



Assassin’s Creed Fans And Writers Make Encyclopedia

Assassin’s Creed Fans And Writers Make Encyclopedia


When a game’s back story needs an encyclopedia to be understood, it’s either really bad or really good. Since the game in question is Assassin’s Creed, I’ll place my bet on “really good.”

Here’s the story: Ubisoft originally wanted to make a book that featured all the great art from every Assassin’s Creed game in order to build up hype for the release of Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. Pieces of art would be accompanied by short story blurbs. However, the back story for Assassin’s Creed is so complicated—and, more importantly, so interesting—that the book just kept growing and growing beyond the scope of an art book into a full-fledged encyclopedia.

Ubisoft is bringing in prominent writers from the Assassin’s Creed community to work with the game writers themselves in order to complete the book, which will now cover every in-game character, place, and story, and will add brand new elements to the meta-plot that no one has seen before. The encyclopedia will be available in two different versions. The Black Edition will come with the Animus edition of Assassin’s Creed, while the White Edition is a standalone item. You can pre-order your encyclopedia from the Ubisoft store right now.

Caution, this encyclopedia does contain spoilers…

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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