Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler Trophies
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Platinum (Platinum): Unlock all other trophies.
- Why Don’t You Come In? (Bronze): Enter Diggs’s office.
- Cast of Library City (Silver): Meet all of the characters during the corridor chase.
- Nose for Trouble (Silver): Follow the villain’s shadow without making a mistake.
- Lightning Catcher (Bronze): Look at the lightning through the elevator window.
- Shark Bait (Bronze): Rub the shark to find the objects.
- Join the Circus (Bronze): Help Diggs enter Humpty’s Club.
- Hogpiled (Bronze): Get caught and escape from the three little pigs three times in Humpty’s club.
- Cut down on Bacon (Gold): Don’t get caught by the three little pigs in Humpty’s club.
- Pigs in Blankets (Bronze): Escape from the three little pigs.
- Maestro (Bronze): Play all the musical instruments at the same time.
- Private Party (Bronze): Find the dancers behind Humpty’s Club.
- Chapter One Complete (Silver): Complete Chapter One.
- Sheep Tower (Bronze): Make a sheep pile and knock it down.
- Skilful Driver (Silver): Drive without hitting obstacles.
- Decision Maker (Bronze): Chose a path for Diggs.
- Quackers (Silver): Hit all the musical ducks.
- Sheep Passenger (Bronze): Carry a sheep on Diggs’ barrel.
- The Big Sheep (Bronze): Clear up the big sheep pile in 30 seconds.
- Bookworm (Bronze): Help Ma Goose to fix a broken book.
- True Librarian (Gold): Help Ma Goose to fix 5 books in 240 seconds.
- Merry Men in Disguise (Bronze): Sneak past the three monkeys.
- Escape artist (Silver): Unravel Diggs without Shadow noticing in the hangar.
- Chapter Two Complete (Silver): Complete Chapter Two.
- Fire Fighter (Bronze): Stop the fire.
- Master Monkey Basher (Silver): Only hit the monkeys.
- Double Whammy (Bronze): Hit two Monkeys at the same time.
- Quickdraw Diggs (Bronze): Complete the shoot-out in 210 seconds.
- Careful Climber (Gold): Climb up the waterspout without being hit.
- Chapter Three Complete (Silver): Complete Chapter Three.
- Apprentice Photographer (Bronze): Complete 20 photo assignments.
- Senior Photographer (Silver): Complete 50 photo assignments.
- Master Photographer (Gold): Complete all 88 photo assignments.
Additionally, there are five secret trophies:
- Invisible Man’s navigator (Bronze): Help the Invisible Man to find the entrance.
- Who’s the boss? (Bronze): Find out who is the boss.
- Back to Life (Bronze): Humpty comes back to life.
- Fate (Bronze): Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
- Recount the Astounding Story (Bronze): Report everything to Humpty.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.