



What Is Kojima Up To?

What Is Kojima Up To?


The creator of Metal Gear, Hideo Kojima, is looking to dip his feet into the pools of non-stealthy game genres, but with a pedigree for cinematic Japanese-style games, what would be a good fit? Well, it looks as if he’s toying with the idea of an open world.

Kojima told CNN (through a translator): “The kind of game I’m making is some game that has a very wide entrance, a very open entrance. Rather than making something very cinematic, [I plan to] make something very free.”

Not only that, but it appears that the game will be set in war times, much like the hit shooters that have been coming out here in North America. He has been tweeting pictures of soldiers in a sandy environment accompanying tanks.

The game is currently being referred to as “Project Ogre,” and Kojima said that even after 100 hours, players will find new sights and experience worthwhile adventures. That’s a tall order to fill, but Kojima has had a pretty good track record. Kojima also called Project Ogre a more “subdued” game than his last projects. So no giant robots this time around?

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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