South Park: The Stick Of Truth
Easy XP and money
Go to City Wok. There will be two elf kids in front of the store. Attack them with X. This is one of the best places to farm for XP and money since there are only two enemies. XP is given out evenly no matter how many enemies there are. When the fight is over, walk into City Wok, then walk back out and the kids should respawn again. Repeat this as many times as desired. You can sell your loot at Jimbo’s Guns. You can also obtain one of the best weapons in the game at this shop, the Level 14 “Sweet Katana”. Note: If the kids do not respawn, walk into City Wok until you see the save sign in the bottom right corner. Additionally, be sure to pick up the loot the enemies drop. If the loot accumulates too much, the kids will not respawn. Enemy loot is how you obtain the majority of your money in South Park.
All weapons locations
Successfully complete the indicated task to obtain the corresponding weapon. Note: Some weapons can only be found when using one of the four classes (Fighter, Mage, Thief, and Jew). The stats are listed in the following order: Level (must be at least the listed level to use the weapon), Strength, Strikes, Element, and Cost. The Sweet Katana (melee) and Crossbow Of Impalement (ranged) are two of the most powerful weapons in the game.
Melee weapons
Alien Probe
- Stats: 5, 48-67, 3, None, 1
- Special Effects: Piercing – Penetrates 20 Armor
- Location: Successfully complete Jimbo’s “Big Game Huntin” side-quest to get it. It can also be found in the UFO in a chest near the elevator on the observation deck.
Archmage’s Wand
- Stats: 11, 169-235, 3, Fire, $21.00
- Special Effects: Burning Surge – Gain PP on a perfect attack on burning target
- Location: It is in the “Everything’s Coming Up Maple” store in Vancouver, Canada.
Assassin’s Dagger
- Stats: 10, 110-153, 5, None, –
- Special Effects: Piercing – Penetrates 25% armor; Jagged – Bleed on perfect attack; Executioner’s Joy – Gain 100 HP when enemy dies
- Location: During the “Noncomformist” quest, it can be found in the Gnome Bag in Kyle’s backyard or “The King’s Forest”. This is a Thief-only weapon.
Axe Of Stopping
- Stats: 8, 133-185, 3, None, $12
- Special Effects: Daze – Slow target on perfect attack
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Axe Of The Underworld
- Stats: 13, 629-875, 3, None, –
- Special Effects: Vamprisim – Drains 300 HP from bleeding target
- Location: Use Jimbo’s key to open up the rafters above Jimbo and Ned to find it.
Billy Club Of Smiting
- Stats: 2, 18-26, 2, None, –
- Special Effects: Weaken – Low target’s defense on perfect attack
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Butter’s Hammer of Storm
- Stats: 8, 122-170, 3, Shock, –
Canadian Halberd
- Stats: 12, 719-1,000, 2, None, $28.52
- Special Effects: Wide Hit – Perfect attacks target everyone in a column
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Ottawa.
Claymore Of The Warrior
- Stats: 11, 434-603, 2, None, $28.52
- Special Effects: Warrior’s Rage – Attack Up after perfect attack; Armor Strike – Weapon damage increases 5x your armor; Rend – Destroy 50 armor on perfect attack
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Ottawa.
Club Of Smiting
- Stats: 4, 53-75, 2, None, $10
- Special Effects: Shield Smash – Perfect attack reduces shield by 1; Weaken – Lowers target defenses on perfect attack
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Kupa Keep.
Crutch Of Weakness
- Stats: 4, 30-42, 3, None, –
- Special Effects: Numbling Strike – Weakens target’s attacks on perfect attack
- Location: You can find it after defeating Jimmy on the upper floor of the Giggling Donkey.
Dire Scepter
- Stats: 11, 224-312, 3, None, $44.64
- Special Effects: Dire Slayer – +20% damage against Dire monsters
Elf Blade
- Stats: 6, 67-93, 3, None, $12
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Elven Kingdom.
Fairy Princess Blade
- Stats: 13, 584-812, 3, None, $24
- Special Effects: Enchanted – Attacks bypass from enemy’s defense
- Location: Buy it from the Pleases And Sparkles Boutique.
Fatbeard’s Blade
- Stats: 6, 85-118, 2, None, $12
- Special Effects: Magnet – Gain 20% additional money
- Location: Can be bought in the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop
Fire Sword
- Stats: 10, 165-230, 3, Fire, $14
- Location: Can be bought in the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop
Fire Wand
- Stats: 7, 47-66, 4, Fire, –
- Special Effects: Burning Surge – Gain 3 PP on perfect attack
Flamberge Rapier
- Stats: 11, 262-365, 3, None, $27.9
- Special Effects: Jagged – Target starts bleeding on perfect attack; Numbling Strike – Weaken’s target attack on perfect attack
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Winnipeg.
Gnome Pickaxe
- Stats: 9, 242-337, 2, None
- Special Effects: Piercing – Penetrates 20 armor; Shield Smash – Shields reduced by 3 on perfect attack
- Location: During the quest to defeat the Underpant Gnomes, check the inside wall of the Gnome Chase to find it in a stash.
