



The White House Partners With Pro Gamers To Promote Health Care

The White House Partners With Pro Gamers To Promote Health Care

The White House is looking for any way to get out its message about signing up for health care under the Affordable Health Act (commonly nicknamed ObamaCare). They recently reached out to the pro gaming world with a public service announcement in an attempt to spread the message. Pro gamers Ruukil, Joshua Gray, Anna Prosser, and Geoff Robinson talked about their experience having no health insurance in their chosen field. They talk about how worrying it was to not have health insurance, with the day to day thought that something could go wrong and they wouldn’t be able to afford their medical bills. They then talk about what peace of mind having health insurance gives them, now that they have ObamaCare.

An official post on the Whitehouse Blog details the efforts to connect to the pro gaming community.

Over the last decade, eSports players, commentators, tournaments, and online streaming services have gained a following that rivals many traditional sports, including more than 31 million eSports fans in the United States alone.

Today, a group of eSports industry leaders (ESL, Twitch.tv, and GEER) have collaborated to launch an effort encouraging gaming audiences to visit HealthCare.gov and sign up for an affordable health plan before the February 15 deadline.

Their unprecedented effort to reach this important and growing audience stems from the fact that nearly one in four young Americans does not have health insurance — which is a risk not worth taking.

Are you covered by ObamaCare? Let us know in the comments.

Source: White House Blog

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