



Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

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Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey


Legendary armor sets

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding legendary armor set. There are twelve sets in the base game (excluding DLC). Legendary armor sets contain five armor pieces. Equip all five pieces of a legendary armor set to gain a bonus stat buff.

    Achilles Set: Defeat all five Cult Of Kosmos members of the Heroes Of The Cult branch. The bonus stat buff is 2% damage dealt restored as health.

    Agememnon Set: Defeat all five Cult Of Kosmos members of the Silver Bane branch. For the fifth armor piece, go to the Silver Mine near the “Silver Mountain” title in the Silver Mountain Region of Attika. The bonus stat buff is +50% burning rate.

    Arena Fighter Set: Fight in the Arena on the isle of Pephka. Go to Pirate Point on the far east shore to find the Arena. Successfully complete all the battles, then complete the battles a second time to unlock all five legendary armor pieces. The bonus stat buff is 10% health restored with overpower attacks.

    Artemis Set: Successfully complete the “Daughters Of Artemis” quests. The quest is available at the Temple Of Artemis, in the center of the Phokis region. Hunt all the Legendary Animals to unlock all five armor pieces. The bonus stat buff is +15% damage with hunter abilities.

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    Athenian War Hero Set: Defeat all five Cult Of Kosmos members of the Delian League branch. The bonus stat buff is all arrows pierce shields.

    Demigod Set: Loot Deimos at the end of the main story quest to get four of the legendary armor pieces. The fifth piece is found on the final Cult Of Kosmos member. The bonus stat buff is +10% damage with all abilities.

    Greek Hero Set: Defeat five mercenaries carrying legendary armor pieces. Check their loot rewards to find the following five pieces: The Translucent, The Lucky Drunk, The Resplendent, The Frenzied, and The Flash. The bonus stat buff is +20% to all resistances.

    Immortal Set: Defeat all five Cult Of Kosmos members of the Worshippers Of The Bloodline branch. The bonus stat buff is 20% health restored on death (two minute cooldown).

    Pilgrim Set: Find the legendary armor pieces in treasure chests in the following five locations: Akropolis Of Argos (Argolis, Argos), Temple Of Athena (Lakonia, Sparta), Temple Of The Golden-Bowed Goddess (Malis, Pandora’s Cove), Eleusis Telesterion (Attika, Sacred Plain Of Demeter), and Temple Of Britomartis (Messara, Little Egypt). The bonus stat buff is -40% adrenaline for Shadow Of Nyx.

    Pirate Set: Defeat all five Cult Of Kosmos members of the Gods Of The Aegis Sea branch. The bonus stat buff is +15% damage to all assassin abilities.

    Snake Set: Defeat all five Cult Of Kosmos members of the Eyes Of Kosmos branch. The bonus stat buff is +10% intoxicated damage and weakening effect.

    Spartan War Hero Set: Defeat all five Cult Of Kosmos members of the Peloponnesian League branch. The bonus stat buff is +15 damage to all warrior abilities.

All treasure map locations

Xenia’s questline has you use treasure maps to locate the following six treasure items: Golden Feather Of Ajax, Makedonian Bracelet, Triton’s Shell Of The Tides, Apollo’s Lyre, Pan’s Flute, and Olouros Fortress Coffer. Find all treasures to complete Xenia’s questline and get the “A Pirate’s Life For Me” achievement. The questline starts on Keos. At the start of story Sequence 7, you can find all the treasures. You are given multiple treasure maps by Xenia, but only one of them is correct. The way this is normally done is by checking all maps in the inventory against your world map to track down which could be the real spot. This can be a tedious process — so using the video guide below makes it much easier by showing you exactly where to go right away.


    1. Golden Feather Of Ajax – 1:30
    2. Makedonian Bracelet – 5:26
    3. Triton’s Conch Shell Of The Tides – 9:20
    4. Pan’s Flute – 15:21
    5. Apollo’s Lyre – 16:19
    6. Olouros Fortress Coffer – 19:25

Finding Atlantis

To find Atlantis and get the “Birthright” achievement, complete the “A Family’s Legacy” side quest, which is automatically unlocked after the “United Front” main mission in Sequence 7. The quest takes you to Thera, one of the Volcanic Islands. You must then scan the area with your eagle to retrieve an ancient tablet and then follow the beams of light to direct them to the giant stone door. Behind the door is Atlantis – The Lost City, where you also get to meet Pythagoras. This will then unlock “The Gates Of Atlantis” side quest, which is an endgame questline. You will get the “Birthright” achievement after meeting Pythagoras.

