



All Wuthering Waves Characters RANKED

All Wuthering Waves Characters RANKED

While it may not be the Genshin Impactkiller some expected, Wuthering Waves is one of the most interesting gacha titles to release. This title was released on May 23, 2024, after an extensive beta run by its developer, Kuro Games. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite stick the landing in terms of its quality, however, there’s a lot of heart in this open-world action RPG. No live service game is perfect on release, and it’s safe to assume that Wuthering Waves will only get better over time. One of the major draws of this genre is the well-designed, interesting characters and Wuthering Waves has 16 awesome characters for people to collect. But for those who want only the best on their account, we have you covered. Here are all the Wuthering Waves characters ranked.

©Kuro Games

16. Taoqi

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★
  • Element — Havoc
  • Weapon — Broadblade

At the absolute bottom of the list is Taoqi. It is important to mention that this is a brand-new live service game. This means that over time there will be balance patches and players will learn new strategies that could potentially alter any list, however, as of patch 1.0.0. Taoqi is the worst character in the game. The game is new enough that you can make a viable team with every character, but as you approach late game you’re going to struggle with Taoqi. She can fill a tank-ish role in your team comp, but unfortunately, the damage is king in Wuthering Waves and her damage numbers are terrible. This is because you want to build her around her defense stat which doesn’t help her basic attacks at all.

15. Lingyang

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★★
  • Element — Glacio
  • Weapon — Gauntlet

Lingyang is not only the worst 5-star unit in the game, but he’s also one of the worst in the game period. But it isn’t really his fault. A lot of the reason behind Lingyang’s ranking so low is that he’s reliant on player execution. There are players out there who will gravitate to him because of his high skill ceiling, but I’d have to pose the question. Why would you play a harder 5-star unit with worse stats than other 5-stars instead of just an easier, more consistent character? The answer just depends on whether you enjoy an extra challenge or not. He can be good under the perfect circumstances but only under those circumstances.

14. Chixia

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★
  • Element — Fusion
  • Weapon — Pistol

Similarly to Lingyang, Chixia is positioned here because she requires extra effort to get the same results as other characters. She is like the perfect beginner character in Wuthering Waves, but once you start getting into the meat of the game’s content and resources get low, she isn’t worth building. At least not in the base game. She’s mobile, good against crowds, and deals decent damage, but she kind of goes against Wuthering Waves mechanics since she’d have to be on-field longer than other characters to maximize damage.

13. Yuanwu

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★
  • Element — Electro
  • Weapon — Gauntlet

Yuanwu isn’t a bad unit at all, just a niche one. He thrives in very specific situations while also being easier than Lingyang (I promise I don’t have a bias against Lingyang). He’s one of the better free units in Wuthering Waves and isn’t a half-bad Sub-DPS character. But a good portion of his utility comes from being at S6, meaning you have to pull him multiple times before he becomes good. Again, a lot of effort and money without a good enough payoff. Only use Yuanwu if you like his design.

12. Yangyang

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★
  • Element — Aero
  • Weapon — Sword

Yangyang is my favorite of the four-star units and honestly, she’s arguably higher than number 12. She has the same problems as Yuanwu where she needs multiple S levels to reach her true potential. What makes her better is that she’s unlocked for free at the beginning of the game. Her ultimate can group up enemies, giving her synergy with most of the cast. She doesn’t have to be on the field for long and still be valuable AND she’s the only character in the game able to recover energy with their skill. This makes her perfect for characters who rely on their ultimate. This unique quality will probably change as more units are introduced to the game but as of now, Yangyang is decent. A great all-around unit.

11. Rover (Spectro)

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★★
  • Element — Spectro
  • Weapon — Sword

Rover is the all-rounder unit in Wuthering Waves. It makes sense since they are the main characters and who you’ll start your journey with. Rover has the same strengths as Chixia but is stifled by being an all-rounder. Rover is a strong character that you get for free. You’ll probably be using them for a good portion of your playtime, or until you receive another 5-star (not Lingyang). It will almost always be better to build your team around a 5-star that specializes in something than someone trying to be good at everything. That being said, Rover’s damage, crowd control, and accessibility give them the edge over those beneath them in the list.

10. Baizhi

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★
  • Element — Glacio
  • Weapon — Rectifier

Baizhi would be top 3 if it weren’t for another character on this list. Every Wuthering Waves team needs a healer in it, and as of writing, there are only two in the game. She’s one of the better units in the game though because she has multiple heals. She fits into most teams like Yangyang and having her at S5 even grants her a full revive. Unfortunately, she isn’t as strong as the other healer in the game, but since she’s obtained for free, I anticipate her being in most players’ teams. Also, she’s one of the cooler characters personality-wise, and that should mean something.

