



Black Ops 3’s Secret Campaign is Better Than the Main Story

Black Ops 3’s Secret Campaign is Better Than the Main Story

We’re still awaiting the results of some highly scientific, empirical research, but every indication so far seems to confirm what we’ve suspected all along: zombies make everything better. Which would you rather read: Wuthering Heights , or Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (yes that’s a thing)? Which would you rather watch: The Terminal , or Shaun of the Dead ? Do you see where I’m going with this? Treyarch had this revelation early on, and zombies have been a major component in its most popular games, but have never starred in a main campaign; until now.

It turns out that after you beat the main campaign in Black Ops 3, you can unlock a new mode called “Nightmares.” In Nightmares you’ll be playing back through the original campaign missions, but enemies have been replaced by zombies and the story revolves around a more generic zombie infection scenario that honestly looks way more fun than the vanilla campaign that GameStop reviewer Mike Mahardy calls “a chore.”

Source: VentureBeat

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