Captain America: Civil War is finally here, which not only means an epic battle between Cap and Ironman, but also that we’re one step closer toward Avengers: Infinity War. That’s the two-movie series in which the Avengers must face the all-powerful galactic villain, Thanos, currently scheduled to start in 2018. I may be getting ahead of myself, thinking this film will lead directly into the big war we’ve been waiting for, but let’s take a look at five things about Civil War that could lead into Avengers: Infinity War . Let the rampant speculation begin!
Avengers, Assemble

There’s a bigger reason than just a bunch of awesome fights as to why the entire cast of Avengers is featured within Captain America ’s film, not to mention just about every one of Stan Lee and Jack Ruby’s Marvel creations. This is to prepare the audience for Infinity War and get you all nice an acquainted with the cast of heroes before they have to band together to save the universe.
Superhuman Registration Act

This creative plot piece built into Captain America: Civil War is the basis for the fight between Captain America and Ironman. However, I think this is going to be a major component for Infinity and ultimately be another reason why the universe splits sides once again. Someone is going to have to rebuild the Avengers once they go their separate ways after Iron Man mops the floor with Captain America. Yep, I’m going against the comic book and saying my boy Iron Man wins.
The Thanos Factor

Sadly, I don’t think the Avengers are going to make up until Infinity War drops in 2018. This leads me to believe both Team Cap and Team Ironman will attempt to take down Thanos on their own, which we all know won’t work. I think something big happens in Infinity War Part 1 that brings the two sides back together and I’m leaning towards Thanos killing off one of our heroes to get the rebuilding process started.
Our Spider Senses Are Tingling

There’s a reason Spiderman shows up in Civil War , outside of the obvious easy plug for his upcoming movie. I think Spidey just might be the man to make things right between the two sides of Avengers heading into the Infinity War saga.
Dramatic Ending

The film’s directors has already stated that big things are in store for the ending of Civil War . It’s obvious the set up will be catastrophic and the perfect springboard for Infinity . My guess is War Machine bites the dust over a heavy cloud of controversy, betrayal, and reckless destruction. Besides, his character doesn’t survive in the comics.