



Dragon Age 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

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Dragon Age 2 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360

Dragon Age 2


Blood Dragon armor

Have a saved game file from Dragon Age: Origins to unlock the Blood Dragon armor.

Infinite money and experience

Successfully complete any side quest that does not activate a cutscene when receiving your reward (for example, the “South-Song” Gerralt’s Corpse side quest or any “Find And Deliver” side quest), then save the game. Draw your weapon, and approach the NPC. While your character is putting away their weapon to talk to the NPC, rapidly press A to get unlimited money and EXP. You can keep doing this until you move your character. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. You can delete all patches for the game by using the “Clear hard drive cache” code for the Xbox 360 .

Infinite money

Put your most expensive item in the “Junk” menu under the inventory menu. Go to any store, and select the “Sell” option. Select that item from the “Junk” menu to sell it, and then immediately and quickly press Y, A. Try to press Y and A almost simultaneously, but press Y just before A. This may require practice. It also works best if you do not have any other items in your “Junk” other than the item you are going to sell. Your item should be sold twice. Then, go to “Buy”, buy the item back from the “Junk” menu, and then sell it again. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: Make sure you do not leave the store after you have sold items, as they will not appear in the store again. This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. You can delete all patches for the game by using the “Clear hard drive cache” code for the Xbox 360 .

Duplicating items

You must have two of the same item for this glitch to work. Place the items to be duplicated in the “Junk” menu under the inventory menu. Go to any store, and select the “Sell” option. Sell at least one of the items. The vendor must have at least one of the items listed in his “Junk” menu for this to work. Then, quickly press Y, A to sell them the remaining item in your “Junk” menu. Try to press Y and A almost simultaneously, but press Y just before A. This may require practice. It also works best if you do not have any other items in your “Junk” other than the item you are going to sell. This essentially duplicates the sold item, creating a third out of your existing two. You can use this duplication glitch to work with larger quantities of items, doubling the overall amount of items sold. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. You can delete all patches for the game by using the “Clear hard drive cache” code for the Xbox 360 .

Easy attributes and skills

Acquire at least two of each of the Potion Of The Mortal Vessel, Potion Of Arcane Technique, and Potion Of Physical Technique. Then, use the “Duplicating items” glitch to duplicate the potions to easily boost your character’s attributes and skills.

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]

Infinite ability points

Obtain as many “Makers Sigh” potions as possible. Then, assign all your available abilities to your tactics menu. Next, use a “Makers Sigh” potion, then save the game. Load your saved game file, and go into the ability menu. The abilities you assigned to your tactics will be unlocked, but you will still have all your unassigned ability points. Assign your points to other abilities, put them in your tactics menu, then repeat the process again. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch also allows you to unlock certain abilities in classes without having to go through the entire skill tree.

Note: This glitch requires access to “The Black Emporium” downloadable content and money available to purchase the “Makers Sigh” potion that resets all ability points and attributes. Hawke comes preloaded with preset skills he will always retain; thus, when you use the “Makers Sigh” potion, save, and reload the saved game file, Hawke’s abilities will be filled again. Do the following to get unlimited ability points. Use the “Makers Sigh” potion, then save the game. Load your saved game file, and you will now have the amount of ability points that were taken away and Hawke’s abilities will be set back to the default levels. For a Rogue, it will be approximately four to five points in the Dual Wield tree. Use another “Makers Sigh” potion, and repeat the process as many times as desired.

Infinite armor points

This glitch can be done at any point in the game with Hawke and Aveline. Simply equip, un-equip, and then re-equip a shield. Your armor number/percent will continue to increase. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. You can delete all patches for the game by using the “Clear hard drive cache” code for the Xbox 360 .

Infinite rival points

Successfully complete Sebastian’s “Repentance” companion quest. Then, go back to the chantry. Do not talk with Sebastian; instead talk to the Grand Cleric. Keep selecting the “You’re useless” dialog option to get +5 rivalry for Sebastian each time. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.

Easy maximum stats

To get unlimited attribute points, you must be in Act 3 and have the ability to craft the Rune of Valiance. Get any two different pieces of equipment with at least one rune slot. Craft a Rune of Valiance onto both, making sure the amount of attributes added to each item is different. Equip both items. Remove the one that adds the most attributes first, then remove the other. Not all the attributes from the rune will be removed, and it will be permanently added to your character. Keep equipping both items and removing both items to continue getting attribute points until they max out all stats at 100.

