



Bethesda ‘Hard At Work’ To Make Dragonborn Available On PC and PS3 In 2013

Bethesda ‘Hard At Work’ To Make Dragonborn Available On PC and PS3 In 2013

For those of you who picked up Skyrim on a PlayStation 3 or PC, Bethesda can feel your pain. They’re working hard to get the new Dragonborn DLC to you guys. Extremely hard .

While Bethesda is keen on getting all of the Skyrim DLC over to the PS3 at some point, they’ve turned their attention to Dragonborn in particular. “We’re hard at work to make this content available early next year on PS3 and PC,” says the Bethesda Blog . “On PS3 in particular, we turned our attention to Dragonborn, as we thought it was the best content to release first, and we didn’t want folks to wait longer. Once it’s ready to go for everyone, we’ll continue our previous work on Hearthfire and Dawnguard for PS3.”

Bethesda continued to elaborate, saying “Each one takes a lot of time and attention to work well in all circumstances and all combinations of DLC. Once we have a better idea of release timing and pricing, we’ll let you know.”

The relationship between PS3 owners and Elder Scrolls V: Skryim hasn’t exactly been smooth. The game has seen its fair share of bugs on the Sony console, as well as a 30-day wait for DLC compared to the Xbox 360 version. But that wait has been made longer due to development issues. It’s nice that Bethesda is reaching out to PS3 owners, but fans probably won’t be entirely happy until they get their hands on the DLC.

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