



Chaotic: Shadow Warriors Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Chaotic: Shadow Warriors Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Chaotic: Shadow Warriors



Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Apprentice Battlegear Collector (Bronze): Found 10 different Battlegear items.
    Apprentice Creature Collector (Bronze): Added 10 different Creatures to the Creature Pool.
    Apprentice Creature Curator (Silver): Added 30 different Creatures to the Creature Pool.
    Apprentice Mugic Collector (Bronze): Added 10 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool.
    Apprentice Mugic Curator (Silver): Added 25 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool.
    Apprentice online player (Silver): Won 20 Ranked battles.
    Battlegear Curator (Silver): Found 30 different Battlegear items.
    Creature Curator (Gold): Found all the different Creatures in the game.
    Creature Ruler (Gold): Defeated all the Creatures in Story Mode.
    Defeated Shadow Takinom (Silver): Defeated the Shadow Takinom army in Fear Valley.
    Found Maxxor (Silver): Found Maxxor in Gigantempopolis.
    Game Over (Gold): Finished the game in Story Mode.
    Into the Gothos Tower (Silver): Found the way into the Gothos Tower.
    Master Creature Collector (Bronze): Added 15 different Creatures to the Creature Pool.
    Master Mugic Collector (Bronze): Added 15 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool.
    Master online player (Silver): Won 30 Ranked battles.
    Mugic Curator (Silver): Found all the different Mugic spells in the game.
    No Secret (Gold): Found all the secret locations in the game.
    Novice Creature Collector (Bronze): Added 5 different Creatures to the Creature Pool.
    Novice Mugic Collector (Bronze): Added 5 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool.
    Novice online player (Silver): Won 10 Ranked battles.
    Online Ruler (Gold): Won 50 Ranked battles.
    Pro Battlegear Collector (Bronze): Found 20 different Battlegear items.
    Pro Creature Collector (Bronze): Added 20 different Creatures to the Creature Pool.
    Pro Mugic Collector (Bronze): Added 20 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool.
    Ruler of them all (Platinum): Collect all of the Chaotic: Shadow Warriors Trophies.
    The Break Out (Silver): Break out of the Prison Cell in Mount Pillar.
    Tribe Collector (Gold): Scanned and refined at least one Creature from every Tribe.
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