Activating sustainable abilities simultaneously

To activate sustainable abilities that are not meant to be activated together (for example, Control and Might for Warriors), activate a sustainable ability, and before it is finished casting, activate the other sustainable ability. It should activate them both, and you should get the effects of both. This works for all sustainable abilities that are not meant to be activated simultaneously.

Recommended party configuration

It is best to plan your party from the start. While planning character roles, remember “One to take it, one to deal, one to weaken, one to heal.” You should have a damager, tank, entropist, and healer. This will ensure you have one member taking all the damage and bringing the attention away from the rest of the party. Have an entropist (probably Merrill) to weaken and demoralize the enemy, a healer to strengthen and maintain the party, and a damager to inflict the pain. This will ensure a well rounded party that covers all aspects of combat.

Weapon and shield locations

Successfully complete the indicated task or search the indicated location to find the corresponding weapon or shield:

Warrior One-Handed Weapons: Act 1

Thudpucker’s First

    Requirements: 28 Strength
    Location: Bonny Lem’s Wares (Disused Passage)
    Damage: 20 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +57 Attack, and 5% Chance to Stun

Edge of Song and Glory

    Requirements: 24 Strength
    Location: Ser Karras (Gallows Courtyard, Act of Mercy)
    Damage: 16 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +47 Attack and +7% Physical Damage


    Requirements: 24 Strength
    Location: Weapon Shop (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 16 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +4% Critical Chance and +4% Attack Speed

Notched Sword

    Requirements: 23 Strength
    Location: Weaponsmithy (Lowtown)
    Damage: 16 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +18 Mana/Stamina and +7% Physical Damage

Palvo’s Cocksure Cleaver

    Requirements: 21 Strength
    Location: “Captain” Qerth (Shallowguards Base, Night Lies)
    Damage: 12 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +38 Attack and +14% Threat Generation

Trust and Cut Blade

    Requirements: 21 Strength
    Location: Korval’s Blades (Hightown)
    Damage: 12 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +38 Attack and +14% Threat Generation

Overland Render

    Requirements: 21 Strength
    Location: Ship Captain (The Docks at Night)
    Damage: 12 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +38 Attack and +4% Critical Chance

Desdemona’s Blade (DLC only)

    Requirements: 25 Strength
    Location: Emporium’s Relics and Antiques (Black Emporium)
    Damage: 17 Nature
    Weapon Stats: 2 Rune Slots and +50 Attack

Warrior One-Handed Weapons: Act 2


    Requirements: 38 Strength
    Location: Quest reward for defeating the Arishok (Viscount’s Keep, Demands for the Qun)
    Damage: 29 Fire
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +94 Attack, +8% Physical Damage, and +8% Magic Resistance

Windsong Axe

    Requirements: 35 Strength
    Location: Nexus Golem’s Wares (Abandoned Thaig)
    Damage: 27 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +5% Critical Chance, +12% Critical Damage, and +11 Electricity Damage

Markham Heart Stopper

    Requirements: 33 Strength
    Location: Weapon Shop (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 27 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +5% Critical Chance, +12% Critical Damage, and Messy Kills

Red Earth Long One

    Requirements: 32 Strength
    Location: Bartrand (Bartrand’s Mansion, Family Matter)
    Damage: 25 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +76 Attack and +5 Fire Damage

Darktown Blade

    Requirements: 30 Strength
    Location: Weaponsmithy (Lowtown)
    Damage: 23 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot and +4% Critical Chance


    Requirements: 30 Strength
    Location: Innley of Starkhaven (Sundermount, Bounty Hunter)
    Damage: 21 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +61 Attack, +8% Physical Damage, and Messy Kills

Sundarin Thunder

    Requirements: 28 Strength
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, Fool’s Gold)
    Damage: 20 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +438 Electricity Resistance and +4 Electricity Damage

Royeaux One and Two

    Requirements: 22 Strength
    Location: Amaranthine Conspirator (Sundermount, The Conspirators)
    Damage: 13 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +41 Attack, and +4% Critical Chance

