Shinji Mikami and Tango Gameworks fans might have the opportunity to rejoice soon! It appears there may be a sequel to The Evil Within heading our way soon. As IGN reported, last year Bethesda’s Pete Hines said there might be a sequel to the game eventually. He didn’t explicitly state whether or not the project was currently being worked on, but he did say, “Both The Evil Within and Rage did well enough that we could make sequels.” It was also thought that The Evil Within 2 would be announced last year at E3, but there have been no direct confirmations yet on its existence.
However, a recently job listing has indicated that there might be something happening in the shadows that no one is talking about yet. NeoGAF user Dusk Golem pointed out a leaked internal job listing via Tango Gameworks. The listing translation revealed that the position being hired for is QA and translation for Psycho Break 2 . Psycho Break was, of course, the Japanese title for The Evil Within . The consoles mentioned in the job description are PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Did you play and enjoy The Evil Within ? Looking forward to a potential sequel? Let us know in the comments!
Source: IGN