Cyclops boss location

To fight the Cyclops boss and get the “Eye On The Prize” achievement for defeating him, complete the “A God Among Men” (Kythera Island), “Left To Dye” (Kythera Island), and “Stairway To Olympos” (Kythera Island) side quests. As part of this questline, you will find the Cyclops boss on the Forgotten Isle (he is not accessible outside of this quest). Note: This has nothing to do with the Sequence 1 story boss that has the same name. The Cyclops of this questline is a high-level one-eyed monster.

Medusa boss location

To fight the Medusa boss and get the “In Perseus’s Image” achievement for defeating her, complete the “Romancing The Stone Garden” (Lesbos Island), “Love’s Long Shadow”, “Hard To Artemis”, “Heavy Is The Spear”, “Keys To Happiness?”, and “Writhing Dead” side quests. Medusa is the endboss of this questline, found in the Petrified Temple on Lesbos. All of these quests take place on Lesbos Island, which is a high-level endgame region. Medusa is a Level 50 boss — so you need to be at least Level 46 to have a chance.

Minotaur boss location

To fight the Minotaur boss and get the “A-maze-ing Victory!” achievement for defeating him, complete the “Myths And Minotaurs” (Messara Island), “Of Minotaurs And Men” (Messara Island), and “He Waits” (Messara Island) side quests. The Minotaur is the endboss of this questline, found in the Labyrinth Of Lost Souls. Simply complete the side quests to fight him.

Sphinx riddle solutions and location

To complete the Sphinx riddle and get the “Riddle Me This” achievement, complete the “A Family’s Legacy” (Thera), “Lore Of The Sphinx” (Boeotia Region), and “Awaken The Myth” (Boeotia Region) side quests. The “A Family’s Legacy” side quest is automatically unlocked after the “United Front” main mission in Sequence 7. That side quest will take you to Atlantis. After discovering Atlantis, you will unlock the “Lore Of The Sphinx” quest. Unlike the other three world bosses, this one is not an actual fight but a series of three questions that must be answered correctly. The tricky part is the questions are different every time. They are selected from a pool of 12 possible questions. The correct answers can be: Stars, Tree, Fish, Hummingbird, Sun, Memory, Moon, Mountain, Spider, Time, Death, River. If you answer incorrectly, you will die and have to answer a new set of questions. It is important that you remember your answers (or write them down). After the three questions, you must press three buttons corresponding with your answers. If you press a wrong button, you die and have to start over.

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Secret ending

To get the secret Atlantis (true) ending, first find Atlantis to unlock the “Between Two Worlds” storyline and begin “The Gates Of Atlantis” quest. You must then defeat four mythical creatures for their artifacts (Cyclops, Medusa, Minotaur, and Sphinx). Then, return to Atlantis to unlock the true ending. Note: Medusa is Level 50 — so this must be done after completing the main story.

Becoming Champion of the Arena

The Arena is found in Pephka, the region in the bottom right of the world map. Defeat all five enemies in the Arena to become Champion and get the “Are You Not Entertained?” achievement. The last enemy is Level 50, but you can defeat him at Level 45 with good gear. At Level 50, the enemy is not too difficult to defeat. Note: Defeating just the Level 50 arena champ is not enough to get the “Are You Not Entertained?” achievement — you must defeat all five enemies.

