



XBLA Wednesdays 5/21

XBLA Wednesdays 5/21


One top-notch title was added to the Xbox LIVE Arcade today. Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One, takes players through a stylized world based on the 1920s. This is an RPG adventure with adult humor and mature content. The game was developed and published by Hothead Games and costs 1600 MS Points to download. Here are a few bits from the press release:

The wonderfully strange and hilarious minds of Penny Arcade creators Mike “Gabe” Krahulik and Jerry “Tycho” Holkins have joined with legendary game designer Ron Gilbert and veteran producers Hothead Games to bring you the insanity that is Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One. This first installment of the episodic role-playing adventure game series is set in the highly stylized 1920s universe of New Arcadia filled with bizarre characters, outrageous combat, and adult humor.

· Create-A-Player system: Create and develop your very own character to participate in the adventure.

· Episodic content: Penny Arcade Adventures keeps the fun going with new material released regularly, with pick up and play capabilities from any episode, and the ability to carry over your character’s appearance, stats, and inventory from episode to episode.

· Dynamic combat: The turn-based combat system features over-the-top animations and team-up moves during enemy battles.

· Role-playing adventure: The classic adventure-style gameplay combines with RPG elements for a mysterious and puzzling good time.

Twisted goodness: The crazed geniuses behind Penny Arcade promise a thrilling and wild ride, with story and dialogue written by written by Jerry “Tycho” Holkins and art by Mike “Gabe” Krahulik. Working with Gabe and Tycho of the Startling Developments Detective Agency, it will be your job to resolve the chaos and solve the mysteries of New Arcadia.

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