WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2009
Cheat mode
At the options menu, select the “Cheat Codes” option, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
- Saturday Night’s Main Event venue
Enter ” SatNightMainEventSvR ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock the Saturday Night’s Main Event venue.
Wrestle as Boogeyman
Enter ” BoogeymanEatsWorms!! ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Boogeyman.
Wrestle as Chris Jericho (Attitude Era)
Enter ” AltJerichoModelSvR09 ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Chris Jericho (Attitude Era).
Wrestle as Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder
Enter ” Ryder&HawkinsTagTeam ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder.
Wrestle as Gene Snitsky
Enter ” UnlockSnitskySvR2009 ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Gene Snitsky.
Wrestle as Jillian Hall
Enter ” PlayAsJillianHallSvR ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Jillian Hall.
Wrestle as Layla (ECW)
Enter ” UnlockECWDivaLayla09 ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Layla (ECW).
Wrestle as Ric Flair
Enter ” FlairWoooooooooooooo ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Ric Flair.
Wrestle as Tazz (ECW)
Enter ” UnlockECWTazzSvR2009 ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Tazz (ECW).
Wrestle as Vince McMahon
Enter ” VinceMcMahonNoChance ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Vince McMahon.
Hornswoggle as manager
Enter ” HornswoggleAsManager ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Hornswoggle as a manager.
CM Punk’s alternate costume
Enter ” CMPunkAltCostumeSvR! ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock CM Punk’s alternate costume.
Rey Mysterio’s alternate costume
Enter ” BooyakaBooyaka619SvR ” as a case-sensitive code to unlock Rey Mysterio’s alternate costume.
Successfully complete the indicated task in Road To WrestleMania mode to unlock the corresponding bonus:
- Backstage: Play as CM Punk, and pin Morrison in the Punk/Big Daddy V/Morrison Triple Threat match.
- Boogeyman: Successfully complete RTWM mode with The Undertaker.
- Brothers Of Destruction Entrance: Play as The Undertaker, and make Finlay bleed in Week 8.
- CAS Moveset 1: Play as Batista/Rey, and have Batista win the Rumble, Rey lose to Edge at No Way Out, and Rey lose the Tag titles against Morrison and Miz.
- CAS Moveset 2: Play as Batista/Rey, and have Rey win the Rumble, Batista lose to Edge at No Way Out, and Batista lose the Tag titles against Morrison and Miz.
- CAS Moveset 3: Play as Triple H, and pin Edge in the Triple Threat match.
- Chris Jericho’s classic attire: Play as Chris Jericho, and after the Royal Rumble, question Jeff Hardy about being The Masked Man, then defeat him.
- Chris Jericho’s Titantron for CAS: Play as Chris Jericho, and make Mr. Kennedy bleed in Week 12.
- CM Punk Attire B: Play as CM Punk, and put your opponent through a table in Week 2.
- Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder: Play as Batista, and spear Edge twice in Week 7.
- DX Entrance, Animation, Music, and Video: Play as Triple H, and Pedigree Randy Orton three times in Week 12 (if you teamed with Shawn Michaels at No Way Out).
- DX Outfits for Triple H and HBK: Successfully complete RTWM mode with Triple H after teaming with Shawn Michaels at No Way Out.
- Evolution Music and Video: Play as Triple H, and win in less than two minutes against Batista in Week 12 (if you teamed with Randy Orton at No Way Out).
- Finlay’s Zombie Attire: Play as The Undertaker, and help Rey Mysterio defeat Finlay by Pinfall in Week 8.
- Gauntlet Match in Exhibition mode: Play as John Cena, and defeat Mr. Kennedy in less than two minutes in Week 12.
- Generic Code Titantron animation for Create-A-Superstar entrance: Play as Chris Jericho, and make Kennedy bleed on Week 12.
- Generic IE Animation Set 2: Play as Triple H, and pin Edge in Week 1.
- Hardcore Championship Belt: Win the Hardcore Championship.
- Hornswoggle as Manager: Play as The Undertaker, and defeat Finlay in a shorter time than Santino in Week 2.
