



Battlefield 4 Beta Now Open

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Battlefield 4 Beta Now Open

If you want to get a head start on your Battlefield 4 career, you are in luck. The Battlefield 4 beta is now open to all gamers. Originally, the beta was open only to anyone who preordered the Battlefield 4 PC Digital Deluxe Edition , Battlefield 3 Premium members, and owners of Metal of Honor: Warfighter Limited or Digital Deluxe Edition . Now the beta is open to all Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC players. The beta allows players to play one stage, the “Siege of Shanghai,” in either Conquest or Domination mode.

Battlefield 4 will be launching on October 29 th for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions should be available at console launch. Anyone who purchases a current-generation version can upgrade to the next-generation version for a ten-dollar upgrade fee. We will bring you more news on the release of Battlefield 4 , and its beta, as it becomes available.

Source: Gamespot

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