Greataxe Of The Warrior
- Stats: 12, 825-1,146, 2, None, –
- Special Effects: Warrior’s Rage – Gain Attack Up after perfect attack; Armored Strike – Weapon damage increases by 5x of armor; Rend – Destroy 100 armor on perfect attack
Greatsword Of The Warrior
- Stats: 7, 76-106, 3, None, –
- Special Effects: Warrior’s Rage – Gain Attack Up after perfect attack; Armored Strike – Weapon damage increases by 4x of armor; Rend – Destroy 50 armor on perfect attack
Halberd Of The Warrior
- Stats: 3, 34-47, 2, None
- Special Effects: Warrior’s Rage – Gain Attack Up after perfect attack; Armored Strike – Weapon damage increases by 2x of armor
Holy Hammer Of Smiting
- Stats: 7, 54-76, 3, Holy
- Special Effects: Weaken – Lower target defenses on perfect attack
- Location: Obtained during the main storyline.
Holy Lance
- Stats: 7, 110-153, 2, None
- Special Effects: Reach – Perfect Attack hits the target plus enemy behind; Sharp – Adds 20% damage on perfect attack; Strength Of Torment – +10% damage per debuff on you
- Location: Unknown
Holy Mossed Knife
- Stats: 11, 150-208, 5, Holy, $26.66
- Special Effects: Nazi Slayer – +20% damage against Nazis; Vengeance – 15% more damage when below 25% health
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Banff.
Holy Poker Of The Faithful
- Stats: 10, 281-391, 2, Holy
- Special Effects: Strength Of Torment – +10% damage per debuff on you; Vengeance – 10% more damage when below 25% health
- Location: During the “Noncomformist” quest, it can be found in the Gnome Bag in Kyle’s backyard or “The King’s Forest”. This is a Jew-only weapon.
Holy Staff
- Stats: 3, 28-40, 2, Holy
- Special Effects: Vengeance – Deal 5% more damage when below 25% health
Ice Wand
- Stats: 5, 36-51, 3, Frost
- Special Effects: Frozen Surge – Gain 3 PP against slowed enemies
- Location: During the “Noncomformist” quest, it can be found in the chest near the right tent by the shop in Kyle’s backyard or “The King’s Forest”. This is a Wizard-only weapon.
Izmel Of The Faithful
- Stats: 5, 37-52, 3, None
- Special Effects: Numbing Strike – Weaken target’s attack on perfect attack
- Location: During the “Noncomformist” quest, it can be found in the chest near the right tent by the shop in Kyle’s backyard or “The King’s Forest”. This is a Jew-only weapon.
Jewish Staff
- Stats: 1, 16-22, 2, None, $2.34
- Special Effects: Strength Of Torment – +5% damage per debuff on you
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Kenny’s Bloody Club
- Stats: 2, 13-18, 3, None
- Special Effects: Sharp – Adds 10% damage on perfect attack
- Location: It can be found inside Kenny’s garage after defeating the Meth Tweakers.
Knead-Ring The Dough Hammer
- Stats: 12, 341-475, 4, None, $16
- Special Effects: Shield Smash – Perfect attacks reduce shield by 5
- Location: Buy it from the Pleases And Sparkles Boutique.
Kriss Dagger
- Stats: 2, 11-16, 4, None, $5.5
- Special Effects: Piercing – Penetrates 5% armor
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Laser Sword
- Stats: 9, 130-181, 3, Shock
- Special Effects: Warrior’s Rage – Gain Attack Up after a perfect attack; Armored Strike – Weapons damage increases by 4x of armor
- Location: During your second visit to the school, check the 4th Grade classroom. This is a Fighter-only weapon.
Lightning Wand
- Stats: 2, 13-18, 3, Shock, $5
- Special Effects: Numbing Strike – Weaken target’s attack on perfect attack
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Mace Of Restoration
- Stats: 4, 23-32, 3, None
- Special Effects: Healing Strike – Heal 5% HP on perfect attack
- Location: During your first visit to the school, it can be found in the hall monitor locker in the first hallway.
Magic Wand
- Stats: 1, 15-21, 2, None, $2.34
- Special Effects: Burning Surge – Gain 1 PP on a perfect attack on burning target
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
ManBearPig Claw
- Stats: 11, 179-250, 3, None
- Special Effects: Reach – Perfect attack hits target and enemies behind it; Sharp – Adds 20% damage on perfect attacks
- Location: Defeat ManBearPig.
Master Razor
- Stats: 10, 269-375, 4, None
- Special Effects: Piercing – Penetrates 50 armor; Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attack
- Location: It is in the Gnome Bag in the Crawl Space in the Abortion Clinic.
MorningStar Of David
- Stats: 12, 656-911, 2, Holy
- Special Effects: Reach – Perfect attack hits target and enemies behind it; Vengeance – Deal 25% more damage when below 25% health; Strenght Of Torment – 15% more damage per debuff on you
Noob Hammer
- Stats: 3, 37-52, 2, None, $6
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
- Stats: 5, 31-43, 4, None
- Special Effects: Piercing – Penetrates 25% armor; Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attack
- Location: During the “Noncomformist” quest, it can be found in the chest near the right tent by the shop in Kyle’s backyard or “The King’s Forest”. This is a Thief-only item.
