.
    Stocked and Loaded (50 points): Find every Shuriken upgrade.
    Ninja Omelet (15 points): Find a Smoke Bomb upgrade.
    Blah Blah, Science Blah (30 points): Find every Smoke Bomb upgrade.
    Chi Time (15 points): Find a Chi upgrade.
    A-Chi-vement Unlocked! (30 points): Find every Chi upgrade.
    Pizza by the Shred (15 points): Find a Health upgrade.
    Pizza Face (30 points): Find every Health upgrade.
    The Big Brawl (15 points): Perform 50 Shell Kickers successfully.
    The Ultimate Ninja (40 points): Perform 100 Shell Kickers successfully.
    Mouser Menace (15 points): Mangle 100 Mousers.
    Footbots are Revolting (15 points): Fell 100 Footbots.
    Slash and Destroy (15 points): Knock down 100 Kraang Droids.
    The Manhattan Project (30 points): Achieve 100% Completion.
    Turtle Speed (15 points): Finish the game in under 4:00.
    Turtle Power! (30 points): Finish the game in under 2:30.
    Shellraiser (50 points): Finish the game in under 1:00.
    Shell Shock! (50 points): Finish the game without upgrading any Shell Kickers.
    A ninja in need… (15 points): Rescue a captured turtle.
    Dedicated Student (15 points): Seek out wisdom from Splinter.
    The Gauntlet (15 points): Beat Rahzar without taking damage.
    Mint Condition (90 points): Find Mikey’s lost comic book.

Additionally, there are 11 secret achievements:

    Bixby Sticktown!? (15 points): Swat Baxter Stockman.
    Down in the Docks (15 points): Sneak into the Warehouse district.
    Ninja Stars and Stripes (15 points): Trounce Tiger Claw.
    Mikey’s time to shine (15 points): Teleport into Dimension X.
    Plasma Pleurodelinae (15 points): Neutralize the Newtralizer.
    Fall of the Foot Clan (15 points): Give Shred-head something to think about.
    Baxter’s Gambit (50 points): Maim 300 Mousers.
    Boot the Foot (50 points): Finish 300 Footbots.
    Pulverizer (50 points): Quell 300 Kraang Droids.
    Lucky Guess (15 points): Watch a bonus conversation.
    Conversationalist (30 points): Watch every bonus conversation.
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