



Ubisoft Will Have Watch Dogs 2, South Park at E3 2016

Ubisoft Will Have Watch Dogs 2, South Park at E3 2016

You know how you always identify Ubisoft with Tom Clancy and Assassin’s Creed? So much so that when E3 comes around and there’s not a really major entry in either series (no offense to Ghost Recon Wildlands ), you wonder what they’ll have? Well, this year it has some pretty great things. It’s E3 2016 lineup is here, and it’s better than you’d expect.

In addition to Ghost Recon Wildlands and For Honor , two games we knew were coming, some other big games were announced. Watch Dogs 2 will be at the show, which is encouraging. The second South Part RPG, South Park: The Fractured But Whole , will appear too. There’ll even be a VR game! It’s Eagle Flight , a game where you’re an eagle and level up in single player or face off in 3v3 online battles.

Of course, these are only the “official” announcements. All companies have their E3 2016 secrets that they save for the show. Make sure you catch the company’s June 13 press conference at 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET for those!

Source: YouTube

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