Push Dagger
- Stats: 3, 19-273, None
- Special Effects: Piercing – Penetrates 5% armor; Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attack
Raider’s Blade
- Stats: 8, 101-141, 3, None, $13
- Special Effects: Sharp – Adds 20% damage on perfect attack; Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attack
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Elven Kingdom.
Rod Of Major Boobage
- Stats: 9, 269-375, 2, None, $16.90
- Special Effects: Daze – Slow target on perfect attack; Weaken – Lower your target’s defenses on perfect attack
- Location: Buy it from Mr. Mackey.
Rod Of Waste
- Stats: 7, 71-100, 2, Gross
- Special Effects: Gross Out – Target starts puking and cannot be healed
- Location: It is behind a generator in the Sewers. It is the same generator used to track Al-Gore.
Rogue’s Dagger
- Stats: 1, 10-15, 3, None, $2.34
- Special Effects: Bloody Surge – Gain 1 PP on perfect attacks on bleeding targets
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Serrated Axe Of Rending
- Stats: 11, 350-487, 3, None
- Special Effects: Sharp – +20% damage on perfect attacks; Rend – Destroy 30% armor on perfect attacks
- Location: During the “O Canada” quest, check the blue chest behind the destructible wall in Vancouver.
Shocking Staff
- Stats: 10, 221-307, 2, Shock
- Special Effects: Numbing Strike – Weakens target attacks on perfect attack
- Location: During the “Noncomformist” quest, it can be found in the Gnome Bag in Kyle’s backyard or “The King’s Forest”. This is a Wizard-only weapon.
Sicca Dagger Of The Faithful
- Stats: 9, 84-117, 5, Holy
- Special Effects: Vengeance – Deal 10% additional damage when below 25% health
- Location: During your second visit to the school, check the 4th Grade classroom. This is a Jew-only weapon.
Sickle Sword Of The Faithful
- Stats: 2, 13-18, 3, Holy, $4.50
- Special Effects: Strength Of Torment – +5% damage for every debuff on you
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Slashing Blade Of The Ranger
- Stats: 8, 179-250, 2, None
- Special Effects: Jagged – Target starts bleeding on perfect attack; Wide Hit – Perfect attack targets all in a column
Staff Of Winter
- Stats: 8, 99-138, 3, Frost, $12
- Special Effects: Frozen Surge – Gain 10 PP against a slow target
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Star Wand
- Stats: 9, 139-193, 3, None
- Special Effects: Surprise Hit – +1% damage against sleeping target; Burning Sage – Gain 4 PP against a burning target; Slow Target – Gain 5 PP against a slow target
Stone Hammer
- Stats: 7, 134-187, 2, None
- Special Effects: Shield Smash – Perfect attack reduces shields by 3
- Location: It can be found on the rooftop of the Taco Bell building during the “PTA Problems” quest.
Super Cereal ManBearPig Club
- Stats: 8, 143-200, 3, None
Sweet Katana
- Stats: 14, 1,349-1,875, 3, None, $75
- Special Effects: Rend – Destroys 200 armor on attack
- Location: Buy it from Jimbo in Canada.
Sword Breaker
- Stats: 9, 106-147, 4, None
- Special Effects: Numbing Strike – Weaken target’s attack on perfect attack; Jagged – Target starts bleeding on perfect attack; Block – Damage reduced by 10% while blocking
- Location: During your second visit to the school, check the 4th Grade classroom. This is a Thief-only weapon.
Sword Of Endings
- Stats: 12, 494-687, 3, None, $23.00
- Special Effects: Called Shot – Attack Up when enemy is killed; Luck Break – Gain 100 HP when enemy is killed
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Elven Kingdom.
Vibroblade (Dildo)
- Stats: 14, 809-1,125, 4, Gross
- Special Effects: None
- Location: Inside Mr. Slave’s butt, next to the iPhone.
Wand Of Wizarding
- Stats: 3, 16-22, 3, Fire
- Special Effects: Burning Surge – Gain 2 PP on perfect attack on burning target
- Stats: 10, 292-406, 2, None
- Special Effects: Warrior’s Rage – Attack Up after perfect attack; Armored Strike – Weapon damage increases 5x of armor; Shield Smash – Perfect attacks reduce shield by 2
- Location: During the “Noncomformist” quest, it can be found in the Gnome Bag in Kyle’s backyard or “The King’s Forest”. This is a Fighter-only weapon.
Warrior’s Axe
- Stats: 5, 32-45, 4, None
- Special Effects: Warrior’s Rage – Attack Up after perfect attack; Armored Strike – Weapon damage increases 4x of armor; Numbing Strike – Weaken target’s attack on perfect attack
- Location: During the “Noncomformist” quest, it can be found in the chest near the right tent by the shop in Kyle’s backyard or “The King’s Forest”. This is a Fighter-only weapon.
Warrior’s Blade
- Stats: 1, 17-23, 2, None, $2.34
- Special Effects: Armored Strike – Weapon damage increases 2x of armor
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Warrior’s Longsword
- Stats: 8, 106-147, 3, None, $12
- Special Effects: Warrior’s Rage – Attack Up after perfect attack; Armored Strike – Weapon damage increases 3x of armor; Reach – Perfect attack hits target and enemy behind it
- Location: Buy it from Jimbo.
Warrior’s Scimitar
- Stats: 2, 15-21, 3, None, $5.5
- Special Effects: Armored Strike – Weapon damage increases 3x of armor
- Location: Buy it from the Lootkupa Keep Armory Shop.
