Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters is a 1993 fighting game developed and published by Konami. The game was first released for the SNES and Sega Genesis, although a NES version was eventually released in 1994.
The overall reception for the game depended entirely upon which version you played. Both Nintendo versions received positive reviews from critics, although the Sega Genesis version was criticized for containing fewer moves, as well as a darker color palette. Regardless, the game was a strong seller for Konami.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Premise
The difficulty of talking about the gameplay of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters is due to it essentially being a different game across all platforms.
The NES version follows a short story mode, in which the Ninja Turtles compete against each other to see who is worthy of Shredder’s challenge. On top of this, it features a Tournament mode and Vs. mode, which allows for one-on-one battles against the AI or another player. The matches themselves are standard fighting game fare, with best-of-three battles and every character having their own unique moveset.
Comparitively, the story mode in the SNES version is much different. April O’Neil and Splinter have been kidnapped, and the Ninja Turtles embark on a journey to rescue the pair. There is a big visual upgrade in the SNES version, with the gameplay being much smoother to reflect this, too. It even adds a special attack bar which is built up by attacking enemies.
The final Sega Genesis version has less complexity in the combat than the SNES version, with just two buttons for attacks. It does however feature destruction in levels, which can change the outcome of a fight. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters on Sega Genesis features another story mode of its own, this time with the Turtles heading to Dimension X facing clones of themselves.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Main Characters
If you’ve ever seen any iteration of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, you know the main characters to expect here. Although the overall rosters change across the different versions of the game, it is still Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo at the heart of the action. Rather than explain who these iconic characters are, we’re going to show you the full playable roster available in each version of the game!
NES Version
- Leonardo
- Raphael
- Michelangelo
- Donatello
- Casey Jones
- Hothead
- Shredder
SNES Version
- Leonardo
- Raphael
- Michelangelo
- Donatello
- Cyber Shredder
- War
- Aska
- Chrome Dome
- Wingnut
- Armaggon
- Fake Brother
Sega Genesis Version
- Leonardo
- Raphael
- Michelangelo
- Donatello
- Casey Jones
- Ray Fillet
- April O’Neil
- Sisyphus
- Leonardo (Clone)
- Raphael (Clone)
- Michelangelo (Clone)
- Donatello (Clone)
- Casey Jones (Clone)
- Ray Fillet (Clone)
- April O’Neil (Clone)
- Sisyphus (Clone)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Titles in the Series
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise has a long history in the video games industry. In the early ’90s, when the Turtles were arguably at the peak of their popularity, it was hard to escape them in the video game space. There were several releases a year, telling new stories in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series.
Although the Turtles have remained cultural icons within pop culture, there is no doubt their popularity has somewhat dwindled across the 21st century. This has been reflected in the video games output, too. Many of the more recent releases have been a tie-in with a movie or another media project, as opposed to a game intending to stand by itself. It’s a shame, as the IP still has plenty of potential. We’re imagining the possibilities of a third-person action game set in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe – the potential is limitless.
The History of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Games
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1989)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Splinter Speaks (1990)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Pizza Drop (1990)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: World Tour (1990)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (1990)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Manhattan Missions (1991)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (1991)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers (1991)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project (1991)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Shredder’s Last Stand (1991)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Basketball (1991)
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (1991)
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: Four for Four (1992)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (1992)
- ]Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue (1993)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (1993)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Dimension X Assault (1995)
- Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation (1997)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus (2004)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward: Ninja Training NYC (2005)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare (2005)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Melee (2005)
- TMNT: The Power of 4 (2006)
- TMNT: Battle for the City (2006)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants and Monsters Mayhem (2006)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Way of the Warrior (2006)
- TMNT: Ninja Adventures (2007)
- TMNT (2007)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ninja Tribunal (2009)
- TMNT: The Shredder Reborn (2009)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up (2009)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled (2009)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade Attack (2009)
- Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Totally Turtles Tabletop Pinball (2013)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Rumble (2013)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run (2013)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2013)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2013)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Training Lair (2014)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze (2014)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Battle Match (2015)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Portal Power (2016)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Legends (2016)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan (2016)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2017)
- Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ninja Run (2018)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Madness (2020)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge (2022)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Cheat Codes
There are a few different cheat codes for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters, although it should be noted that these can only be used on the SNES version of the game. Unfortunately, these cheats won’t work on the Sega Genesis and NES versions.
