Unreal Tournament 2004
Bonus characters
Note: This procedure involves editing game files; create a backup copy of them before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “xplayersl1.upl” and “xplayersl2.upl” files in the “system” folder in the game directory. These are all of the characters that are available in the game. Find any character that has a Menu= section that is not Menu=”” and change it to Menu=”” or Menu=”SP” (if you wanted to be able to play as them in single player). For example, Xan’s Character reads Menu=”XAN”. If you changed this to Menu=”SP” or Menu=”” he will be unlocked. The three characters that are locked are Malcolm, ClanLord, and Xan.
Speed power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, quickly tap forward (W) four times for a speed power-up.
Self-heal power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, quickly tap back (S) four times to get a self-heal power-up.
Invisibility power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, quickly tap left strafe (D) two times then right strafe (A) two times to get invisibility.
Berserk power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, quickly tap forward (W) two times and back (S) two times.
Pint sized adrenaline combo
When the extra combo mutator is turned on, quickly tap Left Strafe four times.
Camouflage adrenaline combo
When the extra combo mutator is turned on, quickly tap Right Strafe four times.
Hidden message
In the “Display Settings” menu, activate all of the checkboxes and set the detail settings to the highest possible value. Then, set your resolution to at least 1152×864. You will hear the announcer say “Holy shit”.
Particle effect demonstration level
Use the ” open particleexamples.ut2 ” code to play a level that demonstrates the game’s particle effects.
Summon commands
When using any of the ” summon ” codes, the object will appear on you. If you do not have the “Invincibility” code enabled, you will be killed instantly.
Cheat Codes
While playing the game in botmatch, press [Tab] to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Invincibility | god |
All weapons | loaded |
All weapons and maximum ammo | loaded |
All weapons and no ammo | allweapons |
Full ammunition | allammo |
Flight mode | fly |
Disable flight mode | walk |
Third person view | behindview 1 |
First person view | behindview 0 |
Walk through walls | ghost |
Add indicated number of bots | addbots [number] |
Statistics for Audio | stat audio |
Change field of view | fov [1-360] |
Change player name | setname [new name] |
Set screen resolution and color depth; for example 1280x1024x32 | setres [horiz] x [vert] x [depth] |
Change teams | switchteam |
Display stats | stat all |
Hide stats | stat none |
Display game stats | stat game |
Display network stats | stat net |
Display framerate | stat fps |
Stop time for bots | playersonly |
Kill bots | killbots |
Toggle full screen and window mode | togglefullscreen |
Teleport to Crosshairs | teleport |
Change map | open [map name] |
Change gravity | setgravity [number] |
Change jump height | setjumpz [number] |
Change speed | setspeed [number] |
Set slow-motion | slowmo [number] |
Commit suicide | suicide |
Exit game | quit or exit |
Spawn Redeemer | summon xweapons.redeemerpickup |
Spawn Assault Rifle | summon xweapons.assaultriflepickup |
Spawn Avril | summon onslaught.onsavrilpickup |
Spawn Bio Rifle | summon xweapons.bioriflepickup |
Spawn Flak Cannon | summon xweapons.flakcannonpickup |
Spawn Grenade Launcher | summon onslaught.onsgrenadepickup |
Spawn Ion Painter | summon xweapons.painterpickup |
Spawn Lightning Gun | summon xweapons.sniperriflepickup |
Spawn Link Gun | summon xweapons.linkgunpickup |
Spawn Mine Layer | summon onslaught.onsminelayerpickup |
Spawn Minigun | summon xweapons.minigunpickup |
Spawn Rocket Launcher | summon xweapons.rocketlauncherpickup |
Spawn Shield Gun | summon xweapons.shieldgunpickup |
Spawn Shock Rifle | summon xweapons.shockriflepickup |
Spawn Sniper Rifle | summon utclassic.classicsniperriflepickup |
Spawn Goliath | summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank |
Spawn Hellbender | summon Onslaught.ONSPRV |
Spawn Instant Kill Shock Rifle | summon xweapons.supershockriflepickup |
Spawn Manta | summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike |
Spawn Raptro | summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft |
Spawn Scorpion | summon Onslaught.ONSRV |
Secret voice commands
Speak the following commands into your microphone:
Result | Command |
Bot dies | [bot name] suicide |
Bot dances | [bot name] dance |
Bot jumps | [bot name] jump |
Bot taunts opponents | [bot name] taunt |
Bot gets out of vehicle in Onslaught mode | [bot name] get out |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.