Wizard’s Staff
- Stats: 12, 431-598, 3, Fire
- Special Effects: Combustion – Applies burning damage instantly on magic attacks; Burning Sage – Gain 4 PP on perfect attack on burning target
Ranged weapons
Alien Ray Gun
- Stats: 4, 75, —, Shock
- Special Effects: Strafe Hit – Hits a complete row of enemies; Shield Smash – Perfect attacks reduce shield by 5
- Location: It is obtained automatically after defeating the first group of alines in the UFO.
Bar Darts
- Stats: 3, 35, 3, None
- Special Effects: Sharp – +10% damage on perfect attacks; Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attacks; Scatter – Hits up to three different targets
- Location: Successfully complete the “Rats In The Cellar” quest.
- Stats: 8, 150-314, —, None
- Special Effects: Bounce – Bounces to hit a random target; Double-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor
- Location: It can be found during your attack on the school with Cartman in the cafeteria.
- Stats: 7, 140, 5, None, $14
- Special Effects: Chain – Bounces to hit up to 5 different targets; Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attacks
- Location: Buy it from Mr. Mickey.
Battle Bow
- Stats: 11, 240, 3, Fire, $23
- Special Effects: Thorns – Melee enemies take 50 damage; Triple-Hard Hit – Strong against armor and hits for extra damage; Volley – Fire 3 projectile arrows that can be critical on perfect attacks
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Elven Kingdom.
Bow Of Sucking
- Stats: 1, 9, 3, None
- Special Effects: Triple-Hard Hit – Strong against armor and hits for extra damage; Volley – Fire 3 projectile arrows that can be critical on perfect attacks
- Location: It can be won in the initial fights against Elven enemies in “The New Kid In Town” quest.
Broken Bottle
- Stats: 6, 50, 4, Gross
- Special Effects: Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attack; Scatter – Hit up to 4 random targets
- Location: It is inside the Sewers near the Shitshow 25c box.
- Stats: 14, 500, 6, None, $24
- Special Effects: Chain – Bounces to hit up to 3 different targets; Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attacks
- Location: Buy it from the Pleases And Sparkles Boutique.
Crossbow Of Impalement
- Stats: 14, 1,000-2,099, —, None, $50
- Special Effects: Strafe Hit – Hits a complete row of enemies; Double-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor
- Location: Buy it from Jimbo.
Disc Of Bleeding
- Stats: 12, 1,250, 2, None
- Special Effects: Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attacks; Scatter – Hit up to 2 random targets
- Location: It can be found in the chest behind the locked door in the church in Banff, during the “O Canada” quest.
Dodge Ball
- Stats: 3, 25-52, —, None
- Special Effects: Bounce – Bounces to hit a random target; Double-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor
- Location: It is on a monitor in the group having Brass Key, inside the school.
Elvish Longbow
- Stats: 10, 160, 4, None
- Special Effects: Quad-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor; Volley – Fire 4 projectile arrows that can be critical on perfect attacks
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Elven Kingdom.
Elvish Shortbow
- Stats: 3, 20, 3, None
- Special Effects: Triple-hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor; Volley – Fire 4 projectile arrows that can be critical on perfect attacks
- Location: Obtained during the main storyline.
Fairy Princess Bow
- Stats: 12, 250, 5, None, $24
- Special Effects: Penta-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor; Sharp – +20% damage on perfect attack; Volley – Fire 4 projectile arrows that can be critical on perfect attacks
- Location: Buy it from the Pleases And Sparkles Boutique.
Fucking Ninja Stars
- Stats: 12, 333, 6, None
- Special Effects: Piercing – Penetrates 25% armor; Sharp – +25% damage on perfect attack; Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attacks; Scatter – Hit up to 6 random targets
Grenade Of Slowing
- Stats: 14, 800, —, None
- Special Effects: Freezing – Slows target on perfect hit; Splash – Hits go to 4 adjacent targets with half damage
- Location: Use Jimbo’s Key to open a chest in the rafters above Jimbo and Ned.
Lawn Dart
- Stats: 13, 810, 3, None
- Special Effects: Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attacks; Scatter – Hit up to 3 random targets
- Location: During the “Beat Up Clyde” quest, look in a chest inside the armory on the first level in Clyde’s Fortress.
- Stats: 6, 90-188, —, None, $12
- Special Effects: Volley – Fire 2 projectiles that can be critical on perfect hits; Double-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Elven Kingdom.
Missile Of Slowing
- Stats: 4, 75-93, —, None
- Special Effects: Freezing – Slows target on perfect hit; Extra-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor
- Location: Successfully complete the “Vulcan Around” quest.
Mongorian Bow
- Stats: 3, 35, 3, Fire
- Special Effects: Triple-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor; Triple Hit – Weapon hits 3 times
- Location: You can get it from one of the Mongorian Kids on the second floor of the Tower Of Peace.
Poison Grenade (Tampon)
- Stats: 11, 50, 6, Gross
- Special Effects: Scatter – Hits up to 6 random targets
- Location: Go to the Abortion Clinic to find it in the cabinet under the clock in the hallway.
