



Valve Teases “Secret TF2 Project”

Valve Teases “Secret TF2 Project”


Valve is being pretty secretive about it, but yesterday the developer announced a “Secret TF2 Project” that will be coming in 2012. At first, like most of you, I thought the word “secret” was simply an elaborate way to say “hat,” but it sounds like this one might be something more substantial. However, Valve is being characteristically evasive.

“We can’t tell you what it is, because they won’t tell us, but what they WILL say is that it isn’t a hat, it isn’t a map, and go away,” reads the blog. “From this we can only conclude that the TF2 team is working on some ungodly hat-map hybrid that you can wear on your head while you run around in it. You heard it here first. Also last, because they just told us it’s not that either. But it’s really cool.”

It’s good to see that Valve is still taking Team Fortress 2 seriously even after they adopted the free-to-play model. Most developers probably would have just tried to make a few quick bucks off of the declining project, but Valve has revitalized it and simultaneously cemented an alternate payment model that most large developers try to avoid at all costs.

This means more free games for everyone.

By Josh Engen

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