While many gamers are impressed with the next-gen visuals that both the Xbox One and PS4 have brought us, there has been some buzz regarding certain titles not always sporting true HD resolution ( IE : less than 1080p). Ahead of its release, it’s been confirmed that Titanfall will hit around the 792p mark.
In a recent interview, Richard Baker, lead engineer at Respawn Entertainment, revealed how they are still juggling technology issues that led to them finally settling on the current resolution. “We’ve been experimenting with making it higher and lower. One of the big tricks is how much ESRAM we’re going to use, so we’re thinking of not using hardware MSAA and instead using FXAA to make it so we don’t have to have this larger render target,” Baker said.
However, the great thing about next-gen technology is the ability to upgrade and continue to tweak the product even after its launch. Although 792p will be standard, Baker states they plan to continue working on Titanfall’s resolution even after its release, hoping to push it even higher. “The target is either 1080p non-anti-aliased or 900p with FXAA. We’re trying to optimize…we don’t want to give up anything for higher res…for day one it’s not going to change. We’re still looking at it for post-day one. We’re likely to increase resolution after we ship,” explains Baker.
Check out CheatCC’s Titanfall review – coming soon!