Recurve Bow
- Stats: 9, 120-551, -, None, $18
- Special Effects: Volley – Fire 4 projectiles that can be critical on perfect hits; Quad-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor
- Location: Buy it from a shop in Elven Kingdom.
Super Bouncy Ball
- Stats: 10, 100, 9, None
- Special Effects: Chain – Bounces to hit up to 9 targets
Throwing Knife
- Stats: 7, 55, 4, None
- Special Effects: Piercing – Penetrates 50 armor; Jagged – Target bleeds on perfect attacks; Sharp – +25% damage on perfect attack; Scatter – Hits up to 4 random targets
Wooden Crossbow
- Stats: 6, 80-100, —, None, $14
- Special Effects: Shield Smash – Perfect attack reduces shield by 3; Reach – Perfect attack hits target and enemy behind it; Extra-Hard Hit – Extra damage on hits and strong against armor
- Location: Purchase it from Jimbo.
All Chinpokomon locations
Search the indicated locations to find all 30 Chinpokomon:
Open World
1. Furry Cat: It is in the trees in Kenny’s yard.
2. Stegmata: It is in Kyle’s garage. Sometimes his garage will be locked. If it is locked, get the key to unlock it in his house.
3. Pengin: It is in Cartman’s garage. If the garage is locked, get the key to unlock it inside his house.
4. Monkay: It is inside Butter’s house. It is in a room with “Mega” and “Bill Won’t Run” posters.
5. Chu-Chu Nezumi: It is stuck in a tree near your character’s house. Shoot it down to grab it.
6. Vamporko: Go to the Community Center, and use the Alien Probe to teleport inside the basketball court. The collectible is in plain sight on the basketball court.
7. Gophermon: After obtaining the Vamporko Chinpokomon, go to the men’s room inside the Community Center. It is inside the last cubicle.
8. Cosmonewt: Go to Stark’s Pond, and use the Alien Probe to reach the UFO in the middle of the lake. It is inside the UFO.
9. Rabbitech: Go to the Police Station, then go to the Evidence Room on the second floor. Climb up the ladder inside this room to reach the collectible.
10. Sna-Kat: It is in the tree to the left of the City Hall stone path. Shoot it down to grab it.
11. Accountafish: Go to the Post Office, and grab the key from the storage lockers. Then, go to the News Office Gazette, and look for a small vent on your right. Enter this vent to find the collectible.
12. Gerbitoad: After obtaining the Accountafish Chinpokomon, enter the Sewers to find it right next to a model house.
13. Biebersaurus: After obtaining the Gerbitoad Chinpokomon, go down into the underground cavern to find a large cracked glowing rock that can be smashed by using Nagasaki. Go inside the small hole to get the collectible.
14. Fatdactyle: After obtaining the Biebersaurus Chinpokomon, go to the Theater, and look for it above the Booking Booth. Shoot it down to grab it.
15. Terribovine: Go to Tweak Bros. Coffee Shop, then shrink yourself down to crawl underneath the bench outside to grab the collectible.
16. Ferasnarf: First, complete the side-quest for Mr. Mackey to get a key to Storage Unit #221. Then, go to the U-Stor-It Facility, and get on top of the dumpster to release the ladder. Go up the ladder, and climb down from the other side. Enter Storage Unit #221 to find the collectible on the high shelf, sitting on a red box. You need to shoot it down to grab it.
17. Roo-stor: After obtaining the Ferasnarf Chinpokomon, open Storage Unit #223 (the key can be found in Butters’ room). Climb up the ladder to find the collectible on the grey vent above. Shoot it down to grab it.
18. Velocirapstar: Go to Token’s house to find it lying in the open window. Shoot it down to grab it.
19. Brocorri: Go to the Tower Of Peace to find it frozen outside the right Dragon statue. Melt it to grab it.
20. Lambtron: Enter the City Wok, and accept the side-quest from Mr. Kim behind the counter to get a key. After getting the key, go to the second floor of the Tower Of Peace to find it in a lantern above the balcony, on the right. Shoot it down to grab it.
21. Flowerpotamus: It is on a shelf inside Skeeter’s Bar.
Story Mode
22. Poodlesaurus Rex: While in school for the first time, look for a silver grate in the ceiling. Open it to get the collectible.
23. Roidrat: Go to Jimmy’s attic to find it next to two bottles and some crates.
24. Beetlebot: At the very end of the Alien Abduction level, you will come across a bunch of wall-mounted monitors with the collectible among them. Shoot it down to grab it.
25. Gunrilla: Go the Command Center, and look on top of the cabinets to the left of the white board to find it.
26. Donkeytron: After returning to school, look to your right to see an oven. Use your fart to blow open the oven’s door to find the collectible.
27. Pterdaken: After obtaining the Donkeytron Chinpokomon, go to the second floor of the school, and open up the storage lockers to find the collectible. You need to shoot it down to grab it.
28. Fetuswami: At the Abortion Clinic, use fire to blow up the grenade in the dead soldier’s hand before approaching the gatling gun. Then, shrink down to enter the small opening to obtain the collectible.
29. Mouse-Tik: Go to the Girl’s Hideout (after completing the “Recruit The Girls” quest). After a short cutscene, you will be inside. Look to your left to find the collectible.
30. Shoe: Go to Clyde’s Tower. Before going inside, you will see a small teleport that will take you to the roof. The collectible is in plain sight on the roof.
