



Wolfenstein Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Wolfenstein Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Wolfenstein Cheat Codes

Locate the “wolf.cfg” file in the “Users[username]AppDataLocalid SoftwareWolfSPbase” folder (in Windows Vista), and make a copy of it named “autoexec.cfg”. Use a text editor to edit the “autoexec.cfg” file, and add the following lines:

    seta g_cheatsAreOn “1”
    bind g “god”

In this example, the God mode cheat is now bound to the “g” key. Bind any of the following codes similarly in the file, then press the assigned key while playing the game to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
God mode god
All power upgrades giveALLPowerUpgrades
All veil powers givePowers
All intel giveAllIntel
Extra money momoney
Get gold giveGold
Unlock objectives giveObjectives
Unlock achivements giveAchievement
Ignored by enemies notarget
Ammo for your current weapon give ammo_default
Ammo for component give ammocomponent
Mauser ammo give ammo_mauser
MDL24 ammo give ammo_mdl24
MP40 ammo give ammo_mp40
MP43 ammo give ammo_mp43
Panzer ammo give ammo_panzer
Particle Cannon ammo give ammo_particle_cannon
Shroud ammo give ammo_shroud
Tesla ammo give ammo_tesla
Unknown novis

Cheat menu

Locate the “wolf.cfg” file in the “Users[username]AppDataLocalid SoftwareWolfSPbase” folder (in Windows Vista), and make a copy of it named “autoexec.cfg”. Use a text editor to edit the “autoexec.cfg” file, and add the following lines:

    seta g_showCheatMenuMsg “1”
    seta g_gameFinished “1”

Start a new campaign to access the cheat menu through the “Gameplay Options” screen.

Alternately, successfully complete the game to unlock the cheat menu with “Infinite Money”, “Pumpkin Heads”, “Unlock All Veil Powers”, and “Unlock All Weapons” options.

Free skills

Collect the last Tome Of Power to get all of the skills for each power. This can save as much as $17,000 because you no longer have to purchase them.

Fully upgraded weapons

Collect all Intel pieces to automatically fully upgrade your weapons.

Defeating Heavy Nazis

Use the Mire power to easily kill Heavy Nazis with particle cannons. Aim for the red targets on their shoulders. After you destroy both of them, another target will appear on their back. Shoot it to kill them.

Defeating the final Boss

During the first phase, use Empower to get through his shield, then use the Panzer Rocket Launcher and Veil Blue Rocket Launcher. During the second phase, use the Slow Motion or Empower to defeat him. During the third phase, instead of running up the ramp, shoot him with a sniper rifle or rocket launcher. Move slowly, and get to the stairs. Have a weapon ready to kill the four waves of Sniffers. Then, shoot him until he falls. During the fourth phase, just shoot him and use the explosives.

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