- Jillian Hall: Play as Triple H, and win the Tag match in Week 7.
- John Cena and Tony’s jeep for Create-A Superstar entrance: Successfully complete RTWM mode with John Cena.
- Layla: Play as CM Punk, and defeat Big Daddy V at the No Way Out Pay-Per-View in less than two minutes in Week 8.
- Locker Room: Play as CM Punk, and pin John Morrison in a Triple Threat match in Week 10.
- Old School Chris Jericho: Play as Chris Jericho, and defeat Jeff Hardy without using a finisher when investigating The Masked Man.
- Revolution Entrance, Video, and Music: Successfully complete RTWM mode with Triple H after taking the Evolution path.
- Rey Mysterio’s alternate costume: Play as Batista/Rey, and pin John Morrison in a Tag Team match.
- Ric Flair: Play as Triple H, and defeat Randy Orton at WrestleMania during the Evolution storyline, then complete RTWM mode.
- Santino Marella’s Zombie Attire: Play as The Undertaker, and help Rey Mysterio defeat Santino by Pinfall in Week 8.
- Saturday Night’s Main Event arena: Play as Batista/Rey, and hit every opponent with a finisher in Week 7.
- Snitsky: Play as John Cena, and make MVP bleed in Week 11.
- Tazz: Successfully complete RTWM mode with CM Punk.
- The Masked Man: Successfully complete RTWM mode with Chris Jericho.
- Tony: Play as John Cena, and give Regal and Umaga the FU in the Tag Team match.
- Tribute To The Troops Arena: Play as John Cena, and defeat MVP by submission at the Tribute To The Troops arena in Week 2.
- Vince McMahon: Successfully complete RTWM mode with Batista/Rey.
- WCW title and brand: Play as Chris Jericho, and pin Finlay during the match in Week 3.
Created superstar abilities
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ability for a created superstar in Career mode:
- Bloodshed: Make your opponents bleed ten times and bleed yourself ten times (rewarded on win with blood).
- Cage Match: Win a Cage match in under a minute by escaping.
- Dirty Pin: Get a “5 Star” rank against three different opponents who have this ability.
- Durability: Defeat a superstar rated 20 points higher overall while both having orange damage.
- Evasive Dodge: Win a Special match against two opponents.
- Fan Favorite: Successfully taunt ten times in a match (must not have steal taunt).
- Hammer Throw: Earn an ability within your first ten career matches, then get the “Sit In The Corner” award.
- K.O.: Earn a “5 Star” rank against every competitor in a title path, not including the title match.
- Kip-up: Win six championships.
- Ladder Match: Get a “5 Star” ranked Ladder match against one of the Hardys.
- Lock Pick: Face Y2J in a Singles match, and escape the Walls Of Jericho.
- Move Theft: Defeat twenty different superstars.
- Object Specialist (grab with object): Execute fifty object attacks in your career.
- Outside Dives: Successfully complete twenty five dives in your career.
- Possum Pin: Defeat three superstars who have Possum Pin to get a sneaky pinfall, catching your opponent by surprise.
- Referee Shield: Get five DQ losses, then win a championship match against a clean superstar.
- Resiliency: Kick out of a pin at “2” while having two parts of red body damage.
- Springboard: Win the Cruiserweight Championship.
- Steal Taunt: Foil your opponent’s attempt to steal your taunt (cannot have Fan Fave ability).
- Submission: Attempt seven Struggle Submissions in one match, and then win.
- Table Match: Break forty tables in your career (announcer tables count).
Editing your created superstar or diva’s abilities
To edit your created superstar or diva’s abilities, restart your career with the same superstar or diva you used. Note: You will lose all your gained abilities. You will also take longer to gain Resiliency if your attributes are higher, and if you are above 80 overall, you will not be able to get Durability. Always create doubles of a CAW or CAS immediately after making them. By doing this you can start over with the unused copy and gain Resiliency and Durability in a quicker amount of time if you end up gaining unwanted abilities.
Career mode paths
Successfully complete the indicated task in Career mode to unlock the corresponding path:
- ECW Championship: Successfully complete the Intercontinental Championship path.