Easily defeat Legendary Animals

To easily defeat Legendary Animals, you can trick enemies into fighting them for you. First, build up your Wanted Meter until a Mercenary is dispatched to hunt you. The higher the Wanted Level, the more powerful the Mercenary will be. You will normally just need a Mercenary that is a little higher level than you. Wait until a Mercenary appears nearby. Once they see you, run to the Legendary Hunt location. The Mercenary will follow you for a long time. As long as you are on the island with the Legendary Hunt, you should be able to lure the Mercenary into a fight. Go to the Legendary Animal and start fighting. Once the Mercenary and the Animal engage, you can move back and allow them to fight. The Legendary Animal will normally win in a fight against a Mercenary. While the animal is distracted by the Mercenary, attack it from behind to get in some easy hits, then back away. Once the Mercenary is killed, quickly kill the animal. This trick also works with other enemies. For example, if there is a bandit camp nearby, you can lure the entire group of enemies (and leader) to the Legendary Animal to fight it.

Romancing options

To romance someone in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey , you just need to find them and complete their side or main quests. Watch for a “romance” option, which just means sex. The following is a list of all characters you can sleep with. There will be a quick cutscene that shows how your character seals the deal. Note: Romance has no effect on future romances. You can romance all characters in the game, if desired. There are no repercussions or negative effects from romancing any character, even if you romance women and men. Your gender selection at the start of the game also does not change who you can romance.


    Odessa: She is a young relative of Odysseus. She can be found and rescued on Ithaka, in Odysseus’s Palace, to begin her quests.

    Auxesia: She is an elderly woman that gives you a quest. She can be found in Phokis, on Mount Parnassos.

    Xenia: She is a bronze-skinned pirate that sends you on quests to locate hidden treasures.

    Roxana: She is a tough fighter. She can be found on the small island of Hydrea, where she is sparring.

    Kyra: She is a long-hair Spartan rebel soldier. She is located in the Silver Islands region, on the isle of Mykonos. She can be found in the Porphyrion Cave.

    Daphnae: She is a young “Daughter of Artemis”. She can be found near the Temple Of Artemis, in the Phokis region.


    Kosta: He is a thick, bearded blacksmith that is located on on Lokris Island. He can be found in the port town on Red Lake Bay.

    Alkibiades: He is a lean, silver-haired young man. He can be found in Athens, in the Attika region. You will meet him in Perikles’s house in Sequence 4.

    Lykaon: He is a lean, rugged healer. He can be found in Phokis, in a town in the Sacred Lands of Apollo.

Daughters Of Artemis questline location and walkthrough

Successfully complete the “Daughters Of Artemis” questline to get the “Master Of The Hunt” achievement, as well as a full legendary armor set for the “Fashion’s Creed” achievement. The “Daughters Of Artemis” questline starts with “The Daughters Of Artemis” side quest in the “Phokis” region (“Sacred Lands Of Apollo” sub-region). It is given by an NPC called Daphnae. She asks you to kill a boar. You must complete all nine of her quests (all hunting quests):


    1. The Daughters Of Artemis – 0:05
    2. Kallisto The Bear – 5:05
    3. The Erymanthian Boar – 7:08
    4. The Hind Of Keryneia – 9:07
    5. The Kretan Bull – 10:23
    6. The Krokottas Hyena – 12:03
    7. The Lykaon Wolf – 14:08
    8. The Namean Lion – 16:37
    9. Artemis’s Request – 18:56

Hippokrates questline location and walkthrough

The “Hippokrates” questline starts with the “Inheritance Insurance” side quest in the Boeotia region. You must first complete all other side quests in Boeotia. This can be done as early as Sequence 7, when the story takes you to that region. Hippokrates’ questline consists of the “Inheritance Insurance” and “Too Much Of A Good Thing” quests. Complete this questline to get the “Trust Me, I’m A Doctor” achievement.

Olympic questline location and walkthrough

The Olympic questline is automatically unlocked during Sequence 7, after the “Kings Of Sparta” main mission. It can then be selected from the questlog. It requires you to deliver a champion to the Olympics, but in the end you fight in the Olympics yourself. The Olympic questline consists of the following quests: “Delivering A Champion”, “The Contender”, “The Long Game”, and “Pankration”. Successfully complete the Olympic questline to get the “Going For Gold” achievement.

