



Arale From Dr. Slump, Kuso Saiki, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, And Luckyman Enter J-Stars Victory Vs.

Arale From Dr. Slump, Kuso Saiki, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, And Luckyman Enter J-Stars Victory Vs.

There are a lot of badasses in J-Stars Victory Vs. because there are a lot of badass Shonen Jump characters. A repentant samurai looking to make up for the mistakes of his past? Yep we have Kenshin! A post apocalyptic road warrior with the ability to explode heads? Hi Kenshiro! We probably don’t have to say a thing about Goku or Naruto or even Monkey D. Luffy because they are so well known. But don’t forget about the goofy Shonen Jump characters, they are going to be in the game too.

Today, three new characters are joining the J-Stars Victory Vs. battle. The first is Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, a blonde fighter with an afro who attacks with his own nose hairs. Joining him will be Luckyman from Absolutely! Luckyman , Kusuo Saiki from The Disaster of PSI Kusuo Saiki , and Arale Norimaki from Dr. Slump . Characters like Toriko, who kind of bridges the gap between serious and goofy with his kitchen themed martial arts, will also be playable. Source: Siliconera

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