- Hardcore Championship: Successfully complete the United States Championship path.
- United States Championship: Successfully complete the Intercontinental Championship path.
- World Heavyweight Championship: Successfully complete the Hardcore Championship path.
- WWE Championship: Successfully complete the Hardcore Championship path.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding award:
- 11th Hour Save: Win a match when your partner has less than 25% health remaining (tag team match).
- 4 Corners Of Doom: Successfully complete a corner grapple on all four corners.
- A Little Pick-me-up: Pick up downed opponent five times.
- All Heart: Take finishing moves from opponent and win.
- Armed Hammer: Bust a sledgehammer on opponent.
- Around The World: Execute five environmental grapples.
- Back-Breaking Labor: Execute seven submission moves to an opponent’s torso.
- Blood Test: Bloody both opponents (tag team match).
- Blown Up: Get tired enough to fall down.
- Breaking Point: Bust four objects.
- By A Thread: Win a match with less than 10% health.
- Can’t Catch Me: Taunt six times while out of the ring.
- Cardio Monster: Consume 400 units of stamina.
- Chain Wrestler: Successfully complete twenty quick grapples.
- Cheerleader: Pump up the crowd five times as the illegal partner (tag team match).
- Cheese With That Whine?: Argue with the ref four times.
- Continue The Pain: Manually halt the ref’s pinfall count four times.
- Could’ve Ended Sooner: Perform your finisher four times.
- Crowd Can’t See: Spend over thirty seconds fighting outside the ring.
- Cut The Wire: Bust a barbed wire 2×4 on an opponent.
- David Whups Goliath: Defeat a super-heavyweight in two and a half minutes or less while playing as a cruiser.
- Demolition Man: Destroy all the announcer tables.
- Diva Whups Goliath: Defeat a super-heavyweight in two and half minutes or less while playing as a diva.
- Don’t Call It A Comeback: Win a match with less than 50% health.
- Drive-By Grapple: Successfully complete ten running grapples.
- Duke The Dumpster: Bust a trash can on opponent.
- Extreme Finisher: Perform two finishers outside the ring.
- Failure To Launch: Let top-momentum timer expire three times.
- Fear Of Flying: Climb the top rope four times and jump down rather than attacking.
- Flying Around The Ring: Hit top rope moves off every corner.
- Friendly Skies: Connect with ten attacks off the top rope.
- Fuji Would Be Proud: Successfully taunt your opponent eight times.
- Get Inside Now!: Stay out of the ring until the ref’s nine-count.
- Greco-Roman Master: Do not use a strike the entire match.
- Haymaker: Connect with twelve standing strikes.
- Hey, Look At Me!: Distract referee four times (tag team match).
- High-Rent District: Hit top rope move to an opponent at ringside.
- Homage To The Dungeon: Perform five submission holds while out of the ring.
- I’m Not Done Yet: Counter two finisher attempts.
- Impenetrable Defense: Block or counter at least ten attacks/grapples.
- In Control: Execute five total control grapples.
- Insult To Injury: Successfully taunt your opponent four times.
- Invisible Superstar: Successfully complete a match without taking damage.
- Joyless Victory: Win with very little momentum.
- Lock Breaker: Escap four Struggle submissions during a match.
- Minimalist: Only use a total of three different attacks or grapples for the whole match.
- Minute Man: Win in under a minute.
- Mucho Lucha: Connect with five attacks off the top rope.
- No Cover Charge: Win without going for a single pin attempt.
- No Kitchen Sink?: Strike opponent with five different objects.
- No Seat For You!: Bust a chair on opponent.
- None Shall Pass: Reverse/counter every attack/grapple in a match.
- Not Paid By The Hour: Win in less than two and a half minutes.
- Obstructed View: Spend two minutes fighting outside of the ring.
- On Strike: Do not use a grapple the entire match.
- One-Trick Pony: Use one attack or grapple exclusively for an entire match.
- Out Of Control: Break out of three total control grapples by an opponent.
- Out Of Stock: Come up short looking for object under ring.