Easy “Aphrodite’s Embrace” achievement

During certain dialogues in main and side quests, you can choose dialogue lines with a Heart icon on them. If you always select those, they will lead to romances. An easy way to get this early is by doing the “Age Is Just A Number” side quest in Phokis (Grand Mount Parnassos sub-region). It requires you to loot a deer and bear, which are both found in the same region as the quest. When returning to the quest giver at the end of the quest, select the “Let Me Satisfy You” dialogue with the heart icon to get the “Aphrodite’s Embrace” achievement after the resulting cutscene. Alternatively, at the end of Sequence 4 in the “Perikle’s Symposium” main quest, you will go to a party and can sleep with Alkibiades. Select the “Let’s Get These Clothes Off” dialogue with the heart icon after getting oil for Alkibiades.

Easy “Everybody Benefits” achievement

Markos’s questline starts with the “A Business Opportunity” side quest on Kos Island (“Highlands Of Asklepiades” sub-region). It begins by finding Markos in a cage inside the enemy fort, where the quest marker is displayed. You must free him and carry him back to his house to continue the questline. At the end of the questline, he will give you a nice axe and you will get the “Everybody Benefits” achievement.

Easy “I Have The Power” achievement

First, unlock the “Warrior Ability: Overpower Attacks” and “Hunter Ability: Overpower Bow Strike” skills. Only the first tier of the skills are required. Once you have the skills, perform an overpower attack (consumes three full adrenaline segments). Do this with the following weapon types to get the “I Have The Power” achievement: Sword, Dagger, Heavy Blunt, Heavy Bladed, Staff, Spear, Bow (requires “Overpower Bow Strike” skill). Note: There is also a Bare-Handed takedown when you unequip the weapons from inventory, but it is not required for this achievement.

Easy “Ramming Speed” and “Wrath Of The Amazons” achievements

First, get a female crew (cosmetic ship skin). There are multiple of these in the game, but the following are the easiest options:

  • Get “The Assassins (Female)” from Ubisoft Club for free, as it just requires a Uplay account. In the map menu, press Left and select the “Ubisoft Club” option.
  • Find “Bandits (Female)” at the “Sunken Wreck Of Datis” underwater location, southwest of Delos Island.
  • Successfully complete the “Olympian” questline (“Going For Gold” achievement).
  • Successfully complete the “Daughters Of Artemis” questline (“Master Of The Hunt” achievement).

In the ship menu, select the Female Crew cosmetic item in the bottom right corner. Leave the lieutenants blank (no female lieutenants required for this). Then, disable a ship at sea. Shoot it until it is disabled, but do not board it. Ram it at full speed at its center to break the ship in half and get the “Ramming Speed” and “Wrath Of The Amazons” achievements for cleaving a ship in half and for cleaving it with a female crew.

Easy “Stink Eye” achievement

First, successfully complete Sequence 1 of the story. At the end of the sequence, you will encounter the “Cyclops” boss. There will be a funny cutscene in which your character puts the Cyclop’s eye in a goat’s rectum. You can later find this eye again. Simply return after Sequence 1 and kill some random goats anywhere on Kephallonia (starting region). After approximately 10-20 goat kills (it is a random drop), it should drop. Goats can easily be killed with the bow from a distance. Make sure to loot the goats after killing them. Goats are found everywhere in that region, and the eye can be dropped anywhere on the island.

Easy “War Master” achievement

This achievement requires you to take down a region’s power level (purple bar on map) to zero and only then kill the leader of the region. Hover over any region on the map, and it will display a purple bar in the bottom right corner. It can say fortified (three bars), weakened (two bars), vulnerable (one bar). You must make the purple bar completely disappear. This can be done by doing the following things:

  • Kill soldiers from the faction in power (see colored outlines around the region; Red = Sparta, Blue = Athens).
  • Burn war supplies (found at forts and leader houses).
  • Pillage the nation treasure (found at forts).

To find war supplies and nation treasure more easily, use your eagle to scan enemy forts and look for the purple icons. Supplies can be burned down with the torch. Only after the purple bar on the map disappears can you kill the leader. The leader is marked on the map by a gray or purple icon. A good place to do this is on Kos Island because it is a very small region and fast to complete. Just go to all the question-mark icons on the map to reveal the forts, leader house, and other points of interest that allow you to lower the power level. Note: This does not work in the Megaris region (first story region where you must play conquest battles).

