WWE 2K17 Easy VC
You do not actually need to play MyCareer or Universe mode to get a good amount of VC. If you want to get a good amount of VC from Exhibition matches, perform different types of moves during matches, like submissions, dives, using tools, etc. Let your opponent pin you down and then get back up. Perform counter-attacks, signature moves, and finishers/OMG finishers. Basically, make the fight as exciting as possible to get as much VC as possible from the match. Just be careful not to repeat things more than required. Combine a lot of different things together, perform crazy moves, and you should get a 5-star rating for the match and a good amount of VC.
Easy submissions
The submission process has two phases. You first need to make sure your opponent does not have much stamina available. The lower you can take it, the better chance you have for a successful submission. One of the quickest ways to deplete your opponent’s stamina is by using Rest Hold. To perform Rest Hold, you can either grab your opponent from behind or grab him or her once and then press [Grab] again. Once you have successfully executed that, try to weaken one of his or her limbs and work towards the submission. Going with multiple submissions can drastically damage the limb and make the submission easier. Also, keep the submission stats of your wrestlers in mind. There are wrestlers that have submissions as their finishing moves as well, which makes forcing a submission much easier.
Easy “Control Freak” achievement
Play an entire card in WWE Universe mode from beginning to end with no simulation to get the “Control Freak” achievement. To easily do this, simply play the mic mini-game, then leave the ring, grab a chair, and get DQed in all the matches.
Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats.
- Locker room rat: Complete a match with 50 different Superstars. (Single play)
- Golden Boy: WWE Online – Earn a Gold medal. (WWE Live, 2K Tonight)
- I am a Wrestling God: MyCAREER – Purchase all abilities that can be purchased.
- I am the best!: MyCAREER – Purchase all skills that can be purchased.
- On a silver platter: WWE Online – Earn a Silver medal. (WWE Live, 2K Tonight)
- SNICKERS. Hunger to Win > Hunger: WWE Universe – Play and win 50 matches.
- Untouchable: MyCAREER – Get an overall value of 95 or more.
- Actions speak louder than words: WWE Universe – Have the dominant personality trait of a Superstar change via gameplay.
- Attitude Adjustment: WWE Universe – Max any personality trait of a Superstar by playing in a match.
- Big Four: MyCAREER – Participate in WrestleMania, Royal Rumble, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series.
- Birth of a Tag Champion: MyCAREER – Earn the Tag Championship.
- Birth of a US Champion: MyCAREER – Earn the United States Championship.
- Birth of an IC Champion: MyCAREER – Earn the Intercontinental Championship.
- Birth of an NXT Champion: MyCAREER – Earn the NXT Championship.
- Bronze Age: WWE Online – Earn a Bronze medal. (WWE Live, 2K Tonight)
- Competent manager: MyCAREER – Purchase all managers that can be purchased.
- Control freak: WWE Universe – Play and complete each match on a show’s match-card.
- Dangerous intent: WWE Universe – Inflict a critical injury status effect on an opponent in a match.
- Destined for greatness: WWE Universe – Stack both Momentum and Hot Streak statuses to 10 through gameplay or simulation.
- Drop the Mic: WWE Universe/MyCAREER- Defeat a rival in a Promo.
- Face of the WWE: WWE Universe – Create Major Shows for Mon-Sat and assign the same Superstar to each show.
- Fashion leader: Use a custom Championship and win a match. (Single play)
- Full recovery: WWE Universe – Have a Superstar completely recover from a critical injury.
- Future of the WWE: WWE Universe – Cash in Money in the Bank at WrestleMania and win the Championship.
- Gentleman in the ring: Push opponent into the ropes during chain wrestling to perform a clean break. (Single play)
- Keeping it together: Create a new Group logo.
- Ladder Bridge Powerbomb: Powerbomb an opponent through a bridged ladder. (PLAY mode against A.I.)
- Lesnar Conquer: Perform Suplex city with Brock Lesnar and win that match. (PLAY mode against A.I.)
- Love to talk!: WWE Universe/MyCAREER – Perform a promo.
- Matchmaker: Win in 20 match variations. (Single play)
- My path starts here: MyCAREER – Complete the tutorial.
- Nice try!: Successfully fend off an interfering Superstar during a victory brawl. (PLAY mode against A.I.)
- Now that’s hardcore!: Hit an opponent with a foreign object or put them through a table. (Single play)
- Oh! My!: Put your opponent through the announce table via OMG! moment. (Single play/Exhibition)
- Over the ropes you go!: Eliminate 12 opponents with the same Superstar in a single Royal Rumble match. (Single play)
- Playing dirty: Win a match via dirty pin. (Single play)
- Road to WrestleMania: WWE Universe – Win the Royal Rumble and get the WWE World HW Championship at WrestleMania.
- Show-Off: Perform a Crowd or Opponent taunt. (PLAY mode against A.I.)
- Take it Backstage: Finish a match backstage. (PLAY mode against A.I.)
- Tap! Tap! Tap!: Make an opponent tap out with a submission that is not a Finisher or Signature move. (Single Play)
- Teamwork is fun: Win a Team Up match.
- This is my yard: Create a show that uses a custom Arena and an imported Logo for its show logo.
- This match won’t end!: Successfully perform a major reversal. (Single play)
- Three-Way stop: Perform 3 major reversals in a Single Match. (PLAY mode against A.I.)
- Title shot: Attack your opponent using the Championship Title. (PLAY mode against A.I.)
- Tonight is the night: Win the main event in 2K Tonight.
- Tragic commentators: Destroy 2 announce tables within a single match. (Single play)
- Unknown veteran: Win 10 times using a custom Superstar. (Single play)
- Vampire night: Complete an exhibition match at night time. (PLAY mode against A.I.)
- We have a new Champion!: MyCAREER – Win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
- Welcome to the main roster: MyCAREER – Complete your first match in RAW or SmackDown.
- Woman of the year: WWE Universe – Win or defend the WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania.
- Phenom vs. Scorpion: WWE Universe – Win a WrestleMania match between Undertaker and Sting. (Single play)
- Can’t hunt the Beast!: Successfully perform 200 reversals with Brock Lesnar. (PLAY mode against A.I.)
- Giant spear: Execute a Big E Spear. (Single play)
- I’m running in!: MyCAREER – Successfully perform 10 run-ins.
- Lightning reflexes: Reverse a curb stomp with the RKO catch Finisher.
- Suplex City: With Lesnar, execute “German Suplex 4” or “Back Suplex 2” 10 times in a single match.
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