- Pain In The Neck: Execute seven submission moves to an opponent’s neck.
- Personal Space: Never touch the ropes.
- Photo Opp: Successfully complete all your Superstar’s signatures and finishers.
- Plasma Scream: Win while both you and opponent were bloody.
- Pretzel Maker: Execute a submission move to every part of an opponent’s body.
- Ringland Security: Execute two grapples against the security barricade.
- Seeing Red: Win a match after being bloodied.
- Showing Mercy: Manually release six Struggle submissions (no rope break).
- Sideline Supporter: Successfully complete four strikes/grapples from the apron (tag team match).
- Singapore Superstar: Bust a Singapore cane on opponent.
- Sit In The Corner: Irish Whip opponent into corner ten times.
- Speed Bag Expert: Successfully complete 35 strikes.
- Squash Match: Win with 85% of your total health.
- Stay Down: Knock opponent down and never let them back up.
- Sticks & Stones…: Win despite being hit with three different objects.
- Stomp A Mudhole: Connect with eight strikes with opponent is in the corner.
- Strong Like Bull: Execute five strong grapples.
- Sugar Rush: Successfully complete ten running attacks.
- Suit Of Armor: Win without sustaining yellow limb damage anywhere.
- Sweep The Leg: Execute seven submission holds to an opponent’s leg.
- Tabletop Tapout: Lock on a submission move while opponent is on an announcer table.
- Take One For The Team: Win a match when you have 33% health or less and your partner has 75% health or more (tag team match).
- Take Out The Trash: Irish Whip opponent outside ring three times.
- Take This Broken Wing: Execute seven submission holds to an opponent’s arms.
- Taunt Faster, Poser!: Have a taunt interrupted by an opponent three times.
- The Human Autograph: Execute five signature moves.
- There Will Be Blood: Make an opponent bleed within one minute.
- Think You Overdid It?: Perform your finisher eight times.
- This Is My Yard: Never leave the ring.
- Too Many 2s: Win by pinfall after five two-counts by either superstar.
- Tougher Than Lumber: Win despite being put through a table (including announce table).
- Unpredictable Offense: Win while only being countered/revered three or fewer times.
- Unsafe Workspace: Destroy one of the announcer tables.
- Well-Oiled Machine: Perform seven double-team moves (tag team match).
- Whipper Snapper: Irish Whip opponent five times.
- Wipe The Smirk Off: Break up three taunt attempts by your opponent.
- You’ll Hurt Yourself: Take an opponent’s object three times.
Preset entrances
The preset entrances are as follows:
- 1. Kurt Angle
- 2. Booker T
- 3. King Booker
- 4. Chris Masters
- 5. RVD
- 6. Sabu
- 7. Sandman (ramp entrance)
- 8. Test
- 9. Kenny Dykstra
- 10. Bobby Lashley
- 11. Gregory Helms
- 12. Kevin Thorn (post-vampire)
- 13. Balls Mahoney
- 1. Lita
- 2. Trish Stratus
- 3. Maria (old)
- 4. Torrie
- 1. Sgt Slaughter
- 2. Eddie Guerrero
- 3. Hulk Hogan
- 4. Bret Hart
- 5. Terry Funk
- 6. Roddy Piper
- 7. Rick Rude
- 8. Jim Neidhart
- 9. Mick Foley
- 10. Steve Austin
- 11. Dusty Rhodes
- 12. The Rock
- 1. John Cena 2
- 2. Chris Jericho (old)
- 3. Randy Orton (old)
- 4. Shawn Michaels (DX)
- 5. Triple H (DX)
Champion Entrances
- 1. John Morrison
- 2. John Cena
- 3. Big Daddy V
- 4. Big Show
- 5. The Great Khali
- 6. Kane
- 7. Mark Henry
- 8. Randy Orton
- 9. The Rock
- 10. Torrie Wilson
- 11. Trish Stratus
Preset movesets
The preset movesets are as follows:
- M-Set01: Gregory Helms
- M-Set02: Charlie Haas
- M-Set03: Val Venis