Easy “You Work For Me Now” achievement

Legendary NPCs are usually the Captains/Polemarchs at enemy Forts. You can use your eagle to see if an enemy is legendary. Use eagle view and scan the enemies. In the top right corner, it will display the NPC rarity. The ones you want are colored yellow. Simply go to a fort and scan everyone before attacking. To recruit the NPCs, you must knock them out. Either use the Sparta Kick skill as the finishing blow or unequip your weapon in the inventory to fight with bare fists. You can use weapons to weaken the enemy, just the final hit must be from bare hands or Sparta Kick. When the enemy is knocked out, stand over them and press the corresponding button to recruit. You cannot do this while in combat. If other enemies are still alive, kill them, then recruit the knocked-out enemies. Then, open the ship menu, select “Special Lieutenants”, and hire the NPC for some money.

Steam achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats.

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    Island Hopper: Complete 20 Quests on Pephka, Obsidian and Abantis islands.
    Are You Not Entertained?: Become Champion of the Arena.
    Child of Poseidon: Complete all underwater location objectives.
    I am Legend: Equip 1 Legendary melee weapon and 5 Legendary armor pieces.
    Lord of the Seas: Fully upgrade the Adrestia.
    The Argonauts: Fully crew the Adrestia with Legendary Lieutenants.
    Birthright: Discover Atlantis and speak with Pythagoras.
    Blood Sport: Defeat a Mercenary in the Arena.
    Demigod: Reach Level 50.
    Fashion’s Creed: Equip a Legendary Armor set.
    Godly Power: Acquire a Tier 3 active Ability.
    Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: Upgrade the Adrestia for the first time.
    Hermes’s Homie: Unveil all sub-regions of Greece.
    Hero for Hire: Win your first on land conquest battle in any region (excluding Megaris in Hero’s Journey).
    I Have the Power: Perform an Overpower Attack with every weapon type.
    Infamous: Raise your Bounty to the maximum level.
    Make It Your Own: Engrave your first item.
    Misthios in Training: Complete 20 Bounties, War Contracts, or Naval Quests from Message Boards.
    Ramming Speed: Cleave a ship in half.
    Scourge of the Aegean: Sink your first Epic Ship.
    Shiny!: Acquire and equip your first Legendary item.
    The Midas Touch: Engrave a Legendary Item with a Legendary Effect.
    Top of the Food Chain: Become the first Mercenary.
    War Master: Kill the Leader of any Region with Low Resources, other than Megaris.
    You Work for Me Now: Recruit and assign a Legendary NPC for your ship.
    This is Sparta!: Complete the Battle of 300.
    An Odyssey in the Making: Complete Episode 1.
    Past Mistakes: Complete Episode 2.
    Evil Unearthed: Complete Episode 3.
    The Bright Minds: Complete Episode 4.
    From the Ashes: Complete Episode 5.
    Democracy Falls: Complete Episode 6.
    Legend in the Making: Complete Episode 7.
    Taking Back Athens: Complete Episode 8.
    Odyssey’s End: Complete Episode 9 + Epilogue.
    Legacy Restored: Upgrade your Spear to Tier 6.
    The Cult Unmasked: Defeat all the Cultists of Kosmos.
    Stink Eye: Recover the Cyclops’s eye from a goat on Kephallonia.
    In Perseus’s Image: Defeat Medusa.
    A-maze-ing Victory!: Defeat the Minotaur.
    Eye on the Prize: Defeat the Cyclops.
    Riddle Me This: Outwit the Sphinx.
    Master of the Hunt: Complete the Daughters of Artemis questline.
    Everybody Benefits: Complete Markos’s questline.
    Trust Me, I’m a Doctor: Complete the Hippokrates questline.
    A Pirate’s Life for Me: Complete Xenia’s questline.
    Going For Gold: Complete the Olympic questline.
    One Head Down…: Defeat a full cluster of Cultists of Kosmos.
    Birthright: Discover Atlantis and speak with Pythagoras.
    Island Hopper: Complete 20 Quests on Pephka, Obsidian and Abantis islands.
    Wrath of the Amazons: Cleave a ship while having an all-women crew.
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