Friends locations
Successfully complete the indicated tasks to become friends with the listed characters and get the “More Popular Than Jesus” and “More Popular Than John Lennon” trophies:
Amber, Cornwallis, and Simon: Rescue them from the sewers to become friends with them.
Al Gore: Successfully complete his side-quest to become friends with him.
Allie Nelson, Heidi, Jessie, Nelly, and Red: Recruit the girls to become friends with them.
Annie: Defeat the the girls outside City Hall for her to become friends with you.
Bar Tender and Skeeter: Successfully complete their side-quest to become friends with them.
Bebe, Minister Of Montreal, Phillip, Princess Of Canada, and Wendy: You can become friends with them during the main storyline.
Big Gay Al: Answer the phone call at Mr. Slaves to become friends with him.
Bill, Cartman, Firkle, Fossey, Henrietta, Jessie Rodriguez, Kyle, Michael, Monica, and Pete: You can become friends with them during the main storyline.
Billy: During the “Hide And Seek” side-quest (found at the bank), go to the Farm to find him. Talk to him to become friends.
Bishop Of Banff, Duke Of Vancouver, Earl Of Winnipeg, Prince Of Canada, and Terrance: You can become friends with them during the main storyline.
Bradley: Shrink yourself, and go to Bradley. Talk to him to become friends.
Butter: You can become friends with him at the very beginning of the game.
Catatafish, Frog King, Mr. Hat, and Sparrow Prince: You can become friends with them during the main storyline.
Chinpokomon Toy Corporation: Collect all 30 Chinpokomon collectibles to become friends with them.
Chris Donnely: Talk to him after completing the “Recruit The Girls” quest to become friends with him.
Christmas Critters: Go to Stan’s room, and go to the directions of the Lost Forest displayed in the room.
Crab Person: After getting Nagasaki, enter the Sewers, and talk to him to become friends.
Craig and Randy: You can become friends with them during the main storyline.
Dad: After you have become friends with over 50 people, talk to your Dad to become friends with him.
Damien: Enter Bijou Theater to become friends with Damien.
DogPoo, Jimmy, and Stan: Go inside Kyle’s house to find him, and complete his side-quest to become friends with them.
Dougie: Talk to him outside Stoch’s house to become friends with him.
Douglas and Jason: Talk to them both inside Kyle’s house to become friends with them.
Esther: Enter the News Office to find her sitting on a chair. Talk to her to become friends with her.
Filmore: Go to the bank, and complete the “Hide And Seek” side-quest to become friends with him.
Flora: During the “Hide And Seek” side-quest (found at the bank), go to the Tower Of Peace to find her. Talk to her to become friends.
Francis: Smash the snowman outside Kyle’s house to become friends with him.
General Disarray: He can be found in Butter’s Secret Lair. Talk to him to become friends with him.
Jenny: During the “Hide And Seek” side-quest (found at the bank), go to the secret passage leading to the lake to find her. Talk to her to become friends.
Jesus and Priest Maxi: Successfully complete their side-quest to become friends with them.
Jimbo and Ned: Go inside Jimbo’s Gun, and complete the “Big Hunting Game” with Jimbo to become friends with them both.
Karen: Go inside Kenny’s house to find Karen. Talk to him to become friends.
Kelly Gardner: Go to the middle area between Clyde’s and Jimmy’s house to find her outside an orange house. Talk to her to become friends.
Kelly Rutherford: After you have become friends with over 30 people, you can talk to Kelly to become friends with her.
Kenny: During the sequence when you meet Scott Milkinson, Kenny will become friends with you.
Kevin Stoley: Successfully complete his side-quest to become friends with him.
Lemmiwinks: Lemmiwinks will become your friend during Fifth Grade class.
Leroy Mullens: After getting shrunken, go to the top of the News Building to find Leroy. Talk to him to become friends with him.
Lola: After you have become friends with over 40 people, enter the Post Office to become friends with her.
Mayor McDaniels: Go inside Town Hall, and complete “The Homeless Problem” side-quest to become friends with him.
Millie: Go to the back side of Unplanned Parenthood, and knock down the snowman to meet her. Talk to her to become friends.
Mom: Go to your house, and talk to your Mom to become friends with her.
Mr. Adler, Mr. Garrison, Mrs. Broflovski, and Principal Victoria: After you have grabbed the evidence, these PTA members will become your friend.
Mr. Bloflovski: Talk to him outside Kyle’s house to become friends with him.
Mr. Kim: Go to City Wok and complete Mr. Kim’s side-quest to become friends with him.
Mr. Mackey: Successfully complete his side-quest to become friends with him.
Mr. Slave: Successfully complete his side-quest to become friends with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Hankey: Successfully complete their side-quest to become friends with them.
Mr. and Mrs. McCormik: Talk to Mr. McCormik standing outside the bar to become friend with him. After you have cleared out the Meth Tweakers, Talk to Mrs. McCormik in Kenny’s house to become friends with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Stoch: Go inside Stoch’s house to become friends with both her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Tweak: Buy the Ultra Speed Potion to become friends with them.
Mrs. Biggle: Talk to her outside the Post Office on a bench to become friends with her.