- M-Set04: Jamie Noble
- M-Set05: Shane McMahon
- M-Set06: Rob Van Dam
- M-Set07: Sabu
- M-Set08: Sandman
- M-Set09: Bobby Lashley
- M-Set10: Test
- M-Set11: Balls Mahoney
- M-Set12: Kevin Thorn
- M-Set13: Tajiri
- M-Set14: Brock Lesnar
- M-Set15: Goldberg
- M-Set16: Kurt Angle
- M-Set17: Christian Cage
- M-Set18: Booker-T
- M-Set19: Rhino
- M-Set20: Brother Ray
- M-Set21: Brother Devon
- M-Set22: Samoa Joe
- M-Set23: AJ Styles
- M-Set24: Christopher Daniels
- M-Set25: The Rock
- M-Set26: Steve Austin
- M-Set27: Mick Foley
- M-Set28: Eddie Guerrero
- M-Set29: Roddy Piper
- M-Set30: Bret Hart
Preset finisher call names
The preset finisher call names are as follows:
- 1. Ghetto Blaster
- 2. Package Piledriver
- 3. Original Sin
- 4. Rising Sun
- 5. Uber Driver
- 6. Torture Rack
- 7. Black Tiger Bomb
- 8. Demon Horns
- 9. Chaos Theory
- 10. Aztec Suplex
- 11. Cliffhanger
- 12. Flatliner
- 13. Go Home Driver
- 14. Hydroplane
- 15. Impact Driver
- 16. Perfect Driver
- 17. Driller
- 18. Falcon Arrow
- 19. Money Maker
- 20. Psycho Driver
- 21. Royal Mutilation
- 22. Shockdrop
- 23. The Finisher
- 24. Tiger Driver
- 25. WMD
- 26. The Destroyer
- 27. Aneuyrsm
- 28. Burning Hammer
- 29. Beldigo
Easy “5 Stars” achievement
Set the difficulty to Easy, turn off DQ, then beat up the CPU player so he bleeds to get the “5 Stars” achievement. Additionally, completely make the body red, and put him through the announcers table.
Easy “Lights, Camera, Action!” achievement
Start a match, perform a move on the CPU, then press Start, and go down to “Highlight Reel”. Save the clip of yourself doing the move. Exit to the main menu, and go to “My WWE”. You will find the highlight reel there. Once on the highlight reel screen, upload your clip from the match. Go to “Finish” to get the “Lights, Camera, Action!” achievement.
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Congrats are in order (10 points): Win an Exhibition match.
- Smokin’ (20 points): Defeat Kane in an Inferno Match.
- Create A Finisher (10 points): Defeat an opponent using a Created Finisher in a match.
- A brawl to end them all (30 points): Win in both a Locker Room Brawl and Backstage Brawl.
- Cena Story (20 points): Complete Cena’s story in Road to WrestleMania mode.
- Triple H Story (40 points): Complete Triple H’s DX and Evolution route in Road to WrestleMania mode.
- Undertaker Story (20 points): Complete Undertaker’s story in Road to WrestleMania mode.
- Chris Jericho Story (20 points): Complete Chris Jericho’s story in Road to WrestleMania mode.
- Mysterio & Batista Story (40 points): Complete Mysterio & Batista’s story in Road to WrestleMania mode using both Superstars.
- Bonus Collector (150 points): Obtain all bonuses in Road to WrestleMania mode.
- Gold Rush (60 points): In Career mode, win every WWE Championship at least once.
- A year in the life (100 points): Complete 1 year of Career Mode playing each match.
- Unstoppable (60 points): Use a created Superstar and obtain 6 abilities in Career Mode.
- 5 Hall of Famers (100 points): In Career mode, induct 5 Superstars to the Hall of Fame.
Additionally, there are four secret achievements:
- 5 Stars (60 points): In Career mode, obtain a 5-Star match rating.
- Lights, Camera, Action! (30 points): Create at least 1 original WWE highlight reel.
- Hot Tag (30 points): Perform a hot tag in a tag team match and win.
- The End of The Road (200 points): Complete Road to WrestleMania mode using each selectable Superstar.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.