



Turbo Prop Racing Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Turbo Prop Racing Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for PlayStation (PSX)

Turbo Prop Racing

Note: This game is also titled Rapid Racer .

Debug mode

Pause the game, then press Start + Select.

Cheat Codes

Enter one of the following codes as a player name. Note: “_” indicates a space and [number] corresponds to the desired course number.

Name What It Does
WINR Always win race
_BOA Extra powerboats
RRIM All mirror courses
_DAY All daytime courses
_NIT All night courses
D_ [number] Race on specific daytime course
N_ [number] Race on specific night course
_QAK Duck mode
FRAC Enable fractal track generator
RUSH View FMV sequences
HURR Hurricane boat [Note 1]
BXTR Porsche mode [Note 2]

Note 1: Select any boat. Then, it will be replaced by the Hurricane boat when the game begins.

Note 2: A memory card containing a saved game file from Porche Challenge must be in the PlayStation.

Game Shark Codes

P1 Always Place First 800FD190 0100
P1 Infinite Turbos 800FD3D0 0003
P1 All Yellow Bouys 800FD3C6 0005
Have All Boats Unlocked 800E76FA 0101
800E76FC 0101
800E76FE 0101
Track Master Code [Note 1] 800E76AC 0303
Have All Day Tracks Unlocked & Completed 800E76E0 0606
800E76E2 0606
800E76E4 0606
Have All Night Tracks Unlocked & Completed 800E76E6 0606
800E76E8 0606
800E76EA 0606
Have Fractral Tracks Unlocked & Completed 800E76F2 0606
800E76F4 0606
800E76F6 0606
Have All Mirror Tracks Unlocked & Completed 800E76EC 0606
800E76EE 0606
800E76F0 0606
Duck Cheat On [Note 2] 800E7548 0004
Hurracane Boat Cheat On 800E7AF8 0001

Note 1: This code must be on when activating the Unlock Track codes.

Note 2: Do not use the Duck Mode code with any of the Boat or Track codes.

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