Mrs. Cartman: After leaving the Kupa Keep, go inside Cartman’s house to become friends with his mom.
Mrs. Marsh: Buy some items from her to become friends.
Officer Barbrady: Talk to him outside Tom’s Rhinoplasty to become friends with him.
Pete: Go to Clyde’s garage, and climb up the latter to find him. Talk to him to become friends.
Polly Prissy Pants: After you have become friends with Cartman, go to Cartman’s room to become friends with her.
Quaid: During the “Hide And Seek” side-quest (found at the bank), go to the Sewers to find him. Talk to him to become friends.
Romper Stomper: Free this prisoner from a cell in the Police Station to become friends with him. The key to the cell can be found inside a locker in the Police Station.
Sally: During the “Hide And Seek” side-quest (found at the bank), go outside Mr. Slave’s house to find her. Talk to her to become friends.
Santa: Go to the rooftop of the Police Station to become friends with Santa.
Scott Malkinson: Go to Kupa Keep during the opening quest to become friends with him.
Shelly Marsh: Successfully complete Stan’s side-quest, then talk to Shelly to become friends with her.
Timmy: Unlock all waypoints, then talk to Timmy to become friends with him.
Tweek and Token: You become friends with them both during the main storyline.
Underpants Gnome: Successfully complete his side-quest to become friends with him.
Yates: Once the Nazi Zombies are in your town, talk to Yates, and complete his side-quest to become friends with him.
Alternate ending
Defeat Craig, then let your friends into the castle. Enter the middle hallway, and a cutscene will begin where you are tasked with shrinking yourself and going up Mr. Slave’s butt. After the cutscene ends, simply leave the room to get an alternate ending.
Secret Boss fight
After being abducted onto the UFO, there will be audio logs scattered throughout the ship. Listen to all the audio logs to unlock a secret Boss fight called “Roshambo” (Alien Conspiracy Hobo) at the end of the quest.
Canadian Sex Easter Egg
When entering Canada, go straight, and enter Ottawa. While in Ottawa, enter the house on the left. There will be stairs in the bottom right of the house. Go down the stairs to find a Canadian couple having sex. The guy will yell an expletive at you, and then you will be kicked out of the bedroom and not able to enter it again. In RPG games, your character normally walks into peoples houses unannounced. The game is obviously making fun of this happening in RPG games.
BioShock and Dead Space reference
After being abducted onto the UFO, there will be audio logs scattered throughout the ship. The audio log contents make fun of video games that use audio logs to tell stories. The most notable games are BioShock and Dead Space that use audio logs to further the story.
Emmy Awards reference
The creators of South Park (Trey Parker and Matt Stone) made numerous jokes about losing Emmys to The Simpsons and other shows for the first seven years of South Park . South Park finally won an Emmy Award in 2005 for “Best Friends Forever”. They won three more in 2007 for “Make Love, Not Warcraft”, 2008 for One Hour Programming for “Imaginationland”, and 2009 for “Margaritaville”. In the game, Trey Parker and Matt Stone give you an idea of where they put those prestigious awards after waiting seven years to win them. You can find four Emmys located in the sewer vents from someone flushing them down the toilet.
Tom Cruise reference
Go to Stan’s house, and enter his room upstairs. Try opening the door to his closet on the left, and someone will shut the door and say “I’m never coming out.” This is a reference to the “Won’t Come Out Of The Closet” episode in Season 9, where Tom Cruise refuses to come out of Stan’s closet.
Easy “Are We Cool?” trophy
Choose the “Jew” class, then talk to Priest Maxi outside City Hall, sitting on a bench to the left of the path. He will tell you to find Jesus. Go two screens to the left to reach the church. Enter the church to find Jesus hiding behind some chairs in the middle of the church, on the right. Return to Priest Maxi, and you will be tasked with finding Jesus again. Go back to the church, and turn off the lights to the right of the podium. Then, you will see Jesus’ shadow on the wall. Go to the podium to find him again and get the “Are We Cool?” trophy.
Easy “Heisenberg” trophy
First, obtain the “Evil Cartman Goatee” at Cartman’s house in the first drawer to your right. Next, obtain the “Bald Cap” in the Police Station. Enter the Police Station, and go upstairs. Go left, and climb up the boxes to your right. Shoot down the shelf, and enter the ventilation shaft. Exit the ventilation shaft, and climb down the ladder. Open the second to last locker to obtain the “Jail Cell Key”. Go back down stairs, and walk straight to the jail cells. Open the right jail cell, and search the bag to get the “Bald Cap” item. Go to your inventory, and put on the “Bald Cap” and “Evil Cartman Goatee”. Then, go to Tweek Bros. Coffee to start the “Hot Coffee” quest. Successfully complete the “Hot Coffee” quest with the “Bald Cap” and “Evil Cartman Goatee” equipped to get the “Heisenberg” trophy.
Easy “Just Saying Hi” trophy
Fart on Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, Butters, and Jimmy to get the “Just Saying Hi” trophy. It only counts if you fart on them when they are your selected partners, and not as characters in the overworld.
Easy “Perverted” trophy
During the “Defeat The Underpants Gnomes” quest in the main storyline, enter the mouse hole to chase after the Underpants Gnome. Navigate the space between the bedroom walls to catch up with the gnome. After crossing your parents’ dresser, and before confronting the gnome, stare at your parents having sex for 60 seconds to get the “Perverted” trophy.
