Sony has many remarkable and established series. There’s Uncharted , with Nathan Drake, inFamous , with Cole and Delsin, LittleBigPlanet , with Sackboy, and countless others. But there’s one that always guarantees a good time, yet hasn’t shown up in quite a while. I’m talking, of course, about God of War . It’s a been a long time since Kratos has showed up to the party, and his absense has been noted.
I mean, this is a series that celebrated its 10th anniversary last year. But, rather than ushering Kratos into the PlayStation 4 pantheon with an all new adventure that showed why he’s such a legend, we received a remaster of God of War III . This wasn’t the worst thing. God of War III is an incredible game. I’d even say it’s my favorite entry in the series, and if any game deserved a PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4 remaster, it’s this one. But when you have a new system, you want a new entry in your favorite series to go with it.
Especially since we’ve been teased with something new. At the 2014 PlayStation Experience , Cort Barlog, Santa Monica’s Creative Director, said the studio was working on a new God of War game. Apparently, even though he maybe was supposed to keep it a secret . He said a new adventure was being developed for the PlayStation 4 and it “”might be a reboot.” Barlog also said Santa Monica would talk more about it within the next two years. Well, it’s 2016! Two years have passed. We’re like to see Kratos again, please.
Plus, God of War III ended on a cliffhanger. You know what they say, never assume anything. Though it seems like Kratos may have made a sacrifice for the greater good of humanity, we can’t be sure. It’s like Mass Effect ‘s secret ending. It seems likely we’ve seen the last of a character, but it isn’t guaranteed. There was an image that appeared on the God of War III website, back in April 2010, that seemed to show Kratos standing tall in the rain. We need closure.

Because God of War is something special. This is a series where yes, there’s senseless bloodshed, rampant anger, and depictions of actions and situations that might not exactly be safe for work. At the same time, these visuals deliver a sort of primal satisfaction. They lend a sense of power to the game that you would expect. God of War is raw and brutal, with a hero who’s tragic backstory perfectly matches. The games we have so far depict an antihero who grows as a person, doing something wonderful for humanity in the process.
God of War is great and Kratos is an amazing character. We need to see this series and man again. God of War III Remastered was nice, but it wasn’t enough. The Spartan needs another opportunity to stand tall.