



Assassin’s Creed Unity Delayed until November 11

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Assassin’s Creed Unity Delayed until November 11

As detailed on Ubisoft’s official blog on Thursday, August 28, the upcoming addition to the Assassin’s Creed franchise, Assassin’s Creed Unity , has been delayed by two weeks from its original release date to Tuesday, November 11.

Due to the amount of effort needed for the development of Assassin’s Creed Unity , Ubisoft thought it’d be best to push the release of the game back a little bit in order to iron out all that needs to be ironed out.

This being a fully next-gen game, it requires a lot of work, a lot of production, and a lot of learning, Assassin’s Creed Unity’s senior producer Vincent Pontbriand said. “ It’s always hard to be precise and to quantify exactly how much work is involved. So as we get close to the finish we often realize we’re near the target but we’re not quite there yet.

Assassin’s Creed Unity’s delay is also due in part to Ubisoft working to adjust to new technology, which is what the Assassin’s Creed game is being developed with. Building the game around Microsoft’s Xbox One and Sony’s PlayStation 4 was also a contributing factor, as Ubisoft are still learning how to get the most out of each console.

We rebuilt most of the systems, ” Pontbriand continued. “ Sometimes to improve the experience. Sometimes to improve the gameplay itself. Sometimes to reskin it, to make it look fresh all over again. Or sometimes because we had to make everything online-compatible.

And AC is a huge open-world game. We have thousands of NPCs on screen. We have more depth in the types of AI we’ve built. The graphics are spectacular, ” he added. “ The processes are way more complex. Which makes it exponentially harder to grasp everything than it was in the previous generation.

Assassin’s Creed Unity was announced back in March , and posters depicting pre-order bonuses were leaked a few months ago. The game was originally slated to release worldwide on Tuesday, October 28 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Ubisoft has also reassured that it’s trying not to delay the game’s PC release .

We’ll bring you more news on Assassin’s Creed Unity should further information reach our ears.

[ Ubi.Blog ]

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