Easy “Too Far” trophy
Once Randy’s abortion is finished on your third day in South Park, the green ooze will turn the fetuses into Nazi Zombies. They will be hostile when encountered. Defeat one group of them, then fart after the fight ends to get the “Too Far” trophy.
Easy “Truth To Power” trophy
To get the “Truth To Power” trophy, you must fart on the Mayor, Priest, Principal, and Prime Minister of Canada. You can find them at the following locations:
- Mayor McDaniels: She is inside City Hall, sitting at the desk in her office.
- Priest Maxi: He is outside City Hall, sitting on a bench to the left of the path.
- Prime Minister of Canada: While in Canada, enter the cave halfway between Ottawa and Winnipeg. He will be on the left side of the screen after entering the cave. Note: Fart on him before talking to him. Once you speak to him, he will permanently disappear.
- Principal Victoria: She is inside the Community Center, in the upper left corner of town.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- South Park: The Stick of Truth Platinum Trophy (Platinum): Collected all South Park: The Stick of Truth trophies.
- New Kid On The Block (Bronze): You have joined the KKK.
- First Day in South Park (Bronze): You completed your first day in South Park.
- Gingivitis (Bronze): Gingers have bitten you 3 times without you blocking.
- Day Walker (Bronze): You defeated the Boss Hall Monitor while wearing freckles.
- Made This for You (Bronze): You flung a turd of your own creation at an enemy.
- Are We Cool? (Bronze): You found Jesus while playing as a Jew.
- Parkeologist (Bronze): You opened all of the garages in South Park.
- For the Hoarder (Bronze): You completed the game without selling any items.
- Truth to Power (Bronze): You farted on four major authority figures.
- Irritable Bowels (Bronze): You shat your pants during a boss battle.
- Dog Whistle (Bronze): You’ve farted on a dog while in gnome form.
- Dragon Wrath (Bronze): You knocked out 3 or more enemies with a single fart outside of battle.
- Just Saying Hi (Bronze): You’ve farted on every buddy in the game.
- Re-Buttal (Bronze): You interrupted 5 channel attacks by using a fart.
- Heisenberg (Bronze): You defeated the Meth Tweekers while wearing the Evil Cartman goatee and bald cap.
- Shutout (Bronze): You successfully blocked every enemy attack in a single (non-tutorial) battle.
- Stay Down (Bronze): You farted on 10 enemies in the world that were knocked out.
- Avenger (Bronze): You defeated 3 enemies in one battle while your buddy was knocked out.
- No Child Left Behind (Bronze): You completed the game and never ended a battle with your buddy knocked out.
- Poco Chinpoko (Bronze): You collected 5 Chinpokomon.
- Chinpoko loco (Silver): You collected 15 Chinpokomon.
- Chinpokolypse (Gold): You collected all of the Chinpokomon.
- Daddy Issues (Bronze): You befriended your father.
- More Popular Than Jesus (Silver): You made friends with half of South Park.
- More Popular Than John Lennon (Gold): Everyone in South Park is your friend.
- Junk Peddler (Bronze): You sold 300 junk items.
- Ass of Fire (Bronze): You defeated 20 enemies using Cartman’s Ass.
- Canadian Handshake (Bronze): You’ve farted on people 100 times.
- Animal Cruelty (Bronze): You’ve farted on animals 25 times.
- Pulling Mud (Bronze): In three separate battles, you’ve taken a shit in your pants.
- Shopaholic (Bronze): You have collected half of the available costume sets.
- Clothes Whore (Gold): You’ve collected all of the available costumes.
- Friends in Strange Places (Bronze): You befriended both crab people and gnomes.
- Weapon Proficiency (Bronze): Over the course of the game, you’ve scored 100 perfect attacks.
- Skilled Defender (Bronze): Over the course of the game, you’ve blocked 100 attacks.
- You bastards! (Bronze): You’ve let Kenny die in combat 10 times over the course of the game.
- Mastery (Bronze): You’ve unlocked all of the upgrades for a New Kid ability.
- Make it Rain! (Bronze): You’ve spent $500.
- Full Arsenal (Bronze): You own all the weapons and costumes available in the game.
Additionally, there are 11 secret trophies:
- KKK Hero (Silver): You defeated the High Jew Elf Kyle in battle.
- Elven Hero (Silver): You defeated the Grand Wizard Cartman in battle.
- Nonconformist (Bronze): You befriended the Goths, like everyone else playing this game.
- Inside Joke (Bronze): While inside Mr. Slave, you summoned Mr. Slave.
- Face Hoff (Bronze): You defeated Princess Kenny while looking like David Hasselhoff.
- Acceptance (Bronze): You accepted your fate and chose the name Douchebag yourself.
- Two Girls, One Stick (Bronze): You defeated Princess Kenny in your girl makeover disguise.
- Outpatient (Bronze): You defeated Princess Kenny while living with Dire AIDS.
- Perverted (Bronze): You watched your parents have sex for 60 seconds.
- Stick Savior (Silver): You defeated Princess Kenny and recovered the Stick of Truth.
- Too Far (Bronze): You farted on the corpse of an aborted Nazi Zombie fetus.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.