To enter these codes, you’ll need a second controller, as they must all be entered on it. You must also enter the below cheats on the title screen for it to unlock.
Cheat Code | Cheat Code Effect |
L, R, L, R, L, R, A (on controller 2) | Unlocks the Metro Train and Studio 6 levels. |
B, B, B, A, A, A, X, X, X, X, X, X, X (on controller 2) | Gives you 10 credits. |
X, Up, Y, Left, B, Down, A, Right, X, Up. Then, go to Vs. Mode and press left on controller 1. (on Controller 2) | Unlocks two new characters to play as in Vs. Mode. |
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A (on controller 2) | Unlocks Speed Level 3 in Options Menu. |
Up, Left, Down, Right, X, Y, B, A, X, Y, B, A, and X (on controller 2) | Unlocks Ultimate bar in Story Mode. |
Up, Left, Down, Right, X, Y, B, A, X, Y, B, A, X (on controller 2) | Allows you to use Super Moves in Story Mode. |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Game Genie Cheat Codes (SNES)
If the above cheats are a little too restrictive, you can instead enter Game Genie cheats on the SNES version of the game. To do this, you must either own a Game Genie or (more likely) play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters on an SNES emulator. You can then enter these third-party cheats in the Cheats section of your emulator, which allows for a much more robust cheating experience.
Character Modifier Cheats
Cheat Code | Cheat Code Effect |
D9C8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Aska. |
D6C8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Chrome Dome. |
D4C8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Donatello. |
D8C8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Karai. |
DDC8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Leonardo. |
DFC8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Michelangelo. |
D7C8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Raphael. |
DCC8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Rat King. |
DBC8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Shredder. |
D0C8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with War. |
D1C8-17A5 | Replaces Armaggon with Wingnut. |
D5C8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Armaggon. |
D6C8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Chrome Dome. |
D4C8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Donatello. |
D8C8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Karai. |
DDC8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Leonardo. |
DFC8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Michelangelo. |
D7C8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Raphael. |
DCC8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Rat King. |
DBC8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Shredder. |
D0C8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with War. |
D1C8-14A5 | Replaces Aska with Wingnut. |
D5CA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Armaggon. |
D9CA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Aska. |
D4CA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Donatello. |
D8CA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Karai. |
DDCA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Leonardo. |
DFCA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Michelangelo. |
D7CA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Raphael. |
DCCA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Rat King. |
DBCA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Shredder. |
D0CA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with War. |
D1CA-1D05 | Replaces Chrome Dome with Wingnut. |
D5CA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Armaggon. |
D9CA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Aska. |
D6CA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Chrome Dome. |
D8CA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Karai (doesn’t work in Story Mode). |
DDCA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Leonardo. |
DFCA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Michelangelo. |
D7CA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Raphael. |
DCCA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Rat King (doesn’t work in Story Mode). |
DBCA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Shredder. |
D0CA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with War. |
D1CA-1705 | Replaces Donatello with Wingnut. |
D5CA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Armaggon. |
D9CA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Aska. |
D6CA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Chrome Dome. |
D4CA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Donatello. |
D8CA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Karai (doesn’t work in Story Mode). |
DFCA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Michelangelo. |
D7CA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Raphael. |
DCCA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Rat King (doesn’t work in Story Mode). |
DBCA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Shredder. |
D0CA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with War. |
D1CA-1405 | Replaces Leonardo with Wingnut. |
D5CA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Armaggon. |
D9CA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Aska. |
D6CA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Chrome Dome. |
D4CA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Donatello. |
D8CA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Karai. |
