Founder’s Island

COLLECTIBLES: Founder's Island


Riddle: Equipment needed – Method


Riddler Trophy 1: Batmobile, Power Winch, Remote Batarang – Use the Power Winch on the three Grab Points in turn. When they are released, they will slowly return back in to where they started. Take them in turns to get them as far out as possible. Then run to the end where the small gap is, and throw the Remote Batarang through all the gaps and into the dot of the Question Mark. Walk through the now open door and grab the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 2: The trophy is sitting on the platform next to the water. Pick up.





Riddler Trophy 3: Batmobile – 3258 2136. The pressure pad to start the race is at the top walkable level of the tower. The Batmobile is much faster than Gliding, so jump off the tower and enter the Batmobile. Race back and grab the trophy. Use the Batclaw to make it a little faster in grabbing.





Riddler Trophy 4: Voice Synthesiser – Stand on the Crate on the other side of the entrance, so the Robots can't see you. Use the Voice Synthesiser to turn the Robots to face the other direction. Then back attack them. Alternatively, get them to walk outside, facing away from the crate, and walk in to get the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 5: Walk in and pick up the trophy on the ground floor of the shed.





Riddler Trophy 6: Halfway up a building, in a broken section, the trophy is sitting near some scaffolding.





Riddler Trophy 7: Batmobile – On the west side of the bridge is a Breakable wall that can be destroyed with the Batmobile. Shoot to break it and grapple in to get the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 8: Batmobile, Power Winch, Remote Electrical Charge – Use the Remote Electrical Charge on the upper generator to pull the ball towards it. Then quickly jump into the Batmobile and use the Power Winch to pull the generator to the right before the ball falls. Get out and use the Remote Electrical Charge to use the right generator to pull and then the top generator to pull. This will get the ball through the gap. Once they have worn off, use the Power Winch to drag the top generator back to the left, and the right generator down. Then use the Remote Electrical Charge on the right to push, and the top one to pull. This will get it over the jump. Once they have worn off, use the Remote Electrical Charge on the right generator to push, and pick up your trophy.





Riddler Trophy 9: Grab the trophy sitting on a balcony just above the water.





Riddler Trophy 10: Voice Synthesiser, Remote Hacking Device – Use the Remote Hacking Device to blind the turret. Then use the Voice Synthesiser to order the Robot to pick up the Trophy, and then walk back out again. Keep the turret blinded. Takedown the Robot to gain the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 11: Batmobile, Power Winch – 2456 2663. Contrary to what the Riddler and start point want you to do, don't use the Batmobile for this race. Start driving and afterburning towards Lady of Gotham. Before hitting the wall, eject from the Batmobile and glide. Use the statue for a grapple point to boost yourself and get some speed. Fly straight towards the goal and land. Trophy much easier.





Riddler Trophy 12: Batmobile – Head to the east of the trophy location to summon the Batmobile to shoot the Breakable wall. Grapple up and jump through the hole to grab the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 13: Batmobile, Forensic Scanner, Power Winch – Use the Forensic Scanner to start the Riddler Trail. Evenutally it will go up a building that you cannot follow. Behind you is a ramp. Use the Power Winch to lift the ramp higher. If you take too long, the trail will only go back a little bit. Get the scan up to date, and then quickly drive around and up and over the ramp. Scan to continue. Up here, shoot the wall and jump through to get your trophy.





Riddler Trophy 14: Voice Synthesiser, Batmobile, Batclaw – Use the Voice Synthesiser to make a Robot stand on the pressure pad. Then use the Batmobile to shoot through the now open door at the Breakabl wall. Rip off the grate and crawl through the vent. Beat up some Robots, and use the Batclaw to grab the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 15: Batmobile?, Power Winch?, Batclaw – Under a jumpable ramp, attached to the wall. Use the Batclaw to grab it. Note: You may need to raise the ramp first with the Power Winch to get underneath it.





Riddler Trophy 16: Batmobile – Drop down to ground level to the North-East and summon the Batmobile. Shoot the breakable wall. Grapple up and pick up the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 17: Up the building, sitting on the ground on a terrace area.





Riddler Trophy 18: Batmobile, Power Winch, Batclaw, Batmobile Remote – Use the Power Winch to pull off the door. Stand on the pressure pad and use the Batclaw to grab the trophy. But wait, there's more. Use the Batmobile Remote on the wall (where the door was) to stop it from sending spikes into Batman. Pull the spike wall back so Batman can walk out. Note: A few times this caused the Power Winch to disconnect, killing Batman. Try until it works.





Riddler Trophy 19: Voice Synthesiser, Batclaw – Use the Voice Synthesiser to command the Robot to stand on a pressure plate, facing away from the other one. Stand on the other pressure plate, and use the Batclaw to grab the trophy.





Note: My game capture device stuffed up here and the game autosaved, so apologies for the missing footage.


Riddler Trophy 20: Up inside the building, in an area under construction, sitting on a table.





Riddler Trophy 21: On a large balcony sitting on the ground.





Riddler Trophy 22: Batmobile, Forensic Scanner – Use the Forensic Scanner to start the trail. When it stops at a vent, you will need to quickly drive up to the road, and at the corner of the block next to the road is a little vent with steam coming out of it. Scan there to continue the trail. The trail will stop of a sign next to a door. Shoot the sign and jump inside to get the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 23: Underground level, grapple up onto the platform, and collect the trophy sitting on the ground.





Riddler Trophy 24: Batmobile, Power WInch, Batarang, Batclaw – Use the Power Winch on the grab point to pull out the Question Mark targets. Use the Batarang to hit the three targets, and then the Batclaw to grab the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 25: Remote Electrical Charge, Batarang, Remote Batarang – Use the Remote Electrical Charge on the Power Generator to open the door. Use a Batarang to close the door to the two turrets. Walk around and pick up the trophy. Then get to safety from the Robots against the wall, and use the Remote Batarang to open the door again. The sentry turrets will take out the Robots. Use the Remote Batarang again to close the door and walk out.





Riddler Trophy 26: Up inside a broken building near the water. Trophy is sitting on the ground.





Riddler Trophy 27: Glide down from above through the Breakable Wood to get to the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 28: On the upper balcony of the lighthouse, just sitting there.





Riddler Trophy 29: Batmobile, Power Winch, Batmobile Remote, Line Launcher – Head to the ground level at the side you can see the electricity from, and use the Power Winch to pull down an opening. Glide inside. The green pressure pad opens the trophy container, while all of the red ones shut it. Use the Batmobile Remote to remove the Power Winch to shut the door. Stand on the green pressure pad, and use the Line Launcher to get to the other side without touching any of the red ones. Pick up the trophy. Use the Batmobile Remote and Power Winch to leave again.





Riddler Trophy 30: Glide down through the Breakable Wood to get to the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 31: Batmobile – 2147 1492. The start point is a pressure pad on a high walkway between the two tall buildings. Start the race, and glide/drop down all the way to road level, summoning the Batmobile. Drive to follow the path underground, but take the right path down at the fork, and then right again. Eject and grapple to get up to the platform with the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 32: Batmobile, Power Winch, Voice Synthesiser – Use the Power Winch to open the door. Use the Voice Synthesiser to command the Robot to stand on the pressure pad. Now you can collect the trophy.





Riddler Trophy 33: Explosive GelNote: You may need to complete sidequest chain The Perfect Crime to get access to this. Head underground to the Pretty Dolls Parlour, walk inside, and the trophy is sitting there through the window. Walk around the back and use the Explosive Gel on the breakable wall. Trophy.





Breakable Objects


Breakable Object 1:




Breakable Object 2:




Breakable Object 3:




Breakable Object 4:




Breakable Object 5:




Breakable Object 6:




Breakable Object 7:




Breakable Object 8:




Breakable Object 9:




Breakable Object 10:




Breakable Object 11:




Note: The remaining breakable objects can be found below in the Subway (under construction) section





Riddle 1: Head to the waterfront near the marker location. Here are three guys frozen in place, fishing. Scan them.





Riddle 2: Head through the archway with the red floor. Jump over the fence to the left, and through the door in the back. Scan the wanted poster.





Riddle 3: Head to the underground area, and look for section with floodlights lighting the walls. In this area, there is a hole in the roof. Grapple up there, and scan the calendar.





Riddle 4: Climb to the top of the construction area just south of the blimps. Look out over the water to see the mansion in the distance. Zoom in and scan.





Riddle 5: In the cemetery, on the wall of the building is a lit up memorial for Saint Dumas. Scan.





Riddle 6: The Riddle location is the building you want. Goth Corp. Head to a building opposite its hexagonal sign, and scan it.





Riddle 7: Head to Cobblepot Manor and scan the sign over the door.





Riddle 8: Batclaw – In the middle of the pile of containers in the North-West, is an open container. Head inside and use the Batclaw to open the container. Scan the armour inside.





Riddle 9: Note: You may need to complete sidequest chain The Perfect Crime to get access to this. Head to the Pretty Dolls Parlour underground, and walk in to where you fought the Pig. Enter the boss fight arena and look at the poster next to the exit and scan it.





Riddle 10: Simply scan the Batmobile. Done.




COLLECTIBLES: Subway Under Construction (Shipyard South-West of Island)


Riddler Trophies


Riddler Trophy 1: Grapple up and jump down through a hole in the roof. Trophy is sitting on a control panel.





Riddler Trophy 2: In a small alcove, sitting on a machine.





Riddler Trophy 3: Across the gap, up on a platform.





Riddler Trophy 4: Up on the platform supported by the pipes.





Riddler Trophy 5: On the platform to the side of the ramp.





Riddler Trophy 6: On the archway platform to the side.





Riddler Trophy 7: Up on the highest walkway in the room.





Riddler Trophy 8: In the corner on a chair. Just sitting there.






Breakable Objects


Breakable Object 1:




Breakable Object 2:




Breakable Object 3:




Breakable Object 4:




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