The first Penny Arcade games told a continuing, and hitherto unfinished, story. On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness married the comic’s distinctive brand of bizarre humor with a turn-based RPG system and an old-timey setting, somewhat steampunk and greatly influenced by the eldritch horror of HP Lovecraft. There were two games in the Precipice series and then nothing. No more word until chapters furthering the story began to appear on the Penny Arcade site, written by Jerry “Tycho” Holkins. Then, work began on a third playable entry in the series. On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 comes courtesy of Zeboyd games, who gained fame with their indie-hit RPG, Cthulhu Saves the World (itself building on the systems used in their prior release, Breath of Death VII). With a traditional JRPG structure, Zeboyd’s games are simultaneously a throwback to the days of yore, especially visually, and a challenging experience informed by modern design principles. They bring this philosophy to the newest Penny Arcade game, which, according to a press release sent out today, will be available on Steam as of Monday, June 25. It is also slated to come to the Xbox LIVE Arcade, through the Indie Games marketplace, as soon as possible, with later releases to follow on iOS devices, Android, and Mac.
By Shelby Reiches |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.