DDCA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Aska. |
D7CA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Aska. |
DCCA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Aska. |
DBCA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Aska. |
D0CA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Aska. |
D1CA-17A5 | Replaces Michelangelo with Aska. |
D5CA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Armaggon. |
D9CA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Aska. |
D6CA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Chrome Dome. |
D4CA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Donatello. |
D8CA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Karai (doesn’t work in Story Mode). |
DDCA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Leonardo. |
DFCA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Michelangelo. |
DCCA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Rat King (doesn’t work in Story Mode). |
DBCA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Shredder. |
D0CA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with War. |
D1CA-14A5 | Replaces Raphael with Wingnut. |
D5CA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Armaggon. |
D9CA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Aska. |
D6CA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Chrome Dome. |
D4CA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Donatello. |
D8CA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Karai. |
DDCA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Leonardo. |
DFCA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Michelangelo. |
D7CA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Raphael. |
DCCA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Rat King. |
D0CA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with War. |
D1CA-1DA5 | Replaces Shredder with Wingnut. |
D5C8-1405 | Replaces War with Armaggon. |
D9C8-1405 | Replaces War with Aska. |
D6C8-1405 | Replaces War with Chrome Dome. |
D4C8-1405 | Replaces War with Donatello. |
D8C8-1405 | Replaces War with Karai. |
DDC8-1405 | Replaces War with Leonardo. |
DFC8-1405 | Replaces War with Michelangelo. |
D7C8-1405 | Replaces War with Raphael. |
DCC8-1405 | Replaces War with Rat King. |
DBC8-1405 | Replaces War with Shredder. |
D1C8-1405 | Replaces War with Wingnut. |
D5C8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Armaggon. |
D9C8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Aska. |
D6C8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Chrome Dome. |
D4C8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Donatello. |
D8C8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Karai. |
DDC8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Leonardo. |
DFC8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Michelangelo. |
D7C8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Raphael. |
DCC8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Rat King. |
DBC8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with Shredder. |
D0C8-1705 | Replaces Wingnut with War. |
Gameplay Modifier Cheats
Cheat Codes | Cheat Code Effects |
46C3-4463 | Energy bar drops to around 1/2 full after using an Ultimate attack. |
F0C3-4463 | Energy bar drops to around 1/4 full after using an Ultimate attack. |
7AC3-4463 | Energy bar drops to around 3/4 full after using an Ultimate attack. |
82A6-4FA4 | Gives you infinite continues. |
7DE9-3D25 | Makes both players start with 1/2 health. |
F6E9-3D25 | Makes both players start with 1/4 health. |
06E9-3D25 | Makes both players start with 3/4 health. |
DDC1-1D03 | Stops the energy bar from going down over time. |
D4C1-1D03 | The energy bar goes down twice as fast. |
F7CA-4F63 | Gives you a full Super bar after one hit. |
D58E-340A | Always enables Hard Mode. |
6D69-149F | Makes player one always hit from anywhere. |
6D6F-1F9F | Makes player two always hit from anywhere. |
9937-4D21 | Gives both players infinite health. |
EE34-4DF1 | Gives player one infinite health. |
D78E-37AA | Gives you infinite time and allows you to start with 10 lives. |
FD86-4F00 | Makes matches 10 seconds long when menu option is left on 60 seconds. |
F986-4F00 | Makes matches 15 seconds long when menu option is left on 60 seconds. |
4D86-4F00 | Makes matches 20 seconds long when menu option is left on 60 seconds. |
5986-4F00 | Makes matches 75 seconds long when menu option is left on 60 seconds. |
6389-3462 A089-34A2 FC89-37D2 | Gives you a full Super Bar after one hit. |
D9C8-C7FF F4CC-C72F | Makes player one always win. |
D4B1-CF60 | Start with one continue. |
D0B1-CF60 | Start with three continues. |
D1B1-CF60 | Start with five continues. |
D6B1-CF60 | Start with seven continues. |
DDB1-CF60 | Start with zero continues when menu option is left at three. |
DDCE-1F0E | Pauses the in-game timer. |
DFCA-44A3 | Allows the Ultimate attack to be done any time the bar isn’t empty. |
46CA-44A3 | Allows the Ultimate attack to be done when the bar is half full. |
F0CA-44A3 | Allows the Ultimate attack to be done when the bar is a quarter full. |
7ACA-44A3 | Allows the Ultimate attack to be done when the bar is three-quarters full. |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Game Genie Cheat Codes (Sega Genesis)
If you’re playing the game on a Sega Genesis emulator, the above Game Genie cheats will not work. Fear not! There is a totally different selection of Game Genie cheats available for the Sega Genesis, which are entered in the Cheats menu of your chosen emulator.