9. Sanhua

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★
  • Element — Glacio
  • Weapon — Sword

Above Baizhi we have Sanhua, another free 4-star character. There really isn’t much to say about Sanhua that hasn’t been said about other entries. She’s strong for similar reasons as others, and weak because of the skill required to use optimally. She is perfect for team comps that prioritize basic attacks, but outside that niche, she’s mediocre at best. Sanhua enjoyers will probably appreciate her strategic mechanics, but as I’ve stated many times before, there are just easier units with more consistent outcomes.

8. Aalto

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★
  • Element — Aero
  • Weapon — Pistol

Aalto has one of the more interesting kits of the four stars but he falls into similar pitfalls. He is great for buffing other Aero DPS units and can deal decent damage himself. But he isn’t as flexible as other units. Also his ultimate requires a ton of energy making his build matter a lot more than other 4-stars. If you build him perfectly and pair him up with other strong aero units then maybe he’s worth it. If not, he’s just another mediocre unit with a cool kit.

7. Jianxin

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★★
  • Element — Aero
  • Weapon — Gauntlet

Speaking of aero units, Jianxin is perfect for Aalto. Earlier in the list I stated that every team needs a healer but that’s only partly true. Jianxin and Aalto synergize in a way where you don’t need to have a healer. This is because Jianxin is a bit on the tankier side and can even negate enemy attacks. What makes Jianxin so low on the list despite being a 5-star, is that she relies on other units to make up for her lower attack stat. Jianxin is a good unit, don’t get me wrong, but when you compare her to other 5-stars, she kind of pales in comparison.

6. Danjin

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★
  • Element — Havoc
  • Weapon — Sword

Danjin is a weird case. She has the same problems as Lingyang and Sanhua. She requires player skill to maximize her DPS, but what sets her apart from most of the cast is that playing her optimally is very rewarding. First off, her damage output is insane for a 4-star. She fits into any role in a team composition, since her kit has built-in healing. The more resources you pour into her, the better she gets and if you need a difficult character to master, she has the best return on investment for a 4-star character. It isn’t every day when a less rare unit outshines 5 stars in a gacha game. I anticipate nerfs incoming and if not, she might be top 10 for a long time.

5. Encore

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★★
  • Element — Fusion
  • Weapon — Rectifier

Encore is debatably the easiest 5-star in the game. As good as she is, she still has very exploitable weaknesses. Her position on this list is due to just how little skill is required in playing her optimally. Her damage numbers are very good, and her combos are simple. Unfortunately, she is a squishier unit that needs to be close-range. So there is some player expression when it comes to playing her, but most players can spam attacks to great success.

4. Calcharo

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★★
  • Element — Electro
  • Weapon — Broadblade

Calcharo and Lingyang are two sides of the same coin. Calcharo luckily has more in common with Danjin. This 5-star unit demands mastery over his combo timings. If you’re able to master Calcharo he can become the best unit in the game, however, not everyone is willing to put in that time and effort. On top of his incredibly high damage output when mastered, he is even able to deal damage off-field with his Outro Skill. A perfect unit for glass-cannon, DPS team compositions.

3. Jiyan

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★★
  • Element — Aero
  • Weapon — Broadblade

The top 3 of this list can all be interchangeable depending on what you prioritize as a player. Jiyan is the perfect balance of a DPS unit. His damage numbers are very high and his combos are simple but his build is very important. He thrives against groups of enemies since he has very strong AoE damage. He also synergizes well with most of the cast. Technically Calchoro might be better when it comes to pure numbers but if you want similar results with less effort, Jiyan is the one for you. This isn’t to say Jiyan lacks skill expression. Since most of his damage comes from his Qingloong Mode, it’s important players can consistently enter this super state.

2. Verina

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★★
  • Element — Spectro
  • Weapon — Rectifier

Verina and Baizhi can honestly both fill this spot on the list. It just comes down to whether you have Verina or not. What gives Verina the edge of Baizhi is that not only can she provide tons of healing to your team, but she can also increase the party’s attack. Not only can she increase attacks, she can even prevent the death of a party member. A healer who scales with her attack strat is very interesting but this makes her incredibly squishy. Using her on the field at the wrong times can quickly turn a fight in the enemy’s favor. Weaknesses aside, her kit is too good to pass up and if you have her she should be on your team.

1. Mortefi

©Kuro Games

  • Rarity — ★★★★
  • Element — Fusion
  • Weapon — Pistol

Mortefi is the best unit in Wuthering Waves for a bunch of small reasons. He has many small advantages that add up making him a must-have unit. As I said before the top 3 are interchangeable because it comes down to what you prioritize as a player. First off, he’s a 4-star unit meaning you’re much more likely to get him while pulling for more rare units. Secondly, he gets better as you put more resources into him. He is an incredible buffer for units that prioritize using their Heavy Attacks and deals really good damage on his own as well. He’s an underdog unit whose strength will sneak up on you as you try to build stronger units. If you’re able to give him the build and echoes he needs AND you have him S6 then he is definitely the best character in the game.

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