Fade’s Fury (DLC only)

    Requirements: 34 Strength
    Location: Desire Demon (Harimann Estate, Repentance)
    Damage: 25 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 2 Rune Slots, +5% Critical Chance, and +3 Spirit Damage Across 2m

Warrior One-Handed Weapons: Act 3


    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Hybris (Hidden Dungeon, The Awiergan Scrolls)
    Damage: 33 Electricity
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +166 Attack, +3 Armor, and 2.5% Chance to Enslave Normal Enemies

Aurvar’s Prize

    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, Finding Nathaniel)
    Damage: 33 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +116 Attack, +3 Armor, and +17% Threat Generation

The Vague Blade

    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Chest (Blood Mage Refuge, The Last Holdouts)
    Damage: 33 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 3 Rune Slots and Enemies Cannot Dodge Attacks


    Requirements: 39 Strength
    Location: Quest Reward (The Lost Swords)
    Damage: 31 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +100 Attack, +4% Attack Speed, +20% Chance of Deathblows, and +9 Damage vs. Humans

Sword of the Antaam

    Requirements: 38 Strength
    Location: Lirene’s Fereldan Imports (Lowtown)
    Damage: 32 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +108 Attack, and +10 Damage vs. Humans

The Weight

    Requirements: 38 Strength
    Location: High Dragon (The Bone Pit, Mine Massacre)
    Damage: 29 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +94 Attack, +11 Fortitude, and 5% Chance to Knock Back

City Guard Sword

    Requirements: 36 Strength
    Location: Weapon Shop (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 29 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +94 Attack, and +4% Attack Speed

Raider Sword

    Requirements: 36 Strength
    Location: Shady Merchandise (The Docks)
    Damage: 29 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +5% Critical Chance, and +12% Critical Damage

The Bringer of Silence

    Requirements: 36 Strength
    Location: Quest Reward (Finding Nathaniel)
    Damage: 28 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +5% Critical Chance, +12% Critical Damage, and +5% Chance to Dispel Hostile Magic

Woodsman’s Ire

    Requirements: 35 Strength
    Location: Jess “Leashmaster” Varvel (Run Down Alley, Reining It In)
    Damage: 27 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +32 Health, +81 Attack, and +16% Threat Generation

Perrin’s Nail

    Requirements: 32 Strength
    Location: Korval’s Blades (Hightown)
    Damage: 25 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +76 Attack, and +19% Healing to This Character

The Wailer

    Requirements: 28 Strength
    Location: Veld (The Sink, Gamlen’s Greatest Treasure)
    Damage: 20 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +4% Critical Chance, +11% Critical Damage, and +8% Physical Damage

Blade of a Thousand Battles (DLC only)

    Requirements: 42 Strength
    Location: Emporium’s Relics and Antiques (Black Emporium)
    Damage: 35 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 2 Rune Slots, +5 Critical Chance, +8% Physical Damage, and 5% Chance to Knock Back

Warrior Two-Handed Weapons: Act 1


    Requirements: 30 Strength
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 26 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +82 Attack, +23% Healing to This Character

Caskhead’s Portable Anvil

    Requirements: 25 Strength
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 20 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +63 Attack and 5% Chance to Knock Back

Red Grace

[lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"]
    Requirements: 24 Strength
    Location: Chest (Tal-Vashoth Cavern, Blackpowder Promise)
    Damage: 18 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +59 Attack and +4 Fire Damage

The Ream-Ward

    Requirements: 23 Strength
    Location: Tevinter Hunter Captain (Lowtown at Night, Bait and Switch)
    Damage: 17 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +55 Attack and +9% Physical Damage

Templar Great Sword

    Requirements: 21 Strength
    Location: Weapon Shop (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 14 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +4% Attack Speed and +3 Fire Damage

Warrior Two-Handed Weapons: Act 2

Void’s Hammer

    Requirements: 33 Strength
    Location: Magnus’s Wares (The Wounded Coast)
    Damage: 28 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +6% Critical Chance, +5% Attack Speed, and +3% Physical Damage Across 2m

The Brothers’ End

    Requirements: 31 Strength
    Location: Elven Fanatic (Side Alley, Blackpowder Courtesy)
    Damage: 28 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +88 Attack and +10% Physical Damage