Cheat Code | Cheat Code Effect |
9T6T-FGN0 TA6T-EAE2 966T-EAE4 GA6T-EAE6 | Gives you infinite lives. |
AFNA-AAER | Makes each round last 19 seconds. |
APNA-AAER | Makes each round last 39 seconds. |
AZNA-AAER | Makes each round last 59 seconds. |
A7NA-AAER | Makes each round last 79 seconds. |
ABNA-AAER | Makes each round last 9 seconds. |
AJ3T-EA28 AJ3T-EA4C AJ3T-EA46 AJ3T-EA52 | Both players can hit from anywhere. |
9TLA-BGG4 TALA-AAG6 96LA-AAG8 GELA-AAHA | Gives player one infinite energy. |
AA1A-EA9E 5J1A-ECHG | Gives player one invincibility. |
JATT-EET0 | Makes jump codes work on all speed settings. |
AVWT-EA76 | Disables jumping for all players. |
AD0T-FM7R | Gives you mega jump while playing as April O’Neil. |
AD0T-FM78 | Gives you mega jump while playing as Casey Jones. |
AD0T-FM58 | Gives you mega jump while playing as Donatello. |
AD1A-FM2R | Gives you mega jump while playing as Karai. |
AD0T-FM98 | Gives you mega jump while playing as Krang’s Android. |
AD0T-FM5R | Gives you mega jump while playing as Leonardo. |
AD0T-FM6R | Gives you mega jump while playing as Michelangelo. |
AD0T-FM68 | Gives you mega jump while playing as Raphael. |
AD0T-FM8R | Gives you mega jump while playing as Ray Fillet. |
AD0T-FM88 | Gives you mega jump while playing as Sisyphus. |
AD0T-FM9R | Gives you mega jump while playing as Triceraton. |
AD0T-EAFR | Disables jump while playing as April O’Neil. |
AD0T-EAF8 | Disables jump while playing as Casey Jones. |
AD0T-EAD8 | Disables jump while playing as Donatello. |
AD1A-EAAR | Disables jump while playing as Karai. |
AD0T-EAH8 | Disables jump while playing as Krang’s Android. |
AD0T-EADR | Disables jump while playing as Leonardo. |
AD0T-EAER | Disables jump while playing as Michelangelo. |
AD0T-EAE8 | Disables jump while playing as Raphael. |
AD0T-EAGR | Disables jump while playing as Ray Fillet. |
AD0T-EAG8 | Disables jump while playing as Sisyphus. |
AD0T-EAHR | Disables jump while playing as Triceraton. |
EACT-EAHY | Makes player one start with 25% health. |
JACT-EAHY | Makes player one start with 50% health. |
NACT-EAHY | Makes player one start with 75% health. |
AECT-EAHY | Makes player one start with almost no health. |
EACT-EAH4 | Makes player two start with 25% health. |
JACT-EAH4 | Makes player two start with 50% health. |
NACT-EAH4 | Makes player two start with 75% health. |
AECT-EAH4 | Makes player two start with almost no health. |
A6MA-AYGN | Replaces April O’Neil with Karai. |
BAMA-AYGN | Replaces April O’Neil with Karai and Sisyphus with Triceraton. |
BEMA-ALGL | Replaces Ray Fillet with Krang’s Android. |
BAMA-AJGN | Replaces Sisyphus with Triceraton. |
BAPA-AEBN | Replaces the jungle planet with the dinosaur planet. |
BJPA-AABW | Replaces the ocean planet with Ancient Japan. |
BEPA-ACBT | Replaces the spaceship stage with the technodrome stage. |
AJYA-AA5G | Allows you to set any difficulty level in the Options screen. |
AJXT-AA96 | Allows you to set any number of continues in the Options screen. |
AJYA-AA3Y | Allows you to set any number of rounds in the Options screen. |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Cheat Code FAQ
Can I Use Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Cheats With Just One Controller?
No. As mentioned above, the cheat codes included in the base game of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters need to be entered using a second controller, or else they won’t work.
The cheat code that unlocks two new characters even requires the use of both controllers during the same sequence, so you’ll no doubt need two for that particular one.
Where Do I Enter Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Cheat Codes?
To use the base game cheats, enter the codes while on the title screen. For the Game Genie cheats, you’ll need to enter them in the cheat code section of your chosen emulator.
How Do I Unlock the Metro Train and Studio 6 Levels in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters?
These two levels are only available for unlock in the SNES version of the game, so keep that in mind. To get them for use in Vs. mode, simply press L, R, L, R, L, R, A on your second controller while at the title screen of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Screenshot from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters.