



3DS XL Coming To U.S. This Summer

3DS XL Coming To U.S. This Summer


If Nintendo has proven anything, it’s that it can repackage the same gaming system again and again and it will sell like hotcakes. The DS had four versions— four completely separate versions —and all of them made Nintendo loads of money. Now, it appears as if the same will be happening with the 3DS as well, as they have announced a brand new 3DS XL.

The 3DS XL will have a 4.88” stereoscopic 3D display, an increase over the previous 3.53” screen. The touchscreen will also be increased in size from 3” to 4.18”. The 3DS XL will also come with extended battery life. It will offer 3.5-6.5 hours of gameplay with 3DS titles and about ten hours with DS titles.

The brand new XL unit will be priced at 199.99 and will come with a 4GB memory card. It will also come in two color variations, blue and red. The 3DS XL will release August 19th, the same day that the brand new New Super Mario Bros. 2 releases in North America. Perhaps this brand new 2D platformer is just the killer app the 3DS needs to sell like crazy… again.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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