Warrior Two-Handed Weapons: Act 3


    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Nexus Golem’s Wares (Hidden Dungeon)
    Damage: 38 Electricity
    Weapon Stats: +6% Critical Chance, +16% Critical Damage, +10% Physical Damage, and +5 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate

The Celebrant

    Requirements: 41 Strength
    Location: Beacon (Sundermount, The Awiergan Scrolls)
    Damage: 38 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +3 Strength, +3 Willpower, and +21% Threat Generation

Warrior Shields: Act 1


    Requirements: 20 Strength and 20 Constitution
    Location: Dragon (Deep Roads, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Armor: 86
    Shield Stats: +9 Armor and +8 Fortitude


    Requirements: 18 Strength and 18 Constitution
    Location: Revenant (Long Way Home)
    Armor: 72
    Shield Stats: +41 Attack and +7% Physical Damage

Kirkwall Shield

    Requirements: 18 Strength and 18 Constitution
    Location: Armor Merchant (Lowtown)
    Armor: 72
    Shield Stats: +20 Defense and +7 Armor

The Bann’s Backhouse Door

    Requirements: 18 Strength and 18 Constitution
    Location: Coterie Leader (Lowtown at Night)
    Armor: 72
    Shield Stats: 1 Rune Slot and +17 Health

Markham Head Stopper

    Requirements: 18 Strength and 18 Constitution
    Location: Korval’s Blades (Hightown)
    Armor: 66
    Shield Stats: +38 Attack and +7 Armor

Fereldan Soldier’s Shield

    Requirements: 12 Strength and 12 Constitution
    Location: Dead Refugee (Prologue: Blightlands)
    Armor: 37
    Shield Stats: None

Lady Rosamund’s Bulwark (DLC only)

    Requirements: 20 Strength and 20 Constitution
    Location: Emporium’s Relics and Antiques (Black Emporium)
    Armor: 86
    Shield Stats: 3 Rune Slots

Warrior Shields: Act 2

Shield of Knight Herself

    Requirements: 34 Strength, 28 Constitution and Aveline
    Location: Ser Varnell’s Refuse (Offered and Lost)
    Armor: 190
    Shield Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +88 Attack, +5% Critical Chance, 100% of basic attack damage vs. enemies that attack in melee

Darkspawn Shield

    Requirements: 23 Strength and 23 Constitution
    Location: Weaponsmithy (Lowtown)
    Armor: 122
    Shield Stats: +4 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate and +489 Fire Resistance

Warrior Shields: Act 3

Shield of the Resolute

    Requirements: 31 Strength and 31 Constitution
    Location: Pile of Bones (Templar Hall, The Last Straw)
    Armor: 248
    Shield Stats: 2 Rune Slots, +25 Armor, and +8% Magic Resistance

Mage’s Friend (DLC only)

    Requirements: 32 Strength and 32 Constitution
    Location: Faith Quest
    Armor: 271
    Shield Stats: 3 Rune Slots and +17% Magic Resistance

Rogue Dual Weapons: Act 1

Blade of Red Birth

    Requirements: 25 Dexterity
    Location: Chest (Deep Roads, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 22 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +38 Attack, and +4 Fire Damage

Rogue Dual Weapons: Act 2

Coterie Shiv

    Requirements: 31 Dexterity
    Location: Weaponsmithy (Lowtown)
    Damage: 30 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +9% Critical Damage, 25% Chance to Reduce Attack Speed, and 25% Chance to Reduce Movement Speed

Rogue Dual Weapons: Act 3

Carta’s Right-Hand

    Requirements: 41 Dexterity
    Location: Hanker (Decrepit Alley, Kind of Want)
    Damage: 42 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +87 Attack, +4% Critical Chance, +10% Critical Damage, and +5% Chance to Stun

Rogue Bows: Act 1


    Requirements: 25 Dexterity
    Location: Mature Dragon (Bone Pit Ledge, The Bone Pit)
    Damage: 70 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +63 Attack and +7 Nature Damage Across 2m

Rogue Bows: Act 2

The Runner’s Retort

    Requirements: 35 Dexterity
    Location: Street Thung (Lowtown at Night, The Fixer)
    Damage: 113 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +109 Attack, +6% Critical Chance, 25% Chance to Reduce Attack Speed, and 25% Chance to Reduce Movement Speed

