



Arma 3 Earns Almost $50,000 for Charity With April Fools Joke

Arma 3 Earns Almost $50,000 for Charity With April Fools Joke

Did you know that Arma 3 was raising money for charity? They did so with Arma 3 Karts , a kart racing variant of the otherwise horrendously difficult and realistic army shooter. This April Fools was made into DLC as a part of Bohemia’s plan to experiment with DLC add ons. You can purchase it for only two dollars on steam, and all the money goes to the Czech Red Cross.

“Alongside helping us to evaluate Arma 3’s new approach to DLC, with the backing of our community, Arma 3 Karts has managed to raise money for a great cause,” said creative director Jay Crowe. “A big thanks to our players, both for their support and their valuable feedback, which we’ll use to refine our implementation. Overall, we’re positive about the preliminary results and responses, which seems to benefit Arma 3 players and help sustain Arma 3 development.”

Source: Polygon

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