Turbo Prop Racing
Note: This game is also titled Rapid Racer .
Debug mode
Pause the game, then press Start + Select.
Cheat Codes
Enter one of the following codes as a player name. Note: “_” indicates a space and [number] corresponds to the desired course number.
Name | What It Does |
WINR | Always win race |
_BOA | Extra powerboats |
RRIM | All mirror courses |
_DAY | All daytime courses |
_NIT | All night courses |
D_ [number] | Race on specific daytime course |
N_ [number] | Race on specific night course |
_QAK | Duck mode |
FRAC | Enable fractal track generator |
RUSH | View FMV sequences |
HURR | Hurricane boat [Note 1] |
BXTR | Porsche mode [Note 2] |
Note 1: Select any boat. Then, it will be replaced by the Hurricane boat when the game begins.
Note 2: A memory card containing a saved game file from Porche Challenge must be in the PlayStation.
P1 Always Place First | 800FD190 0100 |
P1 Infinite Turbos | 800FD3D0 0003 |
P1 All Yellow Bouys | 800FD3C6 0005 |
Have All Boats Unlocked | 800E76FA 0101 800E76FC 0101 800E76FE 0101 |
Track Master Code [Note 1] | 800E76AC 0303 |
Have All Day Tracks Unlocked & Completed | 800E76E0 0606 800E76E2 0606 800E76E4 0606 |
Have All Night Tracks Unlocked & Completed | 800E76E6 0606 800E76E8 0606 800E76EA 0606 |
Have Fractral Tracks Unlocked & Completed | 800E76F2 0606 800E76F4 0606 800E76F6 0606 |
Have All Mirror Tracks Unlocked & Completed | 800E76EC 0606 800E76EE 0606 800E76F0 0606 |
Duck Cheat On [Note 2] | 800E7548 0004 |
Hurracane Boat Cheat On | 800E7AF8 0001 |
Note 1: This code must be on when activating the Unlock Track codes.
Note 2: Do not use the Duck Mode code with any of the Boat or Track codes.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.