Rogue Bows: Act 3


    Requirements: 41 Dexterity
    Location: Nexus Golem’s Wares (Hidden Dungeon)
    Damage: 134 Physical
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +6% Critical Chance, +16% Critical Damage, and +27 Nature Damage

Mage Staves: Act 1

Acolyte’s Staff

    Requirements: 31 Magic
    Location: Apparel Shop (Lowtown)
    Damage: 33 Physical
    Weapon Stats: +5 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate, +14% Fire Damage, and +178 Fire Resistance


    Requirements: None
    Location: Crypt Treasure (Ancient Crypt, The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 28 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +2 Willpower, and +5 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate

Staff of the Primal Order

    Requirements: 28 Magic
    Location: Bonny Lem’s Wares (Disused Passage)
    Damage: 28 Cold
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +14% Fire Damage, and +14% Cold Damage

Stone’s Breath

    Requirements: None
    Location: Reward for saving Sandal (The Deep Roads Expedition)
    Damage: 26 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: 1 Rune Slot, +13% Spirit Damage, and 5% Chance to Knock Back

The Hypnotist’s Staff

    Requirements: None
    Location: Decimus (Runaway’s Cavern, Act of Mercy)
    Damage: 22 Electricity
    Weapon Stats: +59 Attack and +8% Magic Resistance

Chanters’ Staff

    Requirements: None
    Location: Reward from Grace (Act of Mercy)
    Damage: 22 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: +24 Mana/Stamina and +21% Healing by this character

The Turncoat’s Walking Stick

    Requirements: None
    Location: Mage Goods (Gallows Courtyard)
    Damage: 17 Fire
    Weapon Stats: +48 Attack and +12% Fire Damage

Mage Staves: Act 2


    Requirements: 35 Magic
    Location: Magnus’s Wares (The Wounded Coast)
    Damage: 37 Cold
    Weapon Stats: +6 Magic, +40 Mana/Stamina, +10 Mana/Stamina Regeneration Rate, +30% Cold Damage, and Blood Magic (each point of health provides 1 additional mana)

Mage Staves: Act 3

Staff of Violation

    Requirements: None
    Location: Orsino (Gallows Prison)
    Damage: 41 Spirit
    Weapon Stats: +3 Willpower, +15% Spirit Damage, and 2.5% Chance to Infect with Walking Bomb

Companion locations

The following is a list of how to obtain all eight companions as well as information about them, their armor upgrades, and gifts:


    Class: Mage
    Recruitment: He is mandatory and joins your party early in Act 1 after Tranquility is complete.
    Can He Leave Your Party?: Yes, and on more than one occasion.
    Personality Conflicts: He does not get along well with Carver, Fenris, and Sebastian.
    Core Companion Quests: “Tranquility”, “Dissent”, “Justice”

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Armor Suits can be bought at Lirene’s Ferelden Imports in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Lyrium Weave can be bought at Mage Goods in Gallows Courtyard.
      Act 2: Spirit Essence can be found during the “Dissent” quest.
      Act 3: Sigil of the Mage Underground can be found during the “Best Served Cold” quest.

    Gifts: Tevinter Chantry Amulet can be found in Act 2 during the “A Bitter Pill” quest.


    Class: Warrior
    Recruitment: She is mandatory and joins your party during the Prologue.
    Can She Leave You?: Yes, but not until “The Last Straw” quest.
    Personality Conflicts: She will not approve if you fully support Merrill in her companion quests.
    Core Companion Quests: “The Way It Should Be”, “The Long Road”, and “Favor and Fault”.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 1: Underpadding – Guardsman Pattern can be bought at the Armor Stand in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Impact Plating – Guardsman Pattern can be bought at the Armor Stand in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Flex-Chain – Guardsman Pattern can be found during the “Raiders on the Cliffs” quest.
      Act 3: Deflecting Joints – Guardsman Pattern can be found during the “Favor and Fault” quest.

    Gifts: The Shield of the Knight Herself can be found in Act 2 during the “Offered and Lost” quest.

Bethany and Carver

    Class: Mage (Bethany), Warrior (Carver)
    Recruitment: They are both mandatory and join your party at the beginning of the game.
    Can They Leave Your Party?: Yes, there will be an unavoidable incident to one of them in the Prologue. The surviving sibling member cannot continue to stay with you beyond the end of Act 1.
    Personality Conflicts: Bethany will clash with Fenris in Mage-related quests. Carver will clash with Anders and Merrill in Mage storylines.
    Core Companion Quests: “Birthright”

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 1 – Carver: Fereldan Girded Plating can be found during the “Birthright” quest.
      Act 1 – Bethany: Heirloom Amell Protective Sigils can be found during the “Birthright” quest.

    Gifts: Tobrius’s Documents for Carver and Portrait of Your Mother for Bethany can both be found during the “Birthright” quest.


    Class: Warrior
    Recruitment: He is optional and can be acquired by completing the “A Bitter Pill” quest in Act 1.
    Can He Leave Your Party?: Yes, and on more than one occasion.
    Personality Conflicts: He will have issues with anyone wearing robes or wielding a staff including Hawke.
    Core Companion Quests: “Bait and Switch”, “A Bitter Pill”, and “Alone”.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Tevinter Spirit Symbol can be bought at Robes by Jean Luc in Hightown.
      Act 2: Lyrium Scales can be bought at Shady Merchandise at the Docks.
      Act 2: Reinforced Straps can be found during the “A Bitter Pill” quest.
      Act 3: Enchanted Resin can be found during the “Mine Massacre” quest.


      The Book of Shartan can be bought in Act 2 at Elven Alienage in Lowtown.
      Blade of Mercy can be found in Act 3 during the “Best Served Cold” quest.


    Class: Rogue
    Recruitment: She is optional and can be acquired by completing the “Fools Rush In” quest, which can be started at The Hanged Man once you have completed the “Tranquility” main quest.
    Can She Leave Your Party?: Yes, there are three times when she can leave you at the climax of Act 2.
    Personality Conflicts: There is a slight variance of opinion regarding law and order with Aveline, but nothing to worry about.
    Core Companion Quests: “Fools Rush In”, “To Catch a Thief”, and “No Rest for the Wicked”.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Rigid Boning can be bought at the Apparel Shop in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Supportive Corselet can be bought at Robes by Jean Luc in Hightown.
      Act 2: Lambswool Insoles can be found during the “To Catch a Thief” quest.
      Act 3: Boiled Leather Plates can be found during the “A Murder of Crows” quest.


      Ship in a Bottle can be found in Act 2 during the “Blackpowder Courtesy” quest.
      Rivaini Talisman can be found in Act 3 during the “Disused Passage” quest.


Note: If you do not choose the Mage class for Hawke, Merrill may represent your party’s best choice for destructive magical damage.

    Class: Mage
    Recruitment: She is mandatory and is enlisted by completing “Long Way Home” at the start of Act 1.
    Can She Leave Your Party?: Yes, but not until “The Last Straw” quest.
    Personality Conflicts: She will clash with Fenris and Carver in Mage-oriented storylines. You will make your other companions upset if you complete her companion quests in Act 2 and 3.
    Core Companion Quests: “Long Way Home”, “Mirror Image”, and “A New Path”.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Samite Lining can be bought at Robes by Jean Luc in Hightown.
      Act 2: Carved Ironwood Buttons can be bought at Ilen’s Crafts in Sundermount.
      Act 2: Silver-Threaded Dalish Embroidery can be found during the “Top of Sundermount” quest.
      Act 3: Halla Horn Buckles can be found during the “A New Path” quest.


      Wooden Halla Carving can be bought in Act 2 at Ilen’s Crafts in Sundermount.
      Sylvanwood Ring can be found on the remains of the Thief Leader in Act 3 during the “A Murder of Crows” quest.


    Class: Rogue
    Recruitment: “The Exiled Prince” bonus downloadable content is required to obtain him. He is optional and can be acquired by completing the “Duty” quest in Act 1 and the “Repentance” quest in Act 2.
    Can He Leave Your Party?: Yes, but only during “The Last Straw” quest.
    Personality Conflicts: He does not like Anders.
    Core Companion Quests: “Duty”, “Repentance”, and “Faith”.

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 2: Enchanted Articulation can be bought at the Armor Shop in Gallows Courtyard.
      Act 2: Reinforced Bracers can be bought at Olaf’s Armory in Hightown.
      Act 2: Mail Undertunic can be found during the “Repentance” quest.
      Act 3: Protection of the Faith can be found during the “Best Served Cold” quest.

    Gifts: Starkhaven Longbow can be found in Act 2 during the “Repentance” quest.


Varric carries a fixed weapon, the Biance, which is a crossbow that increases in power as he gains levels. He is an archer that can offer a potent combination of AoE assaults and debilitating attacks that give your party a unique tactical edge.

    Class: Rogue
    Recruitment: He is mandatory and joins your party at the start of Act 1.
    Can He Leave Your Party?: No.
    Personality Conflicts: None, as he works well with everyone.
    Core Companion Quests: “Family Matter” and “Haunted”

    Armor upgrades:

      Act 1: Inscribed Leather Harness can be bought at the Apparel Shop in Lowtown.
      Act 2: Coat Lining with Concealed Pockets can be bought at Shady Merchandise at the Docks.
      Act 2: Silverite-Reinforced Buckles can be found during the “Family Matter” quest.
      Act 3: Drakeskin Leg Straps can be found during the “Finding Nathaniel” quest.

    Gifts: The Tethras Signet Ring can be found in Act 2 during the “Trinkets Emporium in Lowtown” quest.

Jade Empire reference

During a random conversation between Fenris and Varric, Fenris asks him “Who is Bianca?” When Varric tells him it is a crossbow, Fenris says that he must have named it after someone, to which Varric replies, “Nope, Mirabelle was taken”, a reference to the rifle owned by Sir Roderick Von Fontlebottom, The Magnificent Bastard from Jade Empire .

Joss Whedon reference

During random companion dialogue between Anders and Isabella in the city, she mentions that abominations are easy to escape because they make loud noises like “Grr Argh”, which Anders refutes saying “Abominations do not go Grr Argh.” During the ending credits of Buffy The Vampire Slayer , Joss Whedon’s “Mutant Enemy Productions” credit screen shows a little monster which says “Grr Argh?”

Sir Mixalot reference

Take Isabella into the fade in the desire section. The demon will seduce her with the prospect of a boat in the harbor. When Isabella turns on you, she will say “I like big boats and I cannot lie”, which is a reference to Sir Mixalot’s “I Like Big Butts” song.

The Mask reference

In the “Prime Suspect” quest when you meet Mr. Dupries, have Varric in your party. Give the sarcastic response of letting Dupries talk his way out the situation. Varric will make the comment “I bet 20 silver it’s ‘it wasn’t me, it was the one-armed man'”. This is a reference to The Mask when Jim Carey tries to defend his innocence when he gets captured.

Wizard Of Oz reference

In your home when your mother says that her children should be nobles now, your uncle says “And if wishes were poppy we’d all be dreaming right now.”

Easy “Chantry Historian” achievement


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Master Craftsman (25 points): Crafted all of the items from a single crafting tree.
    Mogul (25 points): Had 100 or more sovereigns in your purse.
    Crowning Glory (25 points): Became the viscount of Kirkwall.
    Dedicated (15 points): Reached Level 10.
    A Friend in Need (5 points): Upgraded the armor of one of your party members.
    Enchanter (5 points): Enchanted an item.
    Immigrant (5 points): Became a resident of Kirkwall.
    Delver of the Deep (10 points): Explored the Deep Roads.
    Birthright (15 points): Kicked the slavers out of your ancestral mansion.
    Specialized (25 points): Learned two class specializations.
    I Got Your Back (25 points): Completely upgraded the armor of one of your party members.
    Legendary (50 points): Reached Level 20.
    Financier (10 points): Became a partner in a Deep Roads expedition.
    Talented (5 points): Upgraded a spell or talent.
    Tag Team (5 points): Used teamwork to perform a cross-class combo.
    That Thing Has Legs (25 points): Found and killed a varterral.
    Weapon Master (25 points): Mastered a weapon style.
    Unstoppable (50 points): Completed a full year in Kirkwall without any party member being knocked unconscious.
    Craftsman (5 points): Acquired your first crafting recipe.
    Dragon Slayer (25 points): Found and killed a high dragon.
    Exorcist (25 points): Found and killed the undying Xebenkeck.
    Demon Slayer (25 points): Found and killed the ancient demon, Hybris.
    Chantry Historian (25 points): Found all four chapters of “The History of the Chantry,” by Brother Genitivi.
    A Worthy Rival (25 points): Earned the Arishok’s respect.
    Great Minds Think Alike (50 points): Earned the friendship or rivalry of four party members.
    Friend (25 points): Earned the friendship of one of your party members.
    Rival (25 points): Earned the rivalry of one of your party members.
    Romantic (25 points): Completed a romance with one of your party members.
    Epic (50 points): Completed Dragon Age II twice, or completed it once with a save imported from Dragon Age Origins.
    Champion of Kirkwall (20 points): Completed Dragon Age II.
    Mercenary (10 points): Allied yourself with the mercenaries upon arriving in Kirkwall.
    Nefarious (10 points): Allied yourself with the smugglers upon arriving in Kirkwall.
    Flirtatious (5 points): Flirted with one of your party members to begin a romance.
    Mass Exodus (25 points): Reached Kirkwall with each character class across multiple playthroughs.
    Knowledgeable (25 points): Unlocked 100 codex entries.
    Treasure Hunter (25 points): Opened 50 chests.
    Darkness Falls (5 points): Toggled the map from day to night.
    Explorer (5 points): Left Kirkwall to explore the outlying regions.
    Spelunker (25 points): Visited 10 caves in Kirkwall and the surrounding area.
    Full House (10 points): Recruited four party members.
    Friends in High Places (15 points): Met Grand Cleric Elthina, Viscount Dumar, Knight-Commander Meredith, and First Enchanter Orsino.
    Gift Giver (5 points): Gave a gift to one of your party members.
    Supplier (25 points): Found every variety of crafting resources.
    Archeologist (50 points): During each year in Kirkwall, discovered 3 secret messages from the Band of Three.
    Tale Within a Tale (5 points): Listened to Varric begin his tale of the Champion of Kirkwall.

Additionally, there are five secret achievements:

    Stone Cold (5 points): Defeated the rock wraith on your expedition into the Deep Roads.
    King of the Hill (10 points): Defeated the Arishok.
    Conqueror (15 points): Defeated Meredith, knight-commander of Kirkwall’s templars.
    Arcane Defender (25 points): Sided with the mages five times.
    Mage Hunter (25 points): Sided with the templars five times.

The following achievements require “The Exiled Prince” bonus downloadable content:

    Avenged (25 points): Confront the culprit behind the Vael family’s murder.
    Cloak and Dagger (25 points): Meet secretly with the agent of the Divine.
    Loyalty of the Prince (30 points): Earn either a friendship or rivalry with Sebastian.
    Memento (25 points): Give Sebastian a family heirloom.

Additionally, there is one secret achievement with “The Exiled Prince” bonus downloadable content:

    Retribution (25 points): Dealt with the mercenaries that killed the Vael family.

The following achievements require the “Legacy” bonus downloadable content:

    Conductor (30 points): Defeat an ancient evil in the Vimmark Mountains.
    Deep Roads Safari (15 points): Kill a genlock, genlock alpha, hurlock alpha, bronto, and deepstalker in the Vimmark Mountains.
    Family Legacy (30 points): Apply three effects to Hawke’s Key.
    Family Outing (15 points): Complete the main quest in the Vimmark Mountains with Bethany or Carver in the party.
    Tower Sweeper (30 points): Complete every side quest in the Vimmark Mountains prison tower.

The following achievements require the “Mark Of The Assassin” bonus downloadable content:

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    A New Day (15 points): Meet Tallis in Hightown.
    Chasing the Game (30 points): Lure and kill an alpha wyvern near Chateau Haine.
    Blackjack Subtle (15 points): Evade vault security in Chateau Haine.
    The Take (30 points): Disarm the fire traps in Chateau Haine’s vaults.

Additionally, there is one secret achievement with the “Mark Of The Assassin” bonus downloadable content:

    Mark of the Assassin (30 points): Defeated Duke Prosper, with or without Tallis.
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