Ultra Street Fighter 4
Colors 11 and 12
Have a saved game file from Street Fighter 4 to unlock Colors 11 and 12. There will be a dialog prompt at the main menu notifying you of the extra colors being unlocked.
Player titles
At the main menu, select the “Player Data” option, and choose the “Prize Code” selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding title:
Title | Code |
A Gamer Appears | MTXMYW139YPZJI |
Absolute Drama | W0ZSV5SYW2ZEEJ |
Angry Dog | LPTPV4J9PMLW5B |
Best Combo | 82SPR56FW3JX48 |
Better Luck Next Time! | M42OLW0IHGLGMJ |
Bold Cat | OFU11HD1VC3TJ5 |
Breath Of Summer | H3EO9O5MZTCMLQ |
Capcom Fighter | 8TGIXJVLEKEHG8 |
Cheers! | 0QLBUU3LB7R8WO |
Chocolate-Chip Cookie | 2592B6JIV6CR49 |
Combo! Combo! Combo! | Q7V887R20SOLBC |
Dream Hit | GVQ5KMMLP8I6L1 |
Feels so good! | 9S2E7ERBCPMMPO |
Fighting All Year Long | EWSK6LY7LBMP9T |
Hit Me Again | FPWA10SMZ378IT |
Justice Till The End | 1H98PF2079P43T |
Lightning Blast | XVCXTA1Y16R9AG |
Platinum Shine | 9QSPWS2LIOZWXL |
Nightmare | 7QSID0IM3PPY3V |
Pro Animator | T9N4MH7IIHT3R0 |
Skillful Brother | 277B47IFXCUUXB |
Stylish Blow | OY3Z7APLVKV4Z4 |
Sword Flash | 8RGYZWZMJRL2OP |
You Need Spanking! | CS93SZDFK5JLTI |
Bonus costumes
Have a saved game file from Street Fighter X Tekken to unlock the following five extra costumes: Bad Girl costume for Decapre ( Street Fighter X Tekken Cammy), Military costume for Poison, Plumber costume for Rolento, School Uniform for Elena, and Viking costume for Hugo.
Secret Boss fights in Arcade mode
Successfully complete the indicated requirements before fighting Seth to fight the corresponding character after defeating Seth. The fight will be against a powered-up version of the normal playable character. Note: The following requirements are based on the normal three round setting.
- Akuma: Never lose a round, and get one “Perfect” victory.
- Evil Ryu: Never lose a round, get one “Perfect” victory, and defeat Seth with a Super or Ultra combo.
- Gouken: Never lose a round, get one “Perfect” victory, get 10 First Attacks, and have 5 Super or Ultra combo finishes.
- Oni: Never lose a round, get one “Perfect” victory, get 10 First Attacks, have 5 Super or Ultra combo finishes, and defeat Seth with a Super or Ultra combo.
Fight against second rival
While playing as C. Viper, Cammy, Chun-Li, Guile, Ryu, or Seth, either hold all three Kick buttons or no buttons when “Now! Fight Your Rival!” appears, and keep them held until both character’s pre-fight portraits appear to fight the indicated rival:
Your character | Rival for holding Kick buttons | Rival for holding nothing |
C. Viper | Hakan | Chun-Li |
Cammy | Juri | C. Viper |
Chun-Li | Juri | C. Viper |
Guile | M. Bison | Abel |
Ryu | Ken | Sagai |
Seth | Hakan | Abel |
Ultra Combo double scaling
The following is a list of which character belongs to which Ultra Combo W scaling tier:
60% Tier
- Akuma
- Cammy
- Decapre
- Dhalsim
- Fei Long
- Hakan
- Hugo
- Rose
- T. Hawk
- Zangief
75% Tier
- Abel
- Adon
- Balrog (Boxer)
- Blanka
- Chun-Li
- Cody
- C. Viper
- Dan
- Dee Jay
- Dudley
- E. Honda
- Elena
- El Fuerte
- Evil Ryu
- Gen
- Gouken
- Guile
- Guy
- Ibuki
- Juri
- Ken
- Makoto
- M. Bison (Dictator)
- Oni
- Poison
- Rolento
- Rufus
- Ryu
- Sagat
- Sakura
- Seth
- Vega (Claw)
- Yang
- Yun
Easy “Good Old Times” trophy
Start a Versus mode game against the CPU on the “Hardest” difficulty with the “Edition Select” option enabled. Set the game to one round. Choose any character (Zangief recommended) and make sure the edition is “USFIV”. Choose your opponent to be the same character as yourself. Set the CPU’s edition to “SFIV”, and its handicap to “0%”. Then, defeat your opponent to get the “Good Old Times” trophy.
Easy “Ultra Effective” trophy
Win an Online Ranked match with Decapre, Elena, Hugo, Poison, or Rolento to get the “Ultra Effective” trophy.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- For the Utopia! (Bronze): Assert leadership and clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Rolento.
- The world is my stage (Bronze): Dance with everyone! Clear the Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using continue with Elena!
- Toxic Beauty (Bronze): No more mocking! Clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using a continue with Poison.
- Giant Attack (Bronze): Reach the league’s top and clear Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using continue with Hugo.
- A dish best served cold (Bronze): Follow your anger by clearing Arcade Mode on Medium or higher without using continue with Decapre.
- Double Feature (Silver): Initiative is everything! Surprise the enemy by using both Ultra Combos in a single Ranked Match!
- All For One (Silver): Strength in numbers! Gather a team of four and defeat another in any Team Battle!
- Ultra Effective (Silver): New adventures await! Win a Ranked Match with a character added in Ultra Street Fighter IV!
- Good old times (Silver): Strong fighter has no fear of change! Defeat your Street Fighter